Quick Updates:

  • Ballots are due for Chapter Elections! Please check your email and spam folder if you haven't seen it. Elections close April 15!
  • Annual Chapter Meeting (virtual) will be Monday, May 11, 2020 at 6pm. All Colorado members are strongly encouraged to attend! More information to come on how to log in.

Greetings Colorado AMTA Members,

AMTA National recently sent out a list of resources specifically for Colorado AMTA members, which we are giving to you again here. Please be sure to check the sites daily, as information is constantly changing.

Please visit our Facebook page for updates, and please share this newsletter on your own page for other non-AMTA therapists. 
Thank you, Colorado therapists!

Ideas for your stay-at-home time!

  • Make face masks with your family and distribute to those in need.
  • Hop on the NextDoor app and offer help.
  • Volunteer.
  • Organize a yoga class (virtually, or at home with family).
  • Journaling! This may make for interesting reading months or years from now.
  • Catch up on continuing education online.
  • Check in on a friend you haven't heard from in a while (especially the ones who always seem strong).
  • Turn your next walk into a mindfulness exercise.
  • Turn your next meal into a mindfulness exercise!
Have some more ideas? Share them on our Facebook page!

Monthly Meet & Greet 
Coffee Pods
Per AMTA National, all in-person gatherings will be suspended until after June 10.

Currently our Meet and Greets have been held in Colorado Springs, Denver/Lakewood, and Fort Collins/Loveland. Interested in holding a Coffee Pod/Meet and Greet in your area? (Looking at you, Pueblo, Grand Junction/Western Slope, and Eastern Colorado!) Let us know! We would love to see more therapists get together post-Corona, and perhaps virtually!