Chapter President "Back of the Envelope" Pediatrician Poll

Chapter President, Dr. Mary Beth Miotto, asks a monthly question to get the pulse of our MCAAP members and respond with appropriate activities or resources. 

Please take a moment to

complete the most recent poll.

The December question is:

If the Chapter or national AAP could do ONE thing to make your work easier or more satisfying on January 1, 2024, what would it be?

Click here to complete the poll.

November "Back of Envelope" Poll

November’s Back of the Envelope Survey asked “In your practice environment, do you ask about numbers of days missed from school and do you do anything to discourage absenteeism?”. We got a great response rate. Many members and nonmembers responded with concern about how to add this question to a busy visit and others were interested in learning more. We will be brainstorming resources for members and sharing them in the future.

Please keep reaching out to let the MCAAP Officers and Board understand what concerns you have and how the Chapter can offer value to you as members.

MCAAP Communications

Chapter leadership has piloted a number of new communications plans to engage you as members and this monthly question is one of them. Please reach out to me or our Executive Director Cathleen Haggerty at to give us feedback on this program, the new website, educational opportunities, or other member benefits.

Also, we would really love to hear from nonmembers about their thoughts and what our Chapter could do better to serve them. Please share these emails with members and nonmember pediatricians you know and encourage them to get in touch with us.

MCAAP| 781-895-9852 | 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 |