Chapter President "Back of the Envelope" Pediatrician Poll

From Dr. Mary Beth Miotto, your MCAAP President:

Thank you to all who responded to my recent “Back of the Envelope Pediatrician Polls”. See below for results of past monthly polls and the actions the Chapter has taken in response to your comments.

Here is background for the October question:

Last week the Massachusetts Medical Society, the MCAAP, and the Massachusetts Academy of Family Physicians released a joint statement on the migrant crisis in Massachusetts: 

Massachusetts physician leaders support

access to health care for migrants

October 4, 2023

The physicians of the Massachusetts Medical Society, the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Massachusetts Academy of Family Physicians applaud and support the efforts of the Healey administration, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, town, city, and state agencies, and local organizations that have welcomed migrants seeking safety and shelter in the Commonwealth.

In the face of crisis, Massachusetts has provided emergency assistance to migrant children, women, men, and families in need of access to necessities, including health care, housing, medication and vaccinations.

Many of the migrants who arrived in Massachusetts endured arduous journeys in pursuit of a better quality of life and safety. Many, including children, pregnant individuals, and those who suffer from chronic illness, arrive with unmet social and health care needs. The Medical Society is unwavering in its assertion that enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, in all its dimensions, is a basic human right and that includes safe access to health care for immigrants and refugees in the Commonwealth, regardless of immigration status. The physicians who comprise our organizations will not turn our backs on anyone who needs medical care.

-Barbara S. Spivak, MD, President, Massachusetts Medical Society

-Mary Beth Miotto, MD, MPH, President, Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

-Hannah Biederman, MD, President, Massachusetts Academy of Family Physicians

Please take a moment to complete the most recent poll

about access to healthcare for migrants.

Click here to complete the poll.

Please share the link with member and nonmember pediatricians.

Follow up from August and September

"Back of Envelope" Polls

In August, I asked you about your experiences with referrals and communication with Early Intervention agencies. The next week, I was able to share your responses with the State Director of Early Intervention services and we have been building a strong relationship between the division and our chapter and an invitation has been extended for the director to speak at one of our Monday "Lunch Bunch" virtual office hours which are held at 12:30 every other week.

In September, I asked about your involvement with assisting families with their requests for TEAM assessments for IEP/504 services. I was so impressed that 80% of respondents help families review IEPs and 504 plans and over 60% refer parents to advocacy services that support their negotiations with school districts. About 30% of respondents would like to learn more about how to better assist families with IDEA Part B services (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans and we will integrate a number of Monday learning sessions on specific ways to help families on learning plans in the upcoming months.

These will also be posted on the MCAAP website. I would love some "guests" who are actively working with either Early Intervention or on IEPs with their families, so please drop me a line at with any feedback or to volunteer to come share your experiences with Chapter members.

Did you know?

All Boston Public Schools families, with or without a Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN), can get reimbursed by BPS for transportation special ed expenses.

-From (Massachusetts Advocates for Children)

MCAAP Communications

Chapter leadership has piloted a number of new communications plans to engage you as members and this monthly question is one of them. Please reach out to me or our Executive Director Cathleen Haggerty at to give us feedback on this program, the new website, educational opportunities, or other member benefits.

Also, we would really love to hear from nonmembers about their thoughts and what our Chapter could do better to serve them. Please share these emails with members and nonmember pediatricians you know and encourage them to get in touch with us.

MCAAP| 781-895-9852 | 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 |