Volunteer Opportunities:
We have many opportunities to volunteer for your CO AMTA Chapter. Most of the volunteer opportunities would take a very small amount of your time, please consider helping us.
Here are just a few areas we are in need of your help: - Facebook Assistants (2): Someone to post a fun/engaging post once a week and another to post various massage articles
- Website Editors: Someone to update our website from information posted on facebook and board members.
- Proofreaders: Someone to check newsletters/eblasts prior to sending them to members.
- Newsletter/Eblasts - to put information from the chapter board into an eblast to go out to members - Education Committee - many opportunities to get involved and parts are divided up from looking for venues/hotels/educators, registration, set up, take down, meals, etc. - CMT Coordinator - Community Massage Team Coordinator organizes events and volunteers to massage at the events. Works with a team of volunteers also. - Meet & Greet Volunteers &/or Group leaders - If interested in organizing a group in your area for a gathering (coffee/beer/etc) or interested in helping the organizer in your area. - BOD Positions - Next election is April 2021, if interested in getting any information on various positions for the Colorado Board of Directors or to see what positions will be available.