Behind the Scenes with Connie
Because it's your dog!
Photographers - Directors: Kremer | Johnson
Agency: DMH, Kanas City Creative Director: Tom Stofac Sr. Art Director: Jared Bergeron
Production Notes
Creating dynamic images of dogs and owners enjoying there best life!

SurityPRO - Stills & Motion: 1 tech, 3 shoot days
Eight hero shots, Eight 10 second motion clips.

Let's do this!

Location: Santa Clarita, Tarzana & East Hollywood
Call Time: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Talent: 8 Hero Dogs, 13 human talent,

Biggest Challenge:
Keeping all crew, talent & clients COVID SAFE!!
Find three locations that suited the creative vision for eight shots.
Keep the dogs cool & happy!
It's about the dogs!!

Studio Animal Services - Deb and team, Thank you for making me look good!

Photographers: Kremer | Johnson

As always,
Our client enjoyed being involved in all aspects of the shoot and we enjoyed them!


All in a days work!

Fun You Missed
Photographers - POV
From the first creative call, this was basically a dream job for us. We loved that the agency really welcomed us into the ideation phase of the campaign. It was pretty much the perfect blend of concept & collaboration between us as photographers, and the agency as creatives.

The job started off with several creative calls during which we brainstormed concepts with the agency. We looped Connie in from the jump to help keep us on track & under budget. There were some big ideas being tossed around & she was great at offering creative production solutions to help make everything possible.
Once we settled on the final concepts, the work of bringing them to life began in earnest. There were all the typical aspect of a job - casting, locations, styling, etc; this one, though, had the added layer of casting and TRAINING a bunch of dogs. With all these moving pieces, we really relied on Connie to keep tabs on everything so we could focus on the bigger picture. 
First, she connected us with Studio Animal Services, who worked closely with us to find just the right pups for the pics. With the dogs cast & beginning training, we set out to find locations. This was a 3 day shoot, calling for 8 distinct locations. Knowing we didn’t have time in the day for company moves, Connie & our location scout, Dan, presented us with a series of, “anchor homes,” which met the specific needs of our more demanding concepts, and also allowed us the flexibility to re-dress & pull off multiple shots each day. That approach proved pivotal in the success of this campaign. With everyone at one location for the entire day, we were able to really dig in & take our time making the best possible version of these images & their accompanying motion components. Considering all that there was to do, this was an exceptionally smooth production without any major surprises. When the final shoot day ends with everyone walking away happy, it’s a great feeling. 

Neil & Cory
Kremer | Johnson
Creative POV
"When the boys at KJ say this was a collaborative effort, I think we can point squarely at Connie for making it so. From the initial conference calls to the many rounds of concepting and shot ideas, Connie was a real linchpin. It's hard to be unflappable when you say, "We need a dog who will be on point while looking at a painting of a bird', but Connie was. She also didn't mind godawful puns like mixing 'unflappable' and 'dog who will point while looking at a painting of a bird', which is a plus.
Final note: If Connie asks you to join her for post-shoot margaritas, go.
For the love of God. Go."

Tom Stofac
Creative Director
DMH Kansas City
Connie Conway Productions
323-874-0605 - office
213-712-3236 - mobile