Sunday, November 13th, 2016
 at 10:15 am - 11:45 am, Dave will be presenting : 
"Stimulation Technologies (AVE, CES and tDCS)
Essential Tools for Neuropsychology"

During the MSBMB Conference in Grand Rapids, MI Nov 12 -13, 2016

Marissa Ponich 
Women's Sabre Fencing
National Team

From her testimonial about improving her sports performance using a DAVID Delight

 "Using AVE, I have noticed that I am more focused and confident both in fencing and in my personal life. I also worry and stress much less than I used to. I have also noticed that it has helped improve my relationships. I used to have problems sleeping, but now I rarely have any trouble falling asleep at night."



Quote by Amy Myers, MD, author of  "The Thyroid Connection" and  "The Autoimmune Solution"
" My DAVID Delight is one of my favorite tools for stress relief , and it was a lifesaver for me while I was writing the book! It uses audio-visual patterns to induce a hypnotic state of relaxation, and has been proven to help with stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD, low mood, pain, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and academic and sports performances!"

Amy Myers, MD was live on Facebook Oct 3, 2016 in New York and she said: "I brought my DAVID Delight with me to calm me down" 

Neuroplasticity Meetup

Dave lectured about neuroplasticity and how to recover the brain from concussion using Audio-Visual Entrainment at a Brain Neuroplasticity Meetup group in Calgary.


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Be Better With CES

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