Vol. 8 Issue 4, August 27, 2020
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Restart & Recovery Survey closed: Hamilton Labour Market Snapshot Q2; Class of 2020 better prepared for job market; Who's Hiring in Hamilton during COVID-19?; Hamilton LMI July 020

Survey Closed! Thank You #HamOnt

We would like to thank all the Hamilton businesses that took the time to complete the Restart & Recovery Survey. Our team is working on the data analysis and will share the aggregated data in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Hamilton Labour Market Snapshot - Quarter 2

The unemployment rate has increased dramatically in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and economic shutdowns. In June 2020, the unemployment rate was 12.1% compared to 4.7% in June of 2019. Supervisors and managers in various occupations experienced some of the greatest job losses. Overall, the majority of the job losses occurred among skill level C occupations, which are jobs that do not require post secondary education.

There are a number of closures and cancellations occurring this summer: James Street Super Crawl; summer camps and all programs at recreation centers; tourist sites; Canadian Football League and the Hamilton Tigercats. Government at all levels are increasing funding to support various industries.

The below chart shows the top 10 skills in demand and the greatest number of online job postings by sectors. Labour Market Snapshot: Click here to read the full quarterly report.
Class of 2020: You're Better Prepped for the Job Market Compared to Other Grads

Everyone has had to adapt this year—and college students surely didn’t have as much to deal with as many other folks. But the sudden change forced students to give up any sense of college student entitlement without a choice.

As the class of 2020 enters the workforce with good workplace habits already forming. Soft skills, such as communication, adaptability, and the ability to manage up, are highly valued in the workplace. These grads have already picked up so many skills that previous graduates have had to pick up on the job, they're what got students through their last semester of college, but they’re also what will help them excel in the workforce.

Who's Hiring in Hamilton During COVID-19?

New job board provides opportunities for businesses and job seekers
With support from the city’s Economic Development Office we are sharing a new platform for Hamilton businesses and their local employment needs. During these unprecedented times there is a desire for real-time information on job opportunities across many sectors in our city.

Hamilton Labour Force Information:
July 2020

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of Hamilton, Hamilton Economic Development, and the Flamborough and Stoney Creek Chambers of Commerce, are closely monitoring and assessing new developments pertaining to COVID-19, as well as its impacts on Hamilton business.

Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca