May 2022 News
Priscilla's Partnership
As you read in the April newsletter, The Charles Bruce Foundation accepted our second check from the Match Madness campaign conducted annually by Partnership for Better Health. While we are new to that program, they have long supported our initiatives to get books into the hands of thousands of children!
Science shows that kids who own their own books do better in school and lead healthier more fulfilling lives. In addition to working with The Salvation Army, the SPY program, local non-profit daycare providers, and other agencies, we have worked with Sonia Pitzi of SchoolHouse Connections to do our "Books for Kids Without Them" program. Partnership for Better Health has provided grant money for these books for three years running. Because of this generosity, we've gotten other private donors who wanted to help outside Partnership's region of support. Leadership like this is obviously contagious. Now, children in need from New Mexico and Arizona to Maine and New Hampshire have books of their own.

What better way to acknowledge this important support than the upcoming Priscilla picture book, Priscilla and Her Pals in the Park (launch date Sept. 1, 2022). Bonnie Tweedy Shaw made a remarkable painting of the Partnership's front yard which is featured on the book's back cover! Partnership makes kids' lives better and we love them for it! For more information about Partnership for Better Health and SchoolHouse Connection, click the icons below.
Carlisle High School is full of talented young students who support each other through the SHINES (Support, Hope, Included, Non-Judgmental, Encouraging and Strength) grief and loss school support organization. This mural was 100% designed and created by those students and on May 20th, it was made available for the community to view at the corner of North and Hanover streets on the North St side of the Carlisle Antique Mall.

Thank you to Richard from the Carlisle Antique Mall for the wall space and Bonnie Tweedy Shaw and Pat LaMarche at the Charles Bruce Foundation for all the help and support. Thank you to all the community members that provided encouragement and shared their stories. But the biggest shout-out goes to the big hearts of the high school students in Carlisle SHINES. Carlisle SHINES supports students affected by the death of a loved one through peer support, community service, and education. Such a wonderful job!

Seth Roper founded the group in 2009 to serve his students at Carlisle High School, and he can be contacted to refer 9th-12th grade students at the school. If you would like to read more about the launch of this community mural, click on the buttons to the two articles from The Sentinal below.
The Charles Bruce Foundation Rewards Site
Donate for items available from the foundation.
Did You Hear?
The Charles Bruce Foundation brought live music back to the streets of Carlisle on May 21st. Brian Maag was featured on West Pomfret Street while Emmanuel Nsingani jammed on West High Street. Both played until 1 pm. Segments of both of their performances are available to watch on The Charles Bruce Foundation Facebook page link below.
Featured Beneficiary
Writer Tab Barnes offered this testimonial as a beneficiary of The Charles Bruce Foundation just after Christmas: "You all know about me having the opportunity to write a book, and I even started Christmas day. My laptop died. So I reached out to someone I love and respect very much (Pat LaMarche) because I knew she may have some connections. All I asked was if she knew someone getting a new laptop for Xmas that may be getting rid of an old one cheap. You know how much she believed in me? The next thing I knew I was getting confirmation of a brand new laptop being sent to me. Pat had turned to her amazing husband's foundation and because of them today I received a brand new laptop. And my book truly begins today.

Writing is the best therapy. Charles Bruce Foundation, I will never in a lifetime be able to thank you enough. Thank you for believing in me enough to make this happen ❤💙.

Upcoming Events
*10:00 am - 1:00 pm, June 18 - Musicians on the Square: Look for more Charles Bruce Foundation sponsored musicians as they perform at downtown Carlisle locations TBD
*10:00 am, June 18 - Babes on the March joins the Poor People's Campaign at West Lawn of the US Capitol
*8:30 am - 3:00 pm, June 25 - Marathon One Day Blanket Creation at Carlisle Summer Fair at John Dickinson Campus, Dickinson College 
Remember to share your love for writers, artists, and musicians by encouraging your friends to receive The Charles Bruce Foundation newsletter using the button below.