The Season of Creation:

September 1 - October 4, 2023

The Season of Creation, September 1st through October 4th, is celebrated by Christians around the world as a time for renewing, repairing and restoring our relationship to God, one another, and all of creation. The Episcopal Church joins this international effort for prayer and action for climate justice and an end to environmental racism and ecological destruction. The 2023 theme is Let Justice and Peace Flow. In celebrating the Season, we are invited to consider anew our ecological, economic, and political ways of living.

Join us for our first Adult forum on Sunday, September 17th  @9:15am in the parish hall, as guest speaker Christina Tripani shares on plastic alternatives that reduce pollution. 


Along with our Creation Care Committee, the Clergy at ESC are committed to protecting one of our greatest resources...trees ! With this in mind the decision has been made to return to prayer books and the trifold bulletin for our 8 am Rite I service starting on September 10.



Below are important dates and information from your Gifts of Gratitude Committee:

  • Spiritual Gifts training and assessments, a priest led study coming to Adult Forum on October 8th and 15th!


  •  Save the DATE for our first ever Gifts of Gratitude Friendsgiving Celebration and Dinner on Saturday, November 4th at 4 pm in the Parish Hall. Let us know if you are interested in volunteering for this fun filled event! You can email Patti Frankenfield at pffranke@gmail.com


  •  Take a look in the narthex for the NEW 2023 pledge cards, showing opportunities for service, sharing your time and talents. We are encouraging all, if you have not made a pledge for this year, there are opportunities outlined for giving as well. 


Would you like more information about the Gifts of Gratitude Committee? Please contact Patti Frankenfield at pffranke@gmail.com.

Parish Day School Starts New

School Year!

This week is our first week of school at Parish Day School! We welcomed new and returning families to our campus. We are so thankful for our wonderful teaching team that is introducing the STREAMin3 curriculum to our classrooms.

STREAMin3 (https://streamin3.org/) was brought to us by the Virginia Department of Education in partnership with The Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) at University of Virginia. This curriculum blends seamlessly with our focus academics, learning through play, and social emotional learning. 

KAIROS Is Recruiting!

KAIROS #20 at Sussex II State Prison is ON! It’s going to happen October 26 – 29. Training dates are Sept. 9, and 23, Oct. 7, 21, and 25. Please, if you have an interest in being involved pick up an “Opportunities to Serve” brochure in the narthex. We always need team members, prayer partners, cookie bakers and financial supporters. Speak with any member of the KAIROS team (Don MacEachern, Craig Fenton, John Baldwin+, Chris Picking, Harold Williams, Dennis Glowatsky) or contact Lee Davis at CLeeDavis3@gmail.com

Jesus told us pretty clearly that he wanted us to visit the prisoner in Matthew 25:31- 46. Not everyone can go into prison but there are plenty of other ways to help.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration!


The September First Friday Men's Breakfast has been rescheduled for Friday, September 8th, making it the September First Second Friday Men's Breakfast! Questions? Contact Lee Davis at cleedavis3@gmail.com.


Order yours starting September 11!

The Peanut Group will begin to cook peanuts again beginning October 16 through November 20, 2023. It is a short season, so for those of you who want to order for Christmas, get your orders in early! Call or stop by the church office to place your order; 757-428-6763, Mon - Fri, 9 am to 5 pm.

Be Part of the Inaugural

"Lunch Bunch" Group

The first meeting will be September 14 from 11 to 1 in the Parish Hall. Bring your lunch for fellowship and diaper counting and wrapping for the Crisis Nursery and Chapel Pantry. Drinks and cookies will be provided. 


Those in attendance will decide on the format of our future gatherings, so come and be part of the "action." Contact Susan Buchanan, 481-2595, for more information.


SEPTEMBER 17, 2023

Acolyte & Usher training for all acolytes, new and current, and Ushers, new and current, will be Sept. 17 after the 10:30 service beginning with lunch in the Parish Hall followed by hands-on training in the church with Fr. Shawn and Rev. Melody. Contact Ellen Gallup (757-650-9655) or Susan Buchanan (757-646-0485) for more information.

Friday, September 1, PDS Closed.

Sunday, September 3, Altar Tour after 10:30 am service, Narthex.

Monday, September 4, Church offices and PDS Closed for Labor Day.

Wednesday, September 6, ESC Ringers rehearsal, 6 pm, Sanctuary.

Thursday, September 7, Parish Choir rehearsal, 7 pm, Choir room.

Friday, September 8, First Friday Men's Breakfast, 7:30 am, Parish Hall.

Sunday September 10, Sunday School Kick-Off, 9:15 am, Parish Hall.

Sunday, September 10, Youth Pool Party, 4 pm, see Molly Vaughn or Rev. Melody for details.

Wednesday, September 13, Children's Music Experience (CME), 5 pm, Choir room.

Thursday, September 14, Lunch Bunch, 11 am, Parish Hall.

Sunday, September 17, Acolyte & Usher Training, after the 10:30 am service.

Sunday, October 1, Blessing of the Animals, 4 pm, Outdoor Chapel.

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