President's Message
Thomas R. Behm
Gruel Mills Nims & Pylman PLLC
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the 35th President of the Michigan Chapter of ABOTA. It is an honor to serve in this capacity, especially among so many friends and colleagues. The last year has proven to be very difficult as we have not met together as a group. I have learned that the members of this group are especially social in nature and greatly enjoy each other’s company. Looking ahead to this year, we have planned two events that will hopefully allow us to get together in person. Below is a list of important events for this upcoming year...
New Members
as of 4/1/2021
Bryan Waldman
Sinas Dramis
If you know someone you believe would be a good fit for our ABOTA chapter, please consider filling out the membership nomination form. For more information, please read our guide on how to become a member.
Printed Membership Directory
For the first time, ABOTA Michigan will be releasing its first printed membership directory! Please keep an eye on your mailbox.
Law School Liaison
The Michigan Chapter of ABOTA has established a new position of Law School Liaison, and Tim Lessing will serve as the first individual to occupy this role. This position (see link below) was created to enhance our Chapter relationships with the law schools in Michigan. We offer a wide variety of educational programming and related services and it is critical to our mission to foster the development of future trial attorneys. 

Tim is a passionate advocate of the ABOTA mission as is appropriate for an accomplished trial attorney. We look forward to working with him in the coming year.
Tim Lessing
Lessing Legal PLLC

Click Here to read more about the position.
New Member Orientation
Join ABOTA for the first new member orientation on Monday, April 19th, 2021, at 5:00 p.m.! Register below for free. Here from your officers about what they are doing and how you can become more engaged.

When: April 19, 2021 5:00 P.M.
Annual Meeting & Holiday Dinner

Save the Date!

Friday, December 3rd, 2021
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
187 Monroe Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Friday, December 3rd, 2021
Cocktails at 6:00 p.m.
Dinner at 7:00 p.m.
Young Lawyers Trial Skills Series
in conjunction with the SBM Negligence Law Section
Below is the program detailing the event dates and times, as well as where they'll be taking place. You will want to encourage your staff to attend these highly-rated events.

2021 Chapter Executive Officers
Membership Chairperson
National Board Representative
National Board Representative
Immediate Past President

PO Box 66
Grand Ledge, MI 48837
517-627-8700 - Phone
517-627-3950 - Fax