February 2024 News

Set Match to the Birthday Cake

Last month, we shared the exciting news with you that Charles Bruce Foundation received its federal designation as a 501c3 non-profit ten years ago. We also teased the impending 2024 Match Madness campaign sponsored by Partnership for Better Health. So many of the annual operating dollars necessary to fulfill our mission of supporting writers, artists, and musicians come directly from this annual giving opportunity. After blowing out the candles on the birthday cake, we made our 10 for 10 wish ($10K for 10 years). Because specific directions for giving to Match Madness are withheld until the campaign begins on March 1st, look out for our newsletter reminders in the days to come. We thank you in advance for the support we know you will provide during this drive.

The Charles Bruce Foundation Rewards Site
Donate for items available from the foundation.

Storms Approaching

In case you've been wondering what we've been up to, we have been watching the lovingly-written words of Robert Bradshaw paired with the artistic genius of Aron Rook. A perfect story for your little one - with gorgeous artwork for everyone - Ronnie the Rain Cloud Takes His First Trip! launched at Whistlestop Bookshop on February 10. When Robert Bradshaw first approached the Charles Bruce Foundation about writing this book, We learned that he was a seasoned crisis management consultant with over thirty years of experience in the field. This prompted a request for an additional assignment from the writing group responsible for the recently published book, American Roulette. If you are interested in following Robert's writings, you can use the two buttons below to secure you own copies and explore his craft.

American Roulette
Ronnie the Rain Cloud

Double Bill

Charles Bruce Foundation is officially partnering with Carlisle Arts Learning Center and House of Music, Arts, and Culture to sponsor an art exhibit addressing gun violence. With the recent publication of American Roulette bringing the issue of gun violence into the literary world, the extension into the visual arts is a perfect fit. We have included the call for artists information in the graphic below. For artists interested in offering work, use the Entry Form button below to download the official submission directions.

Entry Form

Heartfelt Thank You

Last month, we shared information about the Palentine's Period Product Drive for YWCA of Carlisle and Cumberland County drop-offs at Miss Ruth's Time Bomb store. This month, we want to send out a special thank you to all of you who helped make this drive such an incredible success. For those with financial insecurities, trying to figure out how to pay for pads can turn a hard time into a hardship, so your donations will make a world of difference.

Upcoming Events

*February 22, 2024, 5:00 pm (MST) - Kursid Kids book discussion with Ronan Russell and Pat LaMarche at Farmington Public Library, 2101 N Farmington Ave, Farmington, NM

*March 19, 2024, 7:15-8:42 am (EST) - Pat LaMarche speaking at Carlisle Sunrise Rotary meeting, Market Cross Pub & Brewery, 113 N. Hanover St., Carlisle, PA

*March 27, 2024, 7:00-8:30 pm (EST) - Pat LaMarche and Andy Carey speaking about American Roulette at Baxter Memorial Library, 71 South St., Gorham, ME

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