

DECEMBER 20, 2021

Here's your weekly news, updates, events in energy, and MORE!

Spotlight Events


20% OFF PROMO CODE: HappyHolidays

E4 Carolinas Leadership Programs

Job Listings

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Digital + Engagement Strategist

Energy Management Systems Engineer

Energy Systems Engineer

Please apply and learn more by using our Careers link: https://www.electricities.com/aboutus/careers/ or email Kim Krause [email protected]

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Energy Research Analyst 

Energy Engineer 

Electrical Engineer 

Please apply and learn more by using our Careers link: https://www.advancedenergy.org/careers/


Energy Headlines

Proterra Names New CEO and CFO

Polish joint venture to commercialize SMRs

As the wood pellet industry expands in North Carolina, global debate ensues.

Virtual reality is used to train nuclear staff.

Richland County Council approves financial incentives for Westinghouse Energy to expand near Columbia.

NuScale Power plans to be the first advanced nuclear reactor company to go public.

Mitsubishi Power Upgrades Gas Turbines at Senoko Energy to Reduce 15,000 Tons of Carbon Emissions Annually

Proterra announces EV battery factory in South Carolina as demand for commercial electric vehicles grows.

Honeywell, UT-Austin Join on New Carbon Capture Technology

Kentucky utility leader selected to become CEO of SC’s public electricity company

NC needs more charging stations to be ready for the electric-vehicle future.

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Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you in the new year!


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