A USA TODAY/Ipsos poll found that 60% of parents are “
” to homeschool their children this fall, with 30% saying they are “
very likely
” to do so. A separate survey found that 50% of public schoolteachers may not return this fall.
If Christians would seize this opportunity to initiate a mass exodus from sexularized, heretical inculcation of America’s youth by government-run bureaucrats, the collapse of public education is quite a realistic outcome.
Returning to the question how America got here, an additional answer came last week in the form of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece by Van Gordon Sauter. The former two-time president of CBS News, a forward-looking liberal, married to former California Treasurer Kathleen Brown, the sister and daughter of former California governors Jerry Brown and Pat Brown, provided an indictment of
“the ‘liberal leaning’ media” as having “passed its tipping point: A return to balance would be commercially unviable. The best solution may be an honest embrace of bias.
Unfortunately, his accurate analysis didn’t provide a proposal how to correct or repair the situation, so we will offer one:
With his thirty-year background in consulting, business and non-profit, Dr. Lance Wallnau puts the matter in perspective:
“Listen, you guys who are Christians have an insider advantage on all of this chaos because there’s a system to how the world works.
“We wrestle not with flesh and blood but principalities and powers. That doesn’t mean that people aren’t involved, it means that there are devils and demons working through people, behind people, and energizing systems. What Christians have never really understood, because we think that everything can be solved with a local church, a conversion, and the Gospel being preached ... well, it doesn’t work that way. Because at some point China was taken over by the Mao Revolution and [they] killed all the Christians; same thing with Stalin.
“Now we’ve got enough churches, and enough Christian television and Christian books, TBN, DayStar …
it’s not as though we don’t have enough talking
, it’s just that we have very little impact. If you want to be very honest about it, the LGBTQ crowd, the race organizations, the ‘Borderless-America’ organizations, the anti-Israel organizations, they’ve done a better job of making disciples than Christians have, because we’re just kind of holding our own and the other groups are converting.
“They’re institutional, they’re academia, they are in media, they are in Hollywood, they’re in government, in the Courts, in law, and if we’re not careful they are going to be in church, taking over what you can say and when you can say it.”
In summary, Wallnau’s assessment comes down to Jesus’ Kingdom assignment as found in Matthew 16:18, His ekklesia, involving societal transformation as the major thrust of the Great Commission to disciple nations.
Two distinct religions are vying for control of America’s public square: eternal and immutable Christianity versus transient and mutable secularism. What’s happening is spiritual - two distinct religions cannot coexist as one will ultimately end in the destruction of the other.
God be praised that Gideons and Rahabs are entering the public square in the form of elected officials to local office: city council, school board, parks and recreation, and so on. This way, societal transformation will occur over the next 20 to 30 years as Christians begin to take their stand as Jesus' ekklesia.
David Lane
American Renewal Project
1. pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/jeff-reynolds/2020/05/26/shock-poll-most-parents-likely-to-homeschool-in-the-fall-many-teachers-wont-return-n431202
2. www.wsj.com/articles/the-liberal-leaning-media-has-passed-its-tipping-point-11590430876