Team Finch Newsletter
September 2018
Another September, ripe with opportunities for learning! What's on your list of aspirations?

In my own corner of growth and change, I have added  working in groups  and  navigating critical conversations  to my consulting services. In collaborating with colleague Ryan Burke , co-founder and senior partner at Leadership and Design, I am reminded that attending to and practicing the fundamentals of  communication in the workplace  is often exactly what our teams need.

There isn't a better time for schools and organizations to invest in adult learning. Professional development done well engages and excites people! Whether you are trying to increase understanding and competence in the realm of gender diversity or looking for new tools for facilitating effective meetings, I'd love to hear from you. 
Yours in work and play,

Jennifer Bryan, Ph.D.
Can you identify this photo??
What's New
Thanks to Jen Cort for inviting me to participate in her new podcast on VoicEd Radio, "a 24/7 Internet-based Radio Station dedicated to both broadening and deepening the conversations we have about education." Third Spaces are the places outside home and work where we gather to share our ideas. Jen's focus is equity, diversity, and inclusion; find conversations this month with Rosetta Lee , Rosalind Wiseman , Tre Garnett , and Rodney Glassgow . My podcast airs next month!
Take a Look
Leadership and Design
If you don't already subscribe to the Leadership+Design newsletter, you should check it out! Last year the newsletter focused on  Whiplash: How to Survive Our Faster Future , and I went spelunking in Joi Ito and Jeffrey Howe's chapter on "Diversity Over Ability." I discovered a different way to think about tools. You can read my piece "What's in your Toolbox?" here .
Social Emotional Learning Resources
Here are two ready-for-prime-time visual resources from human sexuality education pioneer, Deborah Roffman . Thirteen Good Ideas to Live By  should be on the walls in every elementary school and  Eight Strategies to Support Healthy, Egalitarian Relationships Among Youth  should be all over our middle and high schools.

(For information about ordering, email:  [email protected] )
Programs Ahead
I look forward to returning to Los Angeles and presenting  Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in PreK-12  for the California Association of Teacher Development and Collaboration. (CATDC). As our 21st Century understanding of human diversity expands, PreK-12 educators must be able to engage with issues related to gender and sexuality intentionally, competently and confidently.

I'm excited to be speaking at the Equity and Justice/Diversity and Multicultural Forum Dinner at The Pingry School on November 1, 2018 from 4:30-8:00. My working title is  LGBT: The Little Acronym That Couldn't Anymore (because it got too big).  Our conversation will be about frameworks that support gender and sexuality inclusivity in PreK-12 Schools. 

Treat yourself to a few days at Mohonk Mountain House and attend  Redefining Student Support K-12: Meeting the Physical, Emotional, Social, Educational, & Health Needs of Generation Z. Join me, Rob Tuckman and Justine Fonte   as we tackle these Big Questions. (1) Who is in charge of supporting the “whole” GenZ student? (2) What does that support look like? (3) How can the Student Support Professional (SSP) maintain their own health and wellness?! For counselors, psychologists, health educators, nurses, deans, advisors, residential life staff, coaches or teachers.

I'll be back in the Pacific Northwest in December for a program on  Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in PreK-12: Frameworks, Values and Practice  for the Northwest Association of Independent Schools. (NWAIS). This workshop will focus on concepts and language for understanding human identity development and creating developmentally appropriate practice. By using individual school missions and the Gender and Sexuality Diversity framework, participants will have hands-on opportunities to explore critical questions about curriculum, practice, programs and policies.

Team Finch Consultants
PO Box 961
Northampton, MA 01061