More than half a decade ago, the Sacramento Valley Chapter's leadership identified a compelling desire to step beyond their robust, ongoing, ABOTA-oriented efforts, and to identify a "roll-up-your-sleeves" community support project. The solution was found in the form of hundreds of pounds of quality tri-tip steaks, hours of smoking BBQs, dozens of chapter member volunteers, a driving classic-rock band comprised of talented ABOTA musicians, and hundreds of community members in need of a delicious meal and a healthy dose of respect. Sharing God's Bounty, a weekly dinner hosted by a local church has proven to be the beneficiary of the Sacramento Valley Chapter's ongoing, annual commitment to meaningfully support and giveback to their community through selflessness and generosity.
On Tuesday, July 23, 2019, Sacramento Valley Chapter members continued their annual tradition of community service by hauling their BBQs, hundreds of pounds of steaks, their ABOTA-emblazoned aprons and their instincts for service to the overheated parking lot of St. Philomenes Church and School. Over the next several hours, under the direction of master chef and Chapter member Mike Pazdernik, the many dozens of steaks were cooked to perfection, while event organizers Doug Adams and Walter Loving directed the ABOTA volunteers in dinner preparation efforts.
As the BBQs cooled and the steaks were thinly sliced in the kitchen, the large ABOTA contingent joined many other volunteers in the school's multipurpose room for final dinner service preparations. On the stage was "Res Ipsa Loquitor," the ABOTA band led by chapter member Hank Greenblatt, which was in the final stages of sound check and preparations to rock the event.
Minutes before opening the doors to the hungry and patiently-waiting crowd, Judge Jim Mize, a 30-year Sharing God's Bounty volunteer, gathered the large group of volunteers for a quiet moment of thanks and then a raucous cheer, charging the group to serve the delicious meals with joy, courtesy and respect.
The next two hours passed quickly. As the band expertly performed a continuous stream of familiar, head-bobbing classic rock tunes, the ABOTA volunteers efficiently carried out their pre-assigned roles: dinner-server, drink-server, dessert-server (which most notably included the Chapter's immediate past President Judge David Brown) and table-bussers. It was a moving but somewhat surreal juxtaposition as many of the most notable and successful trial lawyers and judges of the region, with patience, respect and dignity, served at the beck-and-call of many hundreds of hungry community members. Unaffected by social-status, station in life, needs or challenges of the diners, the Sacramento Valley Chapter members served selflessly in an amazing and moving display of true humanity.
2019 Chapter President Matt Jaime notes, "Sharing God’s Bounty is a Sacramento-based program which has been serving those in need since 1983 by serving free, hot meals every Tuesday night. Sacramento Valley ABOTA members and friends are humbled to participate in this program one Tuesday evening each July by purchasing, preparing, and serving the dinner. This year we provided over 400 meals to the underprivileged along with generous supplies of toiletries and children’s books to those in attendance. It is a great event that we look forward to every year.”
To honor, acknowledge, thank and encourage these admirable efforts, the 2019 CAL-ABOTA Board of Directors has voted to present the Sacramento Valley Chapter with the first CAL-ABOTA Community Service Award, truly a high-bar for what will be a recognition to be awarded by our organization annually.
Congratulations and well done Sacramento Valley Chapter!
In August
members and guests of the San Diego Chapter enjoyed a day at the races from a private suite atop the historic, artistic and beautiful Del Mar Race Track. Chapter President Rhonda Mallory welcomed all to the Star Fiddle Skyroom with an open bar, delicious food, endless camaraderie and premier racing featuring the famous Pacific Classic. Notwithstanding the fallout from unskilled and unfortunate betting, Sue and Bryan Reid thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with our SD ABOTA friends. Congratulations on a terrific event and thanks to all for including us!
The Amicus Committee has undertaken an extensive review in connection with the report and underlying work of the State Bar’s Task Force on Access Through Innovation of Legal Services.
In addition to more than a dozen proposals for possible regulatory change, the Task Force produced nearly 400 pages of background materials and studies. This principally was started by the State Bar commissioning the “Legal Market Landscape Report," authored by a professor from Indiana University School of Law, William Henderson. Mr. Henderson has been a leading advocate of changing how legal services are delivered, including allowing non-lawyers to perform what might be considered traditional lawyer work.
The public comment period ended on
September 23, 2019
, and after consideration of the public comments, the Task Force will prep
are a final report to be submitted to the Board of the State Bar no later than
December 31, 2019
These proposals have created significant controversy among a number of stakeholders. There have been multiple meetings between various stakeholder groups and key people within the State Bar, as well as a number of meetings with key legislative members. Further, both the plaintiffs’ bar through the CAOC and the defense bar through the CDC, are opposing those aspects of these very broad and ill-defined proposals that would be of interest to us.
Given all of this, it is the recommendation of the Amicus Committee that we wait to weigh in on these proposals. Whatever happens will ultimately go to the Legislature and that is a long way away, including any number of interim steps that would give us many opportunities to weigh in once the dust begins to settle.
Thus, we recommend that the Amicus Committee be charged with watching this situation very closely, allowing issues to sort out and become more defined. Once we see the actual landscape, CAL-ABOTA will be in a position to weigh in strongly as a unified voice on behalf of our membership.
Respectfully submitted, Wally Yoka and Jake Courtney, Co-Chairs CAL-ABOTA Amicus Subcommittee
There will be a private concert for CAL-ABOTA on Wednesday, November 6 during the November 4-9 Conference at the
Grand Hyatt Kauai.
Donavon Frankenreiter has been writing, recording and touring his music for 20 years. With over a dozen full-length record releases and hundreds of songs written, the traveling troubadour has become a beacon for funkified jams, stylish stomps and feel-good grooves. From his surf-inspired serenades to classic blues-rooted funk, the Donavon is always evolving. It would seem he’s just getting started...
Thank You 2019 Hawaii Conference Sponsors...
ABOTA's thriving commitment to civility connects us all. Here are simple reminders of the honorable roots of and sometimes fun nature of this noble concept. Concerning the former, well said! With regard to the latter, my compliments to the brewmaster!
At the recent summer meeting, the 2019 CAL-ABOTA Board of Directors voted unanimously to adopt an annual award to honor and celebrate our members who undertake significant acts of "roll-up-your-sleeves" community service. As reported in this issue of the newsletter, the board also voted to
present the first award to
the Sacramento Valley Chapter for its annual participation in and support of the Sharing God's Bounty dinner providing and serving hundreds of delicious tri-tip
meals to
community members in need.
Click the link to see the resolution passed by the Board describing the award, eligiblility, and factors to be considered for the honor. The Chapters are all encouraged to vigorously participate in this award annually so that we can all learn of, share and celebrate our members' significant, wide-spread and unique community service efforts.
A beautiful, August evening, poolside at the impressive Del Paso Country Club set the stage for a terrific summer event by the Sacramento Valley Chapter. Chapter member
Quincy Brown a
nd his band, Quincy Brown Band, rocked the night as we all enjoyed a delicious, catered BBQ dinner. President Matt Jaime graciously welcomed the members and guests after which the chapter honored two of its notable, distinguished, accomplished and impressive "Legends of ABOTA".
Chapter member, Brad Thomas, introduced and recounted the amazing career of Legend Stephen A. Mason, and San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter member Jeffrey Raynes eloquently described the impressive career of his dearest friend, Legend Rudy Nolen.
We all listened admiringly as the Legends themselves shared details of their careers, their perspectives, their insights, and their love, not only of civil trial practice, but also of their friends and colleagues who share the profession. It was a fulfilling, inspiring, motivating and fun evening, and I again thank Matt and the Chapter for welcoming me to the event.
The beautiful and iconic Mission Inn of Riverside served as the site for the 2019 CAL-ABOTA summer board meeting in August. Early arrivers were treated to a guided tour of the historic and beautifully-restored Riverside County Superior Court led by past San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter’s Jurist of the Year, Hon. Gloria Trask (ret.).
For evening entertainment, board members and guests representing all eight CAL-ABOTA chapters were treated to a private tour of the Redlands’ Lincoln Shrine, an impressive archive that encompasses one of the largest collections of Civil War and Lincoln artifacts west of the Mississippi River. During the tour, the guests were greeted and addressed by the 16
th President of the United States himself! Live Dixieland Jazz by Jambalaya Stew provided toe-tapping dinner entertainment and finally, Lincoln scholar and president of the A.K. Smiley Public Library/Lincoln Shrine, Don McCue, provided an entertaining synopsis of Lincoln’s pre-presidency legacy as a skilled and accomplished trial lawyer.
It was a terrific time and thanks to all who made the journey to the Inland Empire!