Church of the Covenant

Boston, Massachusetts

This Week at Covenant

Worship in the Streets

8th Annual Winter Walk

Sunday, February 11, 2024

9:00 am

*No In-Person OR Online Worship*



This Sunday, February 11, we will once again take our worship to the streets by joining the 8th annual Boston Winter Walk, walking two miles in shoulder-to-shoulder solidarity with those experiencing homelessness in our city, and re-committing ourselves to the prayerful work of housing justice. There will be three options: to join the walk in person at 9:00 am; to join the walk virtually on your own; or to join in a virtual “prayer walk” at home. We are then invited to join Women’s Lunch Place for a pancake brunch back in Bates Hall!

To join the walk in person or on your own, please register by following these steps. PLEASE NOTE: We want to encourage ALL who are interested to participate whether you feel called to donate, fundraise or not.

     Click here.

     Click on “Join Our Team

     On this page, we encourage you to click “Women’s Lunch Place” so that the money we raise will go directly to our close partners. Then choose one of the following options. Note that (a) “I’ll fundraise my fee” will give you a later option to donate any amount. You also can feel free to donate nothing but still fully participate! Choice (b) ($100 registration fee) exists only for those who feel called to donate this/can afford this. Option (c) allows you to choose any category that fits you, including bringing your dog!

     On the next page, the rectangle “Church of the Covenant” should be highlighted already so you can then type in your fundraising goal. This can be any amount from $0 and up. Our goal as a church is to raise $1,000, so anything from $0-100 is great for this slot. And since this is only a few weeks away, you may find it hard to fundraise, so consider naming an amount you feel called to give yourself. But please feel no pressure to donate here if a hardship—we mostly desire your presence! Note: you can click the box: “I don’t want a fundraising page” and this allows your name to be listed on our church page, but without a $ figure. You can still donate separately. Type in your details (name, contact info, how you heard about the Winter Walk, and waiver, etc.) and complete the registration.

     To join the walk in prayerful solidarity in lieu of walking two miles, please register here. For more info: Questions? Email Rob.


Join us on Wednesday, February 14, when we begin the 40 days of Lent and our exploration of Bird Power: The Spiritual Practice of Becoming Free and Unfettered. We will gather for Ash Wednesday worship with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes, in Bates Hall and on Zoom. Rev. Rob Mark will offer a brief reflection, with contemplative music led by Minister of Music Tom Handel.


On Thursday, February 15, at 7:00 pm, the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization is organizing an In-District Meeting with Representatives Livingston and Michlewitz at First Church Boston UU, 66 Marlborough Street at Berkeley Street. This is one of several meetings with state senators and representatives where we will be asking for their commitment to:

• $1.6 billion for state-funded public housing

• at least $189 million for the operating budget in public housing

• the real estate transfer fee to increase affordable housing

• state IDs for people who are returning from prison upon release

• $9 million in rental assistance for those who are returning from incarceration

GBIO is hoping to turn out 50 to 80 people to show our representatives that this matters to us. Bring your friends, neighbors, family members. The more people we have the more power we have to influence our legislators and hold them accountable- so let’s turn out strong on February 15 for housing justice! Register here.


Workshop, Sunday, March 3, following worship. When you think of our

planet, is it sometimes hard for you to conjure hope? Receive our Climate Jubilee Team’s invitation to join an important free, all-church workshop, “Unshakable Hope,” led by climate resilience ethicist Dr. Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee, MDiv, PhD. We will gather with sustainable snacks and hot

beverages in Bates Hall (and on Zoom) to kindle some hope in the spirit of COTC adult education together. Questions? Email Rob.


Join GBIO on Sunday, March 3, at 3:00 pm, to push the Housing Justice Campaign across the finish line! Major action to call for the passing of the Affordable Homes Act and GBIO’s budget and legislative asks to:

  • Improve public housing,
  • Expand affordable homeownership and rental, and
  • Improve housing access for Returning Citizens.

At the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, 100 Malcolm X Boulevard, Roxbury, MA 02120

To register:


On regular Sundays, we offer Christian education through Godly Play for ages 3-9, youth classes for ages 10-13 and 14+, and a nursery for the littlest ones. We welcome all children, youth, and families—those we know already and those who are here for the first time. We share CYCE information regularly via email, so please email Rev. Kate at [email protected] if you want to receive updates!


In the event of a significant snowstorm over a weekend, please check our website to find out whether our in-person service has been cancelled. We will also send an email through our “This Week at Covenant” email list in the event of a cancellation. In the event of an in-person cancellation, we will still hold a service over Zoom at 10:30 am with the same Zoom link.



Please join us each Sunday at 10:30 am and during the special services listed below as we come together in community to pray, sing, share celebrations and concerns, and hear God’s still-speaking Word proclaimed in these hybrid services (in-person and Zoom options). Zoom link for each service.

  • Sunday, February 11: Winter Walk “Worship in the Streets,” no in-person worship at 67 Newbury Street, no online worship
  • Wednesday, February 14 at 6:30 pm: Ash Wednesday Service, Communion, Imposition of Ashes, in Bates Hall and on Zoom
  • Sunday, February 18: First Sunday in Lent, Rev. Rob Mark preaching, Communion, Deacons Meeting & Life Alive Brunch After Worship
  • Sunday, February 25: Second Sunday in Lent, Rev. Joshua Lawrence Lazard preaching, All-Church Potluck After Worship




Our weekly morning Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 9:45 am on Zoom. We are studying the Gospel of Mark. If you’d like more information or want to be on the list to get regular reminders and Zoom info, contact Jan Gough at [email protected].


Join us Wednesdays for our weekly evening prayers at 6:00 pm with intentional liturgy, contemplative song, psalms, and sharing of prayers with our siblings from Newton Presbyterian, on Zoom.

THE FEBRUARY ISSUE OF COVENANT NEWS can be read online here.

67 Newbury St
Boston, MA 02116
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