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6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Longboat Key, Florida 34228

(941) 383-6491

The Chapeline

October 15, 2024

“At Least Two Blessings”

We are blessed. First and foremost, we are blessed because we are still here. And second, we are blessed because God cares deeply for all of us.

We just pulled through back-to-back major Hurricanes, something that hasn’t occurred in Florida in a very long time. It’s not that we never expected it. I think it goes without saying that we’ve chosen a life in the tropics and we recognize that a life near the ocean comes with risks. For many years we’ve escaped the risks but 2024 has proven to be brutal.

However, we are still blessed. We are blessed because we still have life in our lungs and God is still trying to encourage us and bless us because God cares.

These Two Blessings are important to remember as often as we possibly can, especially during the clean-up phase, when strength is gone, patience is thin, and the sun is still unusually hot. It's important to remember that God is still trying to pour out an endless supply of blessings. 

At the Chapel, we know we are blessed because these last two storms could have easily swept away one of the most historic buildings on Longboat Key. The Chapel, founded in 1956, is one of the few original buildings and organizations still in place on LBK. During all of that time, we have never sustained this kind of Hurricane drama. And, unlike plenty of other buildings on the island, we are already up and running again.  

We still need lots of help, which includes both volunteers and professional contractors. We are in the process of talking to several contractors regarding a number of inside and outside projects in addition to our current construction and remodeling project.

At this point, cleaning and drying is the most urgent need. The second is tending to some lost roofing tiles. After that, our focus will shift to our grounds, gardens, and utilities. All this requires some professional contractor work, but there’s still plenty we can do. So, if you’re in the area of LBK and would like to volunteer a little, feel free to come to the Chapel beginning Wednesday, October 16, at any time! You can work inside or outside. You don’t need any instructions. 

If you wish to work inside, the main area in the Chapel building that needs help is the kitchen. We did not have time to thoroughly clean it before the second Hurricane arrived. If you wish to work outside, there’s plenty of need. Just pick up trash and make a pile somewhere and those of us with trucks will come by and move it to the front curb. (The Town of LBK is still conducting regular collections of trash and debris left alongside Gulf of Mexico Drive.)  If you’d like to volunteer in the Lord’s Warehouse, you are free to come anytime during business hours (Mon – Thurs, 9 am to 3 pm) and one of the warehouse managers will show you where they need help most. If additional storms were to arise, we’d suspend our cleanup and then get through those storms as well!

We. Can. Do This.” God is already blessing the Chapel family with lots of prayers, love, and support. Of course, if you happen to be one of our many out-of-towners who are not currently living on the Key, we would certainly appreciate any financial contribution towards our clean-up efforts. Your physical labor would be great, but if we can’t have that the additional donations will go a long way to help pick up some of the slack.

Bible Study this week will only meet online but worship on Sunday will meet live in Shook Fellowship Hall. We will also be streaming on our regular network next week, so make sure to join us via the website, Facebook, or Boxcast if you are unable to be here in person!

Stay healthy. Stay safe. I’ll see you on Sunday, in person and online!

God Bless, Brock.

Worship Service on Sunday, October 20.

10:00 a.m.

Online Worship and in Shook Fellowship Hall this week

"Why It Matters."

Rev. Brock Patterson

Mark Chapter 14

Watch Sunday Worship LIVE at 10 am (EST) on our website.

Streaming Link

Prayer shawls, handmade and provided by the Prayer Shawl Ministry are available in the Sanctuary during worship services on Sundays.

There are some shawls draped over the ends of the pews for your use and comfort.

If it feels chilly, please use one during worship.

Longboat Island Chapel

“Share the Light” Capital Campaign


Our Capital Campaign is in full swing to raise funds for expanding and upgrading our facilities. By donating to our campaign during 2024, you will be investing in our future and helping all of us achieve our long-term goals.


The tree at the front of the sanctuary

will “light up” with one white light

for every $1,000 received.

Individual Donations Totaling:

$10,000; a green light is lit

$25,000; a blue light is lit

$50,000; red light is lit

Bright yellow envelopes in your pew backs are designated for our “Share the Light” donations may be used for your contributions.

Are you away from LBK and wish to make a donation? Contact the Chapel Offices and we will make it happen! We can accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, investment transfers, IRA/SEP contributions, etc.

Contact Susan Schaefer at (941) 383-6491.

Chapel Goal: $640,000

Donations to Date: $206,820

Donation Gifts:

For everyone who donates $1000 or more, we are offering these awesome, flip-top thermal mugs. Choose from two champagne flutes, two barrel mugs or one of each!

Link to This Week's Bible Study Online
Link to Last Week's Bible Study Class

Choir Rehearsal to Begin Sunday, October 27

11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

At Longboat Island Chapel, we believe in the power of music and worship to bring people together.

Join this group and sing with the spirit God gave you! All are Welcome!


Charitable Outreach presents for October"

Flamazing Foundations

We are collecting bras and feminine hygiene products for Turning Points in October.

Hold onto your items for donation until we are able to open the fellowship hall.

Gather & Give Dinner Event:

Canceled for October


We are collecting everything regarding cleanup and rebuilding from the Hurricanes. We have people within the congregation who have lost everything. Kitchen goods, food, toiletries, bedding, and towels are just a few of the things we KNOW are in need. Please see Rev. Brock's letter above for more details. We will keep updating the needs and means of collection as they change for the Chapel and our Chapel members. Bless you all!

Lord's Warehouse

Will be closed until further notice

due to the recent storms.

We will have an update soon!

Pictures of the Garden after Milton.

Tree damage after Milton.

Out Gator survived the brunt of the storms.

The memorial stone garden area just needs a little more cleanup. All stones are intact.


Always in our Prayers...

Our Service Men and Women

Giving to The Chapel

  • Checks and/or money orders written out to Longboat Island Chapel.

  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.

  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.

  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button, located on our website at This may be a one time or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer!

Thank you for your generosity!