Chapter President "Back of the Envelope" Pediatrician Poll

From Dr. Mary Beth Miotto, your MCAAP President:

Welcome to a new opportunity to reach out and tell AAP chapter leaders about practice/care “hassles”, concerns, or wishes in a simple 1-2 minute format.

 I’ll send out a standalone second Friday poll asking one question with a short answer via SurveyMonkey. This will help me describe the current pediatrician member experience when I meet with MA government agency leaders and others who can ally with us to improve care by addressing common barriers. 

  • The email will have a standard subject line for you to recognize: Chapter President Back of the Envelope Pediatrician Poll. 

  • You’ll know it comes on a schedule. But if you’re not able to spend two minutes answering it, consider creating an inbox message rule to send it to an email folder so you can spend two minutes later. 

  • It will include simple answer choices BUT you can also comment if there’s more you want to say. 

  • If you have the time and inclination, please answer demographic questions when presented so we can then sort and problem solve by geography or practice setting. But it will NOT be required.

  • If you have a question suggestion or the poll kindled a desire to engage more, email me at

Click here to access this month's survey regarding Early Intervention.

Please share the link with member and nonmember pediatricians.