Dear Friends,
How do you know your practice is making a difference in your life? Are you aware of your growth and found ways to track your progress?
George Leonard and Michael Murphy agreed in the importance of research when they created ITP and we, at ITPI, continue that tradition.
This fourth quarterly newsletter zeroes in on research, the fourth leg of ITP and a cornerstone of our practice. We use research in a variety of ways to learn how the practice provides benefit and to ensure we keep ITP fresh and evolving.
In this issue, read about the spirit of possibility that launched ITP's first experimental class and the research our co-founders employed to verify ITP efficacy, along with subjective findings. We are excited about a deeper exploration into the topic of research at Esalen Institute in January 2022 when we present the ITP workshop, Transformative Practice Meets the Scientific Method.
As we look ahead to 2022 and new buds of growth, our hope is that you're able to celebrate the positive changes arising in you and find great joy in your practice today and in the coming year.
Please tell us what you're learning and appreciating from our newsletter offerings and what you'd like us to spotlight in the coming year.
Thank you for your presence in our ITP global community and for the gifts you give to yourself and the world through your practice.
Blessings of peace, beauty and love,
Pam Kramer
ITPI President