New Space,

Same Great Team

Get the champagne ready…

We’re moving back to Portland! As of Friday, September 15th, we’re calling 75 West Commercial Street, Suite 202 home. All of our contact information remains the same!

Many of you may remember that we moved from our longtime 1290 Congress Street location to Fundy Road in Falmouth six years ago. Time certainly flies. Both the agency and marketing world as a whole have witnessed a lot of change since 2017, including many new faces joining our team these past few years. 

We’re thrilled to head back to the big city and make new memories in this new space. We look forward to sharing it with all of you, too. 

Details regarding an open house celebration will be forthcoming—keep an eye out for information via email and on our social media channels. 

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Farewell to Summer

We hope you had a fun and restful summer… in between the raindrops! From sunrises on the beach to scenic mountain hikes, we’re incredibly lucky to call Maine home — particularly during the warmer months. 

When the team here wasn’t out and about enjoying summer activities, we were busy working on a number of client projects. A few of the highlights include:

  • Launching a digital campaign with banner ads to reach potential new patients for our newest client – Dr. Scott Marr from Limber in Falmouth
  • Creating Medical Mutual’s latest newsletter announcing and welcoming their new CEO, who starts this fall
  • Several campaigns that will launch in the coming weeks/months. We can’t share the details just yet, but stay tuned!

New Hardware for

the New Digs

We’re proud to announce that Burgess has been selected as a winner in several categories of the 29th Annual Communicator Awards! We received four awards for marketing initiatives that we produced for clients in 2022. The Communicators, which are administered by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, recognize creative excellence from communications professionals across the globe. Over 3,000 entries were submitted this year. 

We’re thrilled to share recognition for the following initiatives:

Sincere thanks to the AIVA for this recognition and to our client partners who allow us to do this rewarding work. We’re incredibly grateful.


If the earlier sunsets aren’t enough of an indication, surely the aroma of pumpkin spice everything is—fall has arrived!

As vacation season wraps up and we all settle back into our routines at school and work, you may be thinking it’s the right time to tackle those marketing projects you’ve been putting off as well as planning for 2024.

Or perhaps your business needs something a bit more involved—a complete brand-refresh as we move all-too-quickly toward the start of a new year. 

Either way, allow us to help. 

Through The Eurekafy MethodTM, we’re helping clients discover—or in some cases, re-discover—their brand essence to transform their marketing. It’s our signature process designed to identify an authentic, strategic position that sets any brand apart from the competition in a powerful, meaningful way. 

Why EurekafyTM? Because our strategic exercise produces a unique, compelling position, often revealed in an “aha” or “eureka” moment as a result of our comprehensive analysis. We’ll work with you to bring that winning brand position to life with compelling creative that connects with your audience at key moments of influence to create the change, impact and results you’re seeking.

Sound like something your company could benefit from? We’d love to chat.

If you’re looking for something more specific, there’s a good chance we can help with that too. 

From digital capabilities that are unmatched in Maine—we’re talking precision audience targeting that stretches marketing dollars and results in minimal waste—to more traditional tactics, such as captivating TV and radio spots, our team has the experience and knowledge to realize your marketing goals.

If you’re thinking about any kind of new marketing initiative, don’t hesitate to call or email me at:

(207) 775-5227

(ext. 404)

[email protected]

Ask the Team: What’s your favorite way to spend a fall afternoon?


Outside enjoying the crisp clear Maine fall air!


Exploring a new hiking or biking trail with my wife, or just hanging with friends outdoors somewhere.


Fall festivals galore!


Taking a walk around the lake near my house and cozying up with a good book/movie!


Relaxing in the garden


Watching football with a craft cider in hand and chili in the crockpot