November 2023 News

The Most Colorful Time of the Year

Make sure you get this year's coloring book - you'll see that the 2023 edition provides a loving look at essential workers! And, an essential part of every holiday season is the Charles Bruce Foundation Coloring and Caring Book. Offered free due to the kind support of our donors - especially Whistlestop Bookshop, Dickinson College, Create-A-Palooza, Lower Susquehanna Synod, Unitarian Universalists of Cumberland Valley, Miss Ruth's Time Bomb, and Devera Lang. Every year, this project employs the talents of writers and artists including Holly Cameron, Jan Cuva-Primmer, Mica Davis-Culbertson, Max Donnelly, Gary Finelli, Terry Gayhart, Jim Griffith, Eden Hill, Devera Lang, Jenny O'Brien, Jeremy Ruby, Jason Seaux, Bonnie Tweedy Shaw, Noah Snoke, Wendy Tobin, Louis Weiss, Claire Welch, and our own Chad Bruce. You are sure to find much to love in this year's edition. Head on over to Miss Ruth's Time BombWhistlestop Bookshop, or Create-A-Palooza after Thanksgiving and get your free copy!

For the lovers of CBF trivia, we thought you'd like to know that the coloring and caring book was originally inspired by a similar creation featuring the classic cartoon characters of the comic, Pogo.

I Miss My Newsletter

Sincerest apologies for the week delay in getting our monthly newsletter to you. To make you feel better, we will share exciting news regarding the novel American Roulette that resulted in this unexpected delay. As you may already know, American Roulette was created by ten different authors to provide a fictional narrative about gun violence in the United States. When the authors pledged the proceeds to organizations tackling the problem of gun violence, the Charles Bruce Foundation stepped up, providing the fiscal sponsorship necessary to make this happen. Last week, in addition to the book events & a gun violence vigil in central PA, Pat LaMarche and Cheryl Dunn Bychek (two of the authors), as well as Max Goller delivered books to United States and Pennsylvania lawmakers. They personally donated the books that were given to a total of thirty-seven House and Senate members. If you haven't read it yet, we really think you should. And please ask your local librarian to put it on their shelves. Once read, please take a moment and leave a review at Goodreads or at one of the major online retailers that sells books. You can check out some of the praise that's already been heaped upon American Roulette by clicking the link below. Remember, if you make a donation of $25 or more to CBF using our Support button below, we'll send you this important book gift wrapped for that person in your life who enjoys a good, but tense, read.

Praise for American Roulette
American Roulette Orders
The Charles Bruce Foundation Rewards Site
Donate for items available from the foundation.

You Did It!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You got us to Mars in just two short months (and NASA said it takes 80 days - we showed them!) We have to admit, watching our Kickstarter campaign for Major Tom versus The Spiders from Mars as it crept nearer its deadline date may have induced anxiety in some of you, but you can now rest easy in the assurance that this new graphic novel is on its way to publication. Without over-sharing (sorry, no spoilers allowed in this newsletter), this book owes a debt of gratitude to the mascot, WAM! the Spaceman, created by Chad Bruce. Seeing this unique logo inspired Jason to pursue his long-sought-after goal of writing a space-based graphic novel. To secure permission to use WAM!, he agreed to two very specific conditions which, when woven into the story, resulted in a most playful and interesting narrative.

Upcoming Events

*November 25, 2023, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm - Wilbert on High at History on High book signing with author Sam Robb and illustrator Holly Cameron at 33 W High St, Carlisle, PA

*November 25, 2023, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - 14th Annual Holiday and Craft Fair free giftwrapping of Charles Bruce Foundation books at Carlisle Expo Center, 100 K St, Carlisle, PA

*December 8, 2023, 5:00 - 7:00 pm - Wilbert Christmashead painting with the artist - Paint your own cow, Santa, or Mrs. Claus at Create-A-Palooza, 11 E. High Street, Carlisle, PA

*December 9, 2023, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm - Gift wrapping with custom paper by CBF authors and artists at History on High - The Shop, 33 W. High St, Carlisle, PA

*December 9, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 pm - American Roulette book talk with Cheryl Dunn Bychek at Charlotte Library, 226 Bostwick St S, Charlotte, MI

*December 10-20, 2023, 3:30 - 5:30 pm - Blanket drop off for Homeless Remembrance Blanket Project 2023 at Santa Shack, Carlisle, PA

*December 11, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00 pm - American Roulette book talk with Cheryl Dunn Bychek at Bath Township Senior Center, 15043 Seniors Ct, Bath, MI

*December 11, 2023, 6:00 - 7:00 pm - American Roulette book talk with Cheryl Dunn Bychek at Bath Township Library, 14025 Webster Rd, Bath, MI

*December 11, 2023, 6:00 - 7:00 pm - American Roulette book talk with Cheryl Dunn Bychek at Bath Township Library, 14025 Webster Rd, Bath, MI

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