Every time I think about 35 years I am caught in disbelief. How can 35 years have passed so quickly? It seems like yesterday but at the same time, so long ago. Mostly, what I see when I visualize the last 35 years are faces. The faces that have touched my life both personally and professionally over the years. I think of the hundreds of staff that we have employed over the years as well as the thousands of clients who have crossed our paths. So many of these individuals were an answered prayer, with many still employed with us today.

It’s easy to look through pictures and remember the stories. Thousands of little moments that come together with laughter, smiles...
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Working at the front desk provides the perfect opportunity to be in the know about everything. That's why us chicks have invited two of our Patient Care Coordinators, who also double as our viral social media sensations, to chat with us and help us celebrate Admin Professionals Day!

Then on our Therapy on the Rocks segment, join us as we raise a glass to all the amazing admin professionals out there with a delicious Hibiscus French 75! 

You can listen to our latest episodes of Marketing Chicks in a PT World on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeart Radio!

this month from
NesinFIT April Picks
their latest reads, follows, listens & obsessions
Latest Read:
"Becoming a Supple Leopard"
By: Kelly Starrett
Who to Follow:
Zach Long, PT, DPT, SCS
@thebarbellphysio on Instagram
Listen to This:
Victory Over Injury Podcast
Current Obsession:
Cryotherapy & Compression

this month from
Nesin Pelvic picks
a few tips from your nesin pelvic health team
Latest Read:
"Come as You Are"
By: Emily Nagoski
Who to Follow:
Brianna Battles @brianna.battles on Instagram
Listen to This:
Marketing Chicks in a PT World
Season 2 Ep 5: Period Pain? This is for YOU
Current Obsession:
Frida Peri Bottle
"A must for postpartum mommas!"
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Claire H. says...
"I'm a firm believer in therapy and this has made me feel like myself again. I now feel strong and comfortable in my actions and ready to get back to life!"
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Madison | P: 256-461-9654 Huntsville | P: 256-425-0300 Research Park | P: 256-713-1872
NesinFIT at Lincoln Mill | P: 256-489-1100 Nesin Pelvic Health | P: 256-513-8442