Regathering Changes Approved by Vestry
The clergy, vestry, and health advisory officers of Eastern Shore Chapel met on Tuesday, May 25 to determine protocol for public worship and other aspects of parish life since the recent loosening of restrictions by both Governor Northam and Bishop Susan Haynes. Below is a list of procedural items agreed upon by the group. This protocol is effective beginning Sunday, May 28.

  1. Reservations for services are no longer needed.
  2. Taking temperatures of individuals will be discontinued.
  3. Disinfection will be done between the 8am and 10:30 am services. (Reminder: 8 AM Rite I services begin on Sunday, June 6)
  4. Hand sanitizers will be available at entrances.
  1. Exchange of the Peace will be without contact (no handshaking, hugging)
  2. Entrance and egress doors will be by personal choice
  3. Transepts will be designated for those preferring more distancing. 
  4. The bell choir will move to the balcony effective Thursday, May 27.
  5. Communion will continue in the pews with individually packaged kits.
  6. No coffee hour, or summer breakfast cooking for now.
  7. All serving, distribution and collection functions will be performed
  8. with mask and gloves.
  9. Offering collection will continue as is.
  10. Children’s summer service program (on 1st and 3rd Sundays) will be outdoors when possible.
  11. Protocol for Christian Formation activities will be determined in the near future.
  1. Masks are optional for all.
  2. Those who are not immunized are advised to wear a mask.
  3. Parents make the mask decision for their children.
  4. Wearing of masks does not imply lack of immunization.
  1. No congregational singing will be permitted at the 8 am Rite I service. 
  2. Congregational and choir singing at the 10:30 AM Rite II service
  3. will be “masks optional,” as an individual choice.
Join flag planting this Sunday, May 30

Immediately following our 10:30am Rite II service, a brief memorial service for those who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11 will be held outside in front of the church. As in previous years, volunteers are invited to assist with planting the 7,038 flags in the lawn. We are still asking volunteers to register for a time slot to ensure there is enough participation. Time slots begin at 8am that morning and continue throughout the day. It is recommended that volunteers bring gloves, screwdrivers, or a tool to assist with getting the flags into the ground. We want to thank those who have dedicated their time and energy to this community outreach, honoring those who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country.

Summer Children’s Worship Begins June 6
One of ESC’s favorite daughters is returning to the parish this summer in a new leadership role. Haley Brown will be facilitating our Summer Children’s Worship (a vacation season twist on Children’s Chapel) during the 10:30 AM service on 1st and 3rd Sundays. Haley is a rising senior at VCU in Richmond. Her undergraduate major is Art Education, with minors in Psychology and Art History.

“We are excited to have Haley running a summer series of Children’s Chapel on the first and third Sundays in June, July and August,” says Family Formation Director Patti Glowatsky. “Families can expect the same service we have provided in the past, along with fun take-home crafts and songs for a summer feel.”

The schedule for Summer Children’s Worship is:
  • Sunday, June 6 @ 10:30 AM
  • Sunday, June 20 @ 10:30 AM
  • Sunday, July 4 @ 10:30 AM
  • Sunday, July 18 @ 10:30 AM
  • Sunday, August 1 @ 10:30 AM
  • Sunday, August 15 @ 10:30 AM
Delaney Brown Senior Recital at ESC on Sunday

Hello ESC! For those of you who are not familiar with me, my name is Delaney Brown and I have been a violinist for 14 years. I have played in various services over the course of my time at ESC and I have decided that before I go off to college, I would like to showcase some of my more complex works for the parish that has been such a large part of my life. I am going to have a Senior Recital on May 30 at 3 pm in the Church Sanctuary. If you would like to come please R.S.V.P. with Laurie Fox. The registration is just a precaution like the recent Sunday Services. I will play several solos and pieces accompanied by Holly Sunderland as well as a duet with my violin teacher, Megan Van Gomple. I love playing in the church and I love playing for you all! I hope you consider coming!
First Friday Men's Breakfast on June 4

Not THIS Friday - NEXT Friday! Join us on Friday, June 4, at 7:30 AM in the Parish Hall for First Friday Men's Breakfast. Depending on the Vestry Meeting Tuesday night we will have either ham and sausage biscuits OR fresh cooked scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit and biscuits! Imagine that! You don't want to miss it. We will be enjoying maskless fellowship if that is your choice! In addition to hearing about all of the happenings around the church and reading the lectionary for the following Sunday (Fr. Cameron will tell us which track we will be following) we will be organizing our cook teams! Oh my, haven't we all been waiting for that? Mark your calendar now - we'll all be made richer by your presence!
Become an Acolyte

The top 4 reasons to become an acolyte:
4. The red cassock makes a fashion statement.
3. Lighting candles is your favorite activity.
2. You get a guaranteed front row seat at services.
1. You want to serve God in a meaningful and reverent way.
If any of these reasons, but especially the last reason, connects with you, please consider becoming an acolyte.  Ages 12 and up (and that means adults, especially those home from college) are invited to take on this important ministry.  Please call, text or email Ellen Gallup (, 757-481-5897 or 757-650-9655) or Susan Buchanan (, 757-481-2595 or 757-646-0485). 
Join the Flower Guild

If anyone is interested in joining the ESC Flower Guild, we would be happy to share tips on arranging. With your help, we can continue the tradition of making our altar beautiful. Please contact: Boyd MacIver, 757 481-9234 (home), 757 291-4601 (mobile); or Charlotte Marriott, 757 481-3756 (home), 757 621-5760 (mobile). Thank you!
KAIROS Prison Ministry: ZOOM Reunions
By Lee Davis

It’s hard to imagine that there hasn’t been a Chaplain in Sussex II State Prison for over a year! Not because the Chaplain didn’t want to go … they wouldn’t allow him in. Another casualty of COVID. No one from the outside has been allowed in; no family, no friends, and no KAIROS volunteers. It’s hard to imagine.

The KAIROS team is a band of brothers bound together by the Holy Spirit. A very special bond develops when you pray together and we PRAY together. We love being together, serving together, and praying together.

We can’t have regular monthly reunions at the institution like we used to. We can’t meet with and pray with the residents like we used to. As an alternative, we have started having ZOOM reunions once a month. The sequence of the liturgy is placed in each pod in advance; residents who have been through a KAIROS weekend are invited to join in unison with us as we meet. It’s not ZOOM that holds us together but the Holy Spirt!

Team members on ZOOM take turns reading the prayers in the Freedom Guide (each KAIROS graduate is given one to keep in their cell). We read a Gospel lesson, we offer intercessory prayers and we give thanks for the blessings that God has showered on us.
When we are able to visit the institution it is our practice at the end of the day to stand boldly in a circle at the entrance to the prison, hold hands and sing “Shirley” …

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel His mighty power and his grace
I can feel the brush of angel’s wings
I see glory in each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

We close our ZOOM reunion with Shirley too; now it is proclaimed with gusto in our own homes!
Parish Book Store is open!

Beginning June 1, The Parish Book Store will be open Monday through Thursday from 10 to 2 as well as Sunday between services and after the 10:30 service. No need to call for an appointment! Come see what we have for grads, for dads, for children, FOR YOU! Also, be sure to check our "virtual shelves" at for the our newest recommendations. Books ordered there ship directly to you.
Parish Day School: Heading into the Summer
This week is our last week of preschool for the 2020-2021 school year! Our week has been filled with joy and laughter as we wrap up our curriculum activities and begin to prepare for summer! Our students have been learning about summer safety and talking, writing, and drawing about all they plan to do this summer. Click here to watch a very short video of some outdoor fun!

Each classroom will be hosting a celebration this week, as we are so proud of everything that the children accomplished! We are giving special attention to our Pre-K Fours as they are heading to Kindergarten in the Fall. As we shift to summer, we are sending you and our families all our love and blessing for an amazing new season.
Ongoing at ESC
Morning Prayer Opportunities
Every morning (except Sunday) Morning Prayer Rite II from the Daily Office (BCP page 75) is available live online via ZOOM. The routine of daily Morning Prayer is foundational; it starts your day with recognition of the blessings that/who surround us and leads us through prayers for the church and for the world. It is led by lay folk - no previous experience is necessary and everything needed is provided (that is except for you of course). ZOOM is opened for pre-prayer conversation around 7:00, the service begins promptly at 7:30 and is completed by 8:00. Thursday mornings you may attend in person in the narthex or ZOOM. Simply click here to join. This opportunity is open to all, and that means ALL! Try it, we will all be made richer by your presence.
Prayer Cards for Deployed Service Members
If you would like a prayer card sent to your deployed service member please contact Bill Hunter at or 757-402-6384. Please let Bill know if deployed military members have returned so that he can welcome them back and remove them from the deployed military prayer list. Sponsors should contact Bill with contact info for formerly deployed members.
Lawn Care Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers to help our teams maintain the grounds at ESC each week. Starting in April, we cut the grass and tend to the lawn weekly into the summer months. Volunteers are needed to assist on Friday late afternoon and early evening or on Saturday morning depending on which team you’re on. If you are interested in joining our dynamic Lawn Crew team, please contact Rod Gilmour by calling 757-613-0448 or email at Please consider sharing your time and talent by joining this important ministry!
The Chapel Chimes is distributed every Wednesday.
If you would like to submit an article to the Chapel Chimes email
please send an email to Ann Turner,,
with "CHIMES SUBMISSION" in the subject line.
Deadline is every Tuesday at 5 pm.