Past "Back of Envelope" Polls
In August, I asked you about your experiences with referrals and communication with Early Intervention agencies. The next week, I was able to share your responses with the State Director of Early Intervention services and we have been building a strong relationship between the division and our chapter and an invitation has been extended for the director to speak at one of our Monday "Lunch Bunch" virtual office hours which are held at 12:30 every other week.
In September, I asked about your involvement with assisting families with their requests for TEAM assessments for IEP/504 services. I was so impressed that 80% of respondents help families review IEPs and 504 plans and over 60% refer parents to advocacy services that support their negotiations with school districts. About 30% of respondents would like to learn more about how to better assist families with IDEA Part B services (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans and we will integrate a number of Monday learning sessions on specific ways to help families on learning plans in the upcoming months.
These will also be posted on the MCAAP website. I would love some "guests" who are actively working with either Early Intervention or on IEPs with their families, so please drop me a line at with any feedback or to volunteer to come share your experiences with Chapter members.
Did you know?
All Boston Public Schools families, with or without a Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN), can get reimbursed by BPS for transportation special ed expenses.
-From (Massachusetts Advocates for Children)