September 2024

What an exciting week for AFP Nova Scotia!

On Monday and Tuesday we had the pleasure of hosting the Maritime Fundraising Conference and it was a huge success. Our adrenaline rush has been replaced by a sense of contentment and gratitude.


We are grateful for the over 150 delegates who participated over the two-day event. We are grateful for our magical venue and the generosity and hospitality of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 team. We are grateful for our loyal sponsors who invested in our conference – thank you for helping us deliver this professional development opportunity to fundraisers in the Maritimes.


We are grateful for our exceptional speakers who presented meaningful and impactful sessions. We are particularly honoured that AFP’s Global Chair, Birgit Smith Burton, was our keynote speaker – her presentation sparked lots of great conversation.


As chairs of the organizing committee, we very grateful to our team of volunteers, who were a true pleasure to work with, and who made everything run smoothly. Their dedication and tireless contributions were invaluable in the development and execution of the 2024 Maritime Fundraising Conference.


From our place of gratitude, and in the spirit of this year’s MFC theme, we intend to build on our momentum to make next year’s MFC even better.


With gratitude,

Shay & Glenn

Chairs, MFC24

IDEA Survey

April Howe of Crayon Strategies has been working with AFP Nova Scotia to build our IDEA Pathway. Part of that journey includes a survey to help us understand the dimensions of this AFPNS represents. We are now asking you to complete this Sentiment & Demographic Survey.

The answers you give will be completely anonymous and only available to April. We encourage you to share your voice and help us become a stronger more diverse chapter for our members.

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Thank you to our MFC24 Speakers!

What an incredible conference. We had such amazing speakers bring their knowledge, expertise and energy to Halifax on October 16th and 17th. Thank you for joining us and sharing how Atlantic Fundraisers can begin to build better practices.

If you were not able to join us, or missed one of the presentations please visit our website as we have several of the presentations available for download.

Session Downloads

Thank you to our MFC24 Volunteers!

Any conference or event is only as good as it’s volunteers and we would like to thank the dedicated volunteers who stepped up and shared their time to pull together an amazing conference. 

If you are interested in joining the Planning Committee for MFC25 please email us.

We also welcome new members to our Board of Directors

Volunteer Today

MFC24 Photo Gallery

We are pleased to share a photo gallery from this year’s event

If you took photos and would like to share, we’d love to hear from you. You can email photos to

Visit Photo Gallery

Chamberlain Scholarship

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is proud to offer the Chamberlain Scholarship Program for AFP ICON 2025 to be held in Seattle, WA from April 27 – 29, 2025. This scholarship program is designed to help individuals serving non-profit organizations develop their knowledge and skills in fundraising. Every AFP chapter offers one Chamberlain Scholarship, which covers the recipient’s conference registration to AFP ICON. The scholarship is available to individuals who have never attended AFP ICON.

Apply Today

Calling all Mentors

The Mentorship Program offered through AFP Nova Scotia and CAGP Atlantic is designed to match a junior and seasoned fundraiser for one-on-one coaching and to learn more about the pragmatic side of fundraising. This complements the more formal professional development courses available like those offered at the Maritime Fundraising Conference. This provides an opportunity for the mentee to hone in on specific skill they wish to cultivate and allows the mentor to help advance the profession of fundraising in Nova Scotia.

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Calling all Creatives

Do you process information creatively? Then the Maritime Fundraising Conference wants to work with you! We are looking for a handful of “Idea Harvesters” who are interested in sharing their learnings from the conference through any creative medium, and allowing AFP to share it with other attendees. It could be a collection of doodles from a session you attended, a poem about your conference experience, a short video interview, a blog post . . .  the sky's the limit. 

Send us an email If you want to be involved.

Email Today

October is Ethics Month

AFP Nova Scotia will be celebrating October as Ethics Awareness Month, to highlight the importance of ethics in fundraising and the impact it has on our communities.

This year, AFP’s sixth annual Ethics Awareness Month highlights the importance of elevating ethics in fundraising—sharing with donors, prospective donors, community leaders, and even colleagues the steps we take to ensure fundraising is ethical.

Stay tuned on our socials for more details on the updated Code of Ethics, coming into effect on January 1, 2025, and more.

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Coordinator, Fund Development

Halifax, NS

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Senior Philanthropy Officer, NL, NS, and PEI

Halifax, NS

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Director of Development

Halifax, NS

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Visit our website for a full listing of current postings or to share your own opening.
Chapter Job Centre
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AFP in Canada -- Vision Statement
To stimulate a world of generosity and positive social good through fundraising best practice.

AFP in Canada -- Mission Statement
The Association of Fundraising Professionals empowers individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research and advocacy. 

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