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6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Longboat Key, Florida 34228

(941) 383-6491

The Chapeline

June 25, 2024

From Rev. Brock Patterson

"Squeaky Wheels"

Squeaky wheels are the worst, especially when one drives a pickup truck. Squeaky wheels sometimes mean that a problem exists in the tires, rotors, or brakes, or it could be a wide variety of other car repair services of which I know nothing. My reality is that each time I take a vehicle in for a Squeaky Wheel issue, I’m stuck with another bill for $700.

Want to know something interesting? As I’m complaining about Squeaky Wheels, none of my wheels in either vehicle is actually squeaking. In fact, I don’t currently have any vehicle maintenance issues. Both vehicles are running great, which begs the question: Why am I concerned about a maintenance bill that doesn’t exist? Two reasons.

First, my mind tends to gravitate towards negative things, especially during the summer. Car repairs are expensive, and cash is tight right now, so I’m automatically worried that something will go wrong with a vehicle. Second, when I’m busy, I tend to be concerned about things that require “slow-down” time to complete. This includes taking a vehicle to the mechanic for auto repairs. It also includes making the occasional Wal-Mart run, going to bed early, or cooking a healthy meal at home.

In other words, I tend to invent problems or complications that don’t exist. This is not helpful. It makes me cranky when I invent problems. It also takes me away from the things of God, which God provides as blessings in every moment of my life.

Do you ever invent problems, worries, or concerns? Does your mind wander into places that aren’t helpful or nonexistent? If so, you’re not alone. Lots of us do it. That’s not an excuse. Instead, I hope that voicing my common drawback will help me improve my issues and help you do the same.

Self-improvement is always a good thing and it’s always possible. The only one who must approve it is ourselves, and just in case any of us are waiting for the excuse to begin, consider this permissive article as the “Okay” to focus on positive things this summer.

Is your mind wandering now? Can you refocus? Good things are everywhere and God is at work in all things. And, no matter what chance or circumstance might bring, God will use it all for more good than we can imagine. 

See you at the Chapel!

God Bless, Brock

“We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  (Romans 8:28, CEB)

Worship Sunday, June 30

10:00 a.m.

"Downside Up"

Rev. Brock Patterson

Mark 5:21-43

Watch Sunday Worship LIVE at 10 am (EST) on our Website.

Streaming Link

Prayer shawls, handmade and provided by the Prayer Shawl Ministry are available in the Sanctuary during worship services on Sundays.

There are some shawls draped over the ends of the pews for your use and comfort.

If it feels chilly, please use one during worship.

Renovation News!

  • Our offices have moved upstairs. Enter through the double glass doors via Shook Fellowship Hall (North side of the building) or take the outside stairway up to the second floor.
  • The temporary portable bathrooms are just outside of Shook Fellowship Hall. They are air conditioned and have running water.

Longboat Island Chapel

“Share the Light” Capital Campaign


Our Capital Campaign has begun to raise funds for expanding and upgrading our facilities. By donating to our campaign during 2024, you will be investing in our future and helping all of us achieve our long-term goals.


The tree at the front of the sanctuary

will “light up” with one white light

for every $1,000 received.

Individual Donations Totaling:

$10,000; a green light is lit

$25,000; a blue light is lit

$50,000; red light is lit

 Bright yellow envelopes in your pew backs are designated for our

“Share the Light” donations may be used for your contributions.

Are you away from LBK and wish to make a donation?

Contact the Chapel Offices and we will make it happen!

We can accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards,

investment transfers, IRA/SEP contributions, etc.

Contact Susan Schaefer at (941) 383-6491.

Chapel Goal: $640,000

Donations to Date: $74,437.44


Donation Gifts:

For everyone who donates $1000 or more, we are offering these awesome, flip-top thermal mugs. Choose from two champagne flutes, two barrel mugs or one of each!

AV/Sound Techs Needed!

The Chapel is looking for AV/Sound Techs to work Sunday during worship services and also assist with special events on occasion if possible. $75.00 per Sunday morning, 9-11 a.m. for worship services. Special event pay is based on the type of event/hours needed (typically $200 minimum).

No experience is necessary. If you enjoy your stereo,

making home movies or Facebook videos, we can train you!

Contact the office for more information

or if you know of someone who may be interested.

Call #941-383-6491 or email:

Memoir Writing Class

Wednesday, June 26

(via Zoom) 10:00 am

Contact Barbara Koetsier for more information:

cell# 941-383-3236

Prayer in the Sanctuary

Thursday, June 27

8:45 am to 9:45 am

We invite you to join us at the

Chapel for this special morning

of prayer, as we come together

to bring hope for a brighter future.

Shifting Sands

Thursday, June 27 @ 10:00 am

Meeting in the Sanctuary

We meet each Thursday in a

confidential setting to assist

each other in maneuvering

difficult times.

Nobody has to do life alone.

Rev. Jeffrey (

or the Chapel Office (941-383-6491)

with questions!

Revival Committee Needs YOU!

Revival is community outreach. It's making our community aware of who we are. Our goal is to be a presence on the island and show our joy in serving God.

We host wonderful, fun events. We’re not just about Christmas in the Garden, which is pure joy. We have the Blessing of the Animals in October, lunch for our First Responders during the summer months, Arts in the Garden in April and more exciting activities!

We need help in accomplishing all of these events. Choose what you would like to do, where you want to use your interests and gifts.

Join the Revival Team for lots of fun and sharing time with other Chapel Family.

For more information, contact:

Charitable Outreach Committee

July Collections: Wipe It Clean!

Toilet Paper is the most requested item at Stillpoint Mission in Bradenton according to Director, Gene Tischer. It's a necessity others may take for granted. Folks need Toilet Paper!

Drop off Toilet Paper at the Community Chest in Shook Fellowship Hall until the end of July.


Gather& Give Social

Tuesday, July 16

5:00 to 7:00 pm

Wanted: A Few Good Men Volunteers!

The Lord’s Warehouse is in need of volunteers

(especially men) to help with daily tasks.


You do NOT need to be a Chapel member.


Hours: Mon-Wed-Sat, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. 

Pick your days and times to help!

Call Val Evanko at: 330.806.2351 

Sponsor Sanctuary flowers during

Sunday Worship.

Secure your spot by reaching out to the Chapel Office

at #941.383.6491 or signing up in Shook Fellowship Hall.

Your contribution will beautify the sanctuary and

also bring joy to our community.

Thank you to our Ushers and Greeters

Thank you to last Sunday's ushers and greeters:

Connie Dimaggio, Jamie and Richard Engel and

Dona Petruccelli

We appreciate all that you do to help

provide excellent service.

Your dedication does not go unnoticed,

and we are so grateful for your commitment!

Sign up to be an usher or greeter over the summer months.

All that is required is a smile and a helpful,

welcoming attitude!

Sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall or contact the office with any questions at:

Medical Gifting Closet

Did you know the Chapel has a Medical Gifting closet

with items we loan to those in need?

(our inventory changes weekly).


 If you have unused medical equipment you would

like to donate, or if anyone you know is in need

of these items (at no cost), please have them call

the Chapel office at 941.383.6491.  

Manatee County Food Bank

We are taking donations throughout the summer.


This is a time when many families need your extra help with food as their children are home all day during summer break.


Drop off your non-perishable food items into the 3 large yellow barrels in the Welcome Center of Shook Fellowship Hall.


 "Luxury items" desired include:

coffee, tea, spices and can openers.


Always in our Prayers...

Our Service Men and Women

Giving to The Chapel

  • Checks and/or money orders written out to Longboat Island Chapel.

  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.

  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.

  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button, located on our website at This may be a one time or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer!

Thank you for your generosity!