Chapter President "Back of the Envelope" Pediatrician Poll

From Dr. Mary Beth Miotto, your MCAAP President:

Thank you to all who responded to my first “Back of the Envelope Pediatrician Poll” in August. I asked about your experiences with referral to/communicating with Early Intervention services (IDEA Part C). 46 members (and one nonmember pediatrician) answered within one business day! 41% noted minimal to no difficulty with the referral process and 35% replied that they experience low EI referral completion rates. Multiple respondents offered comments on specific EI referral barriers for the families they serve and their practice staff. 

What are we doing with these results? The week after the poll, I had a productive meeting with the state director of Early Intervention services. I had a number of questions that were answered and we’ve already set up initial plans for providing additional information to pediatric teams on demystifying and optimizing the referral process. Being able to share your responses, even though it’s anecdotal and extremely limited data, created a helpful point of discussion. In the coming months, you’ll hear about a series of short chapter drop in-in lunchtime sessions about how to better access state and community services and I’ll share great tips on Part C services in at least one episode. You also may get a chance to ask Emily White, the EI Director, questions yourselves. 

Please take a moment to complete the most recent poll

about IEPs. Click here to complete the poll.

Please share the link with member and nonmember pediatricians.

MCAAP| 781-895-9852 | 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 |