Change is coming
If you missed the Sunday sermon on change, you missed the invitation from Reverend Joy to be a part of writing a story of change and renewal at Unity of Lehigh Valley. You can listen to the sermon online and here is an excerpt from her text:
The story we tell about change really depends on our perspective.
And here is one of the coolest things about perspective-we can change it! Standing in a shadow it feels cold and looks dark. Moving a few feet might put us in the warmth of sunshine and light. Which brings us to the final word in our title today, Fear. When someone says "Things will change," we wait for the other shoe to drop. Change how? What is going to happen? Last Monday on All Rise I learned that "Catastrophizing" is a word! Imagining a catastrophe is waiting to unfold in the next moment is often where our minds go when we hear the word change. So how do we get back to change as a neutral word meaning becoming different?
When you hear the word change or enter into a discussion that means change, stop and take a breath. Before your thoughts drag you into the pit of catastrophizing, follow your breath into the center of your being. Move your conscious awareness into the realm of possibilities. Connect with the mystery of pure potential in our spiritual awareness. If fear is our human response, curiosity is our spiritual response.
I am inviting you to become curious and join me in writing a story about renewal and change. On April 30th I am choosing a new path. I'm going to step away from active church ministry and choose retirement. I honestly have no idea what that will look like. Although my mobility is an annoying challenge, there is no one big thing driving this change. I'm not fired. There is no scandal. I'm not even leaving you for another church. It is just change. It feels like time for me and for ULV. I know some of you think the right time for me to leave was maybe five years ago and for some of you, it will never be the right time. So here we are together, facing change.
Some of you who are longtime members of ULV may not have had the best experience with departing ministers so I really hope we can go into this with curiosity and keep re-centering in the mystery of infinite potential in this experience. I hope we can continue to honor our love and respect for one another, desiring the best for each other even as we set off in new, different directions. I commit to honoring the feelings of fear and sadness and even anger that may arise in all of us.
Take a breath. We're writing a change story and we choose our perspective. We are creating our experience. In our humanity, change is constant. As we expand the expression of our divinity, change is constant. Let us choose a perspective that allows us to transition into an amazing new chapter in the ministry of ULV. Namaste. Rev Joy
Calendar for this week
TODAY: Wednesday 2/12
Thursday 2/13
Friday 2/14
Office Closed
Sat 2/15
Sun 2/16
Charles Lee "The Wonders of Co-Creation" A metaphysical look at Adam and Eve.
CoDA Step Study*
7pm: CoDA*
Mon 2/17
Office Closed
6:30pm: A Course in Miracles
Tuesday 2/18
6pm: Recovery Dharma (Buddhist practices & principles to heal the suffering of addiction-open to all who wish to attend)*
* indicates non-Unity event
Check out Community Events at the bottom of the page
Rev Joy 2/9/20
Links to other sermons can be found on our website and Facebook page.
Visit our website:
Check out our MUSIC PLAYLIST at:
If you would like to be considered for the ballot to be elected to the Minister Selection Committee, please notify Marisa Lenci or Jenn Hertwig no later than February 26.
Charles Lee This Sunday
Guest speaker and musician
Join us for a ULV favorite!
"The Wonders of Co-Creation"
A metaphysical look at Adam and Eve
Healing service this Sunday immediately following our Sunday service.
Unity of Lehigh Valley
2020 Board of Trustees
Congratulations to our new Board Trustees: Eva Burkhart, Jon Durn and Marisa Lenci.
And once again huge thanks to Joyce Buchman and Dale Parkhurst for six years of outstanding service.
Spend a Sunday with YOUTH
If you are interested in a ONE SUNDAY holiday with the youth downstairs, please let Sunset or Reverend Joy know.
We need ONE volunteer this Sunday Feb 16 & ONE volunteer on March 1
Maybe you have a talent to share (yoga for youth; an art project) or a story you love to share. Sunset will also be present to support your participation. Think about ONE SUNDAY with our youth as an adventure you have been waiting for!
Lent begins February 26th
Lent is not just a season of renewal, it is also a time of reflection and release. Unity's Lent booklet focuses on a balance of releasing what does not serve us so we can take up something more positive.
This year's booklet features original writings from Unity authors Eric Butterworth and James Dillet Freeman; along with daily reflections from other Unity ministers.
To order your free booklet and begin your personal journey through Lent,
Reserve your spot now for the September Women's Getaway
Dewey Beach, DE.
Adams Ocean Front
Friday 9/11-Sunday 9/13 with an extra night possible for $65.
Total amount of the getaway is $175. A Deposit of $85 is due to Ginny at sign-up. Final payment is due
to Ginny by 8/30/2020.
Sign-up Sheet in the Sanctuary, or contact
Ginny Stanglein
via email for questions.
Again this year ULV will partner with Mary Driesbach and Hearts4Hearts, to raise funds to alleviate Human Trafficking in the Lehigh Valley. Mary provides the flavored candy hearts and all your contributions go to organizations in the Lehigh Valley that support those impacted by human trafficking. It's a sweet way to make a difference!
Social Time with ULV friends
March 22nd, 2pm
Anthony Young and Virginia Stanglein are coordinating a trip after church on March 22nd to attend the Emmaus High School performance of Hello Dolly! Tickets are $14 for adults, $12 for students/seniors. Get your money in to Ginny or Anthony ASAP so that tickets can be purchased. Plans for lunch are still unfolding so check with Anthony or Ginny.
What are you grateful for?
Thank you to Gladys Fernandez & Alicia and Eva Burkhart for stepping up to cover hospitality on Sunday.
Thank you to everyone who attended our annual meeting on Sunday and for your great participation and ideas for ULV.
If you are grateful for something at ULV, send a message to the office:
Rick Stober is inviting you to join him on Zoom or via phone for a daily "coherence call" at 11:30am each morning. Here is the information for the call. Feel free to join once a week or every day!
Meeting ID: 321 012 0432
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,3210120432# US (New York)
+17207072699,,3210120432# US (Denver)
Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) Meeting ID: 321 012 0432
For more information on Connection Practice and coherence, CLICK HERE
April 5th: Palm Sunday Brunch
April 9th: Maundy Thursday Service, 7pm
Compassion Caravan: Healing Nurses Through Compassion and Self-Care
Philadelphia Retreat is May 15 and 16th
The Compassion Caravan
is a national project led by holistic nurses for all of nursing to offer compassion through heart centered presence, holistic communication, networking and focused experiences in self-reflection and healing. As the caravan travels it will have three major events/workshops for nurses. There will also be small meet and greet opportunities for the public to sign The Declaration of Compassion. For more information talk to Maggie Schlamb or see the website HERE.
This four-day experiential retreat blends celebration, ritual, and renewal at some of the sacred Unity Village locations. This is the essential retreat for those who want to cultivate their experience and understanding of the power of affirmative prayer in their life. For more information about this retreat at Unity Village, Missouri and to register
For more information on IJCU events
Sign up NOW!
Just north of us,
offers great opportunities for renewal and spiritual exploration.
Check out upcoming programs at their website by
Bradbury-Sullivan Center Classes, Workshops and Support
Go to their website by
The Center is located at 522 W Maple Street in downtown Allentown.