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Broker Bulletin

February 1, 2024

Personal Lines

Contact PL system updates: Easier access to Notes

Starting February 5, 2024, you will have easier access to the Notes page, directly from the Search Results screen. Simply click on the Policy Action menu, then select Notes from the dropdown list.

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Customers can soon download the Intact Insurance App with a QR code

We are making it easier for your customers to connect with you and access their information. A QR code will soon be available on the back of their liability slips to download the Intact Insurance App. 

Customers can register with their email.

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Commercial Lines & Specialty Solutions

Changes to ordering commercial MVRs

On March 4, 2024, we’re implementing a new process when ordering commercial Motor Vehicle Reports (MVRs) to ensure it’s under the correct circumstances and in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

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Renewal released early for Privacy Breach product changes

On September 28, 2023, we sent a broker bulletin communicating changes to our Privacy Breach products (form E127/E127N), which were updated to include new exclusions for War, State-Sponsored Activity, Hostile Cyber Activity, Economic Sanctions which excludes coverage for all means, methods, and techniques of war.  


Due to a system error, some customers with renewal effective dates between November 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, received the updated wording earlier than the January 1, 2024, renewal effective date.

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