Local Work Group Highlights
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Local Work Groups (LWG) contribute at the local level to make change happen! The work completed in 2022 led to the following contributions:
- NRCS is working on providing financial assistance to install watering systems on cropland that utilizes grazing of cover crops.
- NRCS is looking to expand GPGI and adjust planning efforts for Grazing Lands Health in EQIP to further address woody plant invasion in Kansas grasslands.
In 2022, many resource concerns were discussed. Top concerns across the state in 2022 were soil health (crop adoption/expansion), active gully erosion (specifically ephemeral erosion) in cropland fields, cedar tree invasion associated with grazing lands, lack of or ability to utilize prescribed burning, concern with the lack of available water for livestock, amount of sediment and nutrient delivery to surface water supplies that are utilized for domestic purposes. Be sure to read the full report.