Winter Shelter begins TODAY!!
January 31 - February 7
How can you help?
  • Donations of socks, hats and gloves will be collected through January. Small toiletries are much appreciated too! Collection bins are available in the church on Sundays throughout January.
  • Donations of bottled water are needed. Those can be dropped off on a cart marked for Winter Shelter in the kitchen at church beginning Jan. 21. 
  • Donations of small snack items and fresh fruit are also appreciated. PLEASE DO NOT bring apples! Other fruits like bananas, oranges and grapes are all good for our guests. Those can be dropped off in the kitchen at church starting Jan. 28.
  • If you, your family or friends are interested in joining in to help contribute, serve or clean up after a meal, all are welcome!  Please text Scott Darnell @ 757-714-4766 or email [email protected] and he can connect you with the person leading the meal that day.
  • Any questions about the collection of items, call or text Patti Frankenfield at 757-650-6255.

Extra Hands are Always needed and appreciated throughout the week of Winter Shelter

Join us tonight, Wednesday, January 31 @ 7:15 pm for a PiN Ministry Service for Winter Shelter guests, parishioners, and friends in the Sanctuary!

First Sunday History Tour This Sunday!

This Sunday, Feb. 4, we will offer our history tour focusing on the stained glass windows. This will be our only window tour of 2024 and Craig Fenton will be our guide.

Our windows came from two different centuries and reflect ESC's growth and transition. We will also explore the style and symbolism of their designs. There are some surprising stories behind the names on the windows that tell of the power of memorials.

The tour will start in the Narthex following the 10:30 am service. 


March 3 - Architecture.  This will be the debut of a tour focused on the architecture and architect of ESC. 

April 7 - Communion Silver. Marty LaGiglia will be bringing back the very popular 2023 tour that focuses on the history of our Communion Silver. This touches on the wealth and practices of 18th century colonial churches, protection during war, and the beautiful stories of the people behind the Communion Silver sets we use at different times of the year. This is the only opportunity this year to study the 18th and 20th century sets together. 

Questions? Please contact Susan Flye @ [email protected], or call 757-377-4118

News from the Vestry

At its meeting on January 23, the Vestry approved the final ESC operating budget for 2024 with expenditures of $1,074,920. A copy of the budget will be posted on the Vestry board in the administrative hallway and will be presented at our Annual Parish Meeting on February 25. Your pledged giving is the primary source of income for this budget.

We are grateful to all those who have made their financial commitments/pledges to Eastern Shore Chapel for 2024. As of this week, we have received 159 pledges for $774,700. Almost 60% of you have increased your financial commitment over your pledge from last year or have made a financial commitment to ESC for the very first time! By supporting our operating budget, you are supporting Christ’s ministry at ESC today and helping us build our programs for the future. Thank you for being a part of this ministry.

If you have not yet made your financial commitment for 2024, please know it is not too late and your giving, not matter how large or small, will make a difference as we work to meet our budgetary needs. There are pledge cards available in the front of the church or the church office or you can simply email your 2024 financial commitment to our Financial Administrator, Bob Suter [email protected].

Thanks to all of you for your love, devotion, and support of Eastern Shore Chapel.

This Coming Sunday is Almoner's Sunday!

The first Sunday of each month is deemed "Almoner's Sunday". On this Sunday all loose offerings that are not designated will go to the Almoner's Fund which allows us to offer financial aid to those in our community who are struggling financially. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Where is God calling YOU to serve in 2024 at Eastern Shore Chapel? 

As we begin 2024, we hope you have been prayerfully considering where God might be leading you to serve at Eastern Shore Chapel. There truly is a ministry opportunity for everyone! There are small tasks and big ones, short commitments and long ones, you decide what works best for you! Try something out and see if it fits. You might find your new passion! Use the link here to review the many opportunities, and then let us know you are ready to pledge your time and talent at ESC. 

Questions and interests can be emailed to Patti Frankenfield at [email protected] and you will be put in touch with the appropriated ministry chair. THANK YOU for giving this prayerful consideration! 

Lunch Bunch!

The Lunch Bunch has diapers to count and bag! So join us on Thursday, February 8 because we have work to do! Bring a bag lunch and after our work we will have time for lunch and fellowship. Drinks and cookies will be provided!

Purchase frozen quarts of homemade soup made by the Women of Eastern Shore Chapel at our annual fundraiser on Sunday, February 11. Come to the church kitchen between services or after the 10:30 service to pick your favorites. Soup choices will include Brunswick Stew, Chicken Corn Chowder, Tuscan Bean, Chicken Tortilla, Lentil Stew, No Salt Greek Lemon Chicken and many more. If you are able to help make soup for the sale, please contact :

Ellen Gallup – 757-650-9655, [email protected]          

Marty LaGiglia – 757-650-7361, [email protected]

Susan Buchanan – 757-646-0485, [email protected]

If you brought soup to the Epiphany potluck, please identify yourself – we would love to have some for the sale!!

Containers provided, recipes available if needed, suggested minimum of 4-6 qts. per soup maker.

Proceeds to go towards ongoing in-reach and outreach projects, and towards the purchase of a window through the Building for the Future Fund.

Hibernation Days at Parish Day School

This week at PDS we are learning about hibernation. We had a special guest, Joy Ullmann from Mud Puddle Science to teach us about bears and why they hibernate. We learned songs about hibernation and even got to pretend to be bears. It is so much fun to be in preschool!


This week we wrap up preschool registration with our current families and church parishioners. We will open up to new families on Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024. Please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 757.491.6130 if you have a preschooler you would like to get registered. 

Lenten Retreat: Parables & Paintings

March 15–16, 2024

Chanco on the James is excited to announce this year’s Lenten Retreat, “Parables & Paintings.” Together, we will look at four different parables which Jesus taught and explore them through the lens of paintings done by James B. Janknegt. These paintings are meant to foster rich conversation, which will be done in both large and small group settings. This program will feature several different activities and is designed for ages 16+. We hope you’ll join us for this time of fellowship and reflection during the Lent Season.

Our retreat will be facilitated by Rev. Keith Emerson, Rector at St. Paul’s Suffolk. We are also thrilled to announce that Rev. Melody Perdue, Associate Rector at Eastern Shore Chapel, will lead our music and worship time. More information is available here.

Kairos Prison Ministry

I met Gene G. in April 2013 at Sussex II State Prison. I was serving on a Kairos team and Gene had been selected for me to “Sponsor” for the weekend. We met for the first time at the prison gymnasium door, late on a Thursday afternoon. Gene was all smiles, exuberant and outgoing from the beginning. I learned quickly he was the leader of the Veterans Club in the institution, that he had been down a long time, and that he hungered for a relationship outside the prison world. The isolation of prison life, the lack of contact with the outside world was wearing on him. He was an active member of the prison “church”, a strong student of scripture, and a man searching for a deeper relationship with his Creator.

We had a great weekend. Gene appreciated especially the spirituality of the weekend and the opportunity to be with like-minded Christian men form the outside. We prayed together, we cried together and we especially gave thanks together that God had made this special weekend possible.

Heidi came to the “Closing” at the end of the weekend and had the opportunity to meet Gene. She immediately loved ole Gene just like I did.

Gene was moved to another institution not long after that, so I was no longer able to visit with him. We communicated via snail mail over the ensuing years but less and less frequently. In December I sent him a Christmas card and a letter as I always do. This is just a portion of the letter Heidi and I got in reply:

God is Good Lee! So good to me! So much more than I could ever ask for!

You're right, it has been far too long between now and our last hug. It feels a lot longer because of my great need of one. Is there any way to put one of those in an envelope?

As for praying with you. Well, let me assure you both, not a single day or night ever passes without my prayers going out to you both. These walls cannot contain everything. Strong as they are, they're nothing compared to the power of prayer! Plus, my Spirit knows the Spirits of my Family, and knows them well! You guys are my Family, and believe you me, each and every day our Spirits meet in prayer before the Throne of Grace! That goes for All of you in my Kairos Family! Those daily meetings of our Spirits in prayer are a Great Strength for me!

You know, someone once told me something about friends that really stayed with me. Brings me great comfort. They said that Friends are like the stars in the night sky. You may not always see them, but you know they are always there! My sky is full of Friends and Family, and no matter what the weather is like, I KNOW MY STARS ARE THERE!

I thank God for the opportunity to serve in prison ministry and for the opportunity to get to know Holy Spirit filled friends like Gene!

 Adult Forum For February 2024

February 4 - "Formed by the Word", an introduction to Biblical Study. (Clergy)

February 11 - Report from Diocesan Council (Panel)

February 18 - "I Believe: Living the Creed" (Fr. Shawn)

February 25 - No Adult Forum (Parish Annual Meeting Sunday)

Wednesday, January 31 to Wednesday, February 7 - Winter Shelter, Parish Hall, Choir Room, & Kitchen

Wednesday, January 31 @ 7:15 pm - PiN Ministry Service for Winter Shelter guests, parishioners, and friends (Sanctuary, in place of regular Wed night worship)

Friday, February 2 - First Friday Men's Breakfast - this FFMB we are cooking for our Winter Shelter guests!

Thursday, February 8 @ 11 am - Lunch Bunch

Friday, February 9 & Saturday, February 10 - Diocese of Southern Virginia Annual Council

Sunday, February 11 - Women of Eastern Shore Chapel (WESC) Soup Sale, between services and after the 10:30 am service, ESC kitchen

Tuesday, February 13 @ 5:30 pm - Mardi Gras Pancake Supper, Parish Hall

Wednesday, February 14—Ash Wednesday Services:

@12:00 pm - Imposition of Ashes, Sanctuary

@ 5:00 pm - Family Service, Small Chapel

@ 7:00 pm - Imposition of Ashes with Holy Eucharist

Saturday, February 24, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm - In-person Specialized Safe Church Training, Ascension Church, Norfolk, registration required, visit Diocesan website at

Sunday, February 25 - Single joint service @ 10:00 am followed by the Annual Parish Meeting, lunch will be provided

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