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6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Longboat Key, Florida 34228

(941) 383-6491

The Chapeline

October 29, 2024

“Tired, But Still Moving Mountains”

Given the unique position of serving as pastor, I am sometimes blessed (or cursed) with more information than anyone should have. Most of the time, the information I hold is confidential. Other times, however, information doesn’t have to be confidential even though I treat it as such. This time, I’m not going to keep it quiet. I will blurt it out so that everyone can hear it. So, in honor of everyone who has endured two hurricanes and is now in the midst of rebuilding life, here goes: “We are tired.”

As people arrive on the island and witness for themselves the impact of the recent storms, they ask the same question, “How are you?”

Forgive me for not asking for permission, but I’ve taken the liberty to include you, me, our town’s officials, first responders, contractors, and everyone else in the area in my answer. When people ask me, “How are you?” I simply respond, “We are tired.”

I’m not sure there’s another answer that more completely wraps up our feelings. The work we’ve completed is nothing short of incredible. The work ahead of us is overwhelming. The piles may be getting a little smaller, but our energy level is already depleted. Everyone is already exhausted yet there is still a mountain of work ahead.

It’s not my nature to ignore the environment and continue to “do church” as if nothing has happened. The sermon for this upcoming Sunday has yet to be written, just as the sermon for last Sunday was not pre-prepared months ago. There’s no amount of preparation that could have fully prepared us for what we are experiencing. Yet, somehow, we are pulling it off. 

That’s right. Though we are tired, we are somehow pulling off what we would have previously seemed to be impossible. We are, in fact, moving mountains. We are doing the impossible. We are experiencing miracles almost daily. It’s a miracle that nobody was seriously hurt. It’s a miracle that some of us still have a vehicle that runs. It’s a miracle that we still have clothes to wear and food to eat.

I’m guessing that you’re tired. If that doesn’t define you, please let me know and I’ll stop telling people that you’re tired. Instead, I’ll put you to work at the Chapel. Then, you’ll not only be tired, but you’ll also be part of the miracle.

Tired? Tell God about it.

God Bless,


Worship Service/Communion on Sunday, November 3.

10:00 a.m.

Online Worship and in Shook Fellowship Hall this week

"Darts and Archers"

Rev. Brock Patterson

 Mark 16 and Revelation 21:1-7

Watch Sunday Worship LIVE at 10 am (EST) on our website.

Streaming Link

Prayer shawls, handmade and provided by the Prayer Shawl Ministry are available in the Sanctuary during worship services on Sundays.

There are some shawls draped over the ends of the pews for your use and comfort.

If it feels chilly, please use one during worship.

Longboat Island Chapel

“Share the Light” Capital Campaign


Our Capital Campaign is in full swing to raise funds for expanding and upgrading our facilities. By donating to our campaign during 2024, you will be investing in our future and helping all of us achieve our long-term goals.


The tree at the front of the sanctuary

will “light up” with one white light

for every $1,000 received.

Individual Donations Totaling:

$10,000; a green light is lit

$25,000; a blue light is lit

$50,000; red light is lit

Bright yellow envelopes at the Welcome desk and also on our event sign-up table are designated for our “Share the Light” donations may be used for your contributions.

Are you away from LBK and wish to make a donation? Contact the Chapel Offices and we will make it happen! We can accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, investment transfers, IRA/SEP contributions, etc.

Contact Susan Schaefer at (941) 383-6491.

Chapel Goal: $640,000

Donations to Date: $232,240

Link to This Week's Bible Study Online
Link to Last Week's Bible Study Class

This Sunday, November 3

Choir Rehearsal Begins!

11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

At Longboat Island Chapel, we believe in the power of music and worship to bring people together.

Join this group and sing with the spirit God gave you! All are Welcome!


Flamazing Foundations

Only 3 Days Left to Donate!

The Charitable Outreach Committee is collecting bras and feminine hygiene products for Turning Points through the end of October. Please drop off items in Shook Fellowship Hall.

Gather & Give Dinner/Social Events:

Canceled for October and November

Charitable Outreach presents for November:

Celebrate the Joy of Giving!

Starting November 1st, The Chapel will be collecting toys for kids until the end of November. Don't forget teenagers too!

All toys will be sent to StillPoint in Bradenton.

We will be collecting these items in Shook Fellowship Hall.

It's Coming! Christmas in the Garden 2024!


Kickoff is Sunday, November 10 at 11:15a.m.

(directly following Worship Service)

Lesley Rife and Kelly Shrout and the crew are busy getting organized for Christmas in the Garden this year! And we need volunteers to help us get items from the chapel to the garden. We will also be setting up the Chapel trees in the garden and decorating them,

We are looking for volunteers for every aspect of this endeavor.

We will fit you in where you are able to help.

Please contact Lesley Rife at: or Kelly Shrout at

You may also contact the chapel office at 941-383-6491 (

Thanksgiving at the Chapel

Thursday, November 28

1 p.m.

Shook Fellowship Hall

We will be holding our annual Thanksgiving Day feast at the Chapel. Details to follow next week!

Suncoast Blood Drive is Coming!

In the Chapel Parking Lot

Friday, November 15

10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Saturday, November 16

9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Donors will receive a 10% discount coupon for items at the Lord's Warehouse when they are up and running after the new year.

Chapel Book Club is back!

Monday, November 18

Noon at the Lazy Lobster-Center Shops Plaza (LBK)

Selection: Finding Margaret Fuller

by Allison Pataki

June Hessel will be leading the discussion.

Please sign up at the Chapel or email June at

Longboat Key Hurricane Center

The City of Longboat Key and our LBK Chamber of Commerce are coordinating a donation drop off and pick up site for those affected by the storms.

Center Shops Plaza parking lot on Longboat Key

Details coming soon.

November Birthdays

11/3 Beryl Schwarztrauber

11/4 Virginia Luke

11/4 Carol Peschel

11/5 Linda Schroeder

11/6 Brock Patterson

11/11 Mary Virginia Morrow

11/17 Nancy Hart

11/17 Lydia Riggert

November Birthdays cont'd

11/23 Emmalene McConnell

11/24 June Sturgis

11/26 Richard Engel

November Anniversaries

11/21 Judy and Gordon Govalet

11/26 Laurie and Bill Shuttleworth

11/28 Deborah and Dick Pelton

Pictures of the Week

West facing view of Shook Hall.


Sanctuary Floors are cleaned

and ready for new flooring!

NW facing view where our commercial dishwasher was.


South facing view of our kitchen. 10-22-24

The pew cushions ready to be cleaned on 10-29!

East facing view of our kitchen on the south wall. 10-22-24

Our Voting Poll at the Chapel will be open!

Tuesday, November 5

7a.m. to 7 p.m.

Please park in the front lots and enter the voting area via the back of Shook Fellowship Hall.


Always in our Prayers...

Our Service Men and Women

Giving to The Chapel

  • Checks and/or money orders written out to Longboat Island Chapel.

  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.

  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.

  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button, located on our website at This may be a one time or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer!

Thank you for your generosity!