Dear Friends,

As with each Halloween, most of our migratory birds are gone and our beautiful fall foliage is passing its magnificent peak. So, we prepare for the frigid Montana winter once again!

What better time to dig in, stay busy, and move our work forward in meaningful ways?

That's exactly what we are doing at Montana Audubon on all fronts, from gearing up for the Montana legislative session and advocating for wildlife, to teaching Fledglings Preschool and planning Wings Across the Big Sky, June 9-11, 2023.

Read on for an eery tale about Glacier's ghosts, learn about our new coalition for wildlife, and hear about Autumn at the Center.

Yours in Conservation,
Montana Audubon Staff
The Eery Tale of Glacier's Ghosts
One chilly morning, Montana Audubon ghost hunters cautiously ascend to Raven Quiver Falls, hoping to gain a glimpse of an elusive Glacier spirit - the Black Swift.

An eery feeling washes over them, not because of what they might encounter, but because of what they might not.

The Black Swift (Cypseloides niger) is considered "Climate Endangered" according to Audubon's Climate report because none of its breeding range is stable, with 70% expected to disappear in this century. Scary!

But there is hope. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is the largest investment the U.S. has ever made to tackle climate change. The bill allocates $369 billion toward investments in clean energy, with a goal of 40% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.

You may know our ghost hunters as the Montana Audubon science team, who are committed to continuing our strong legacy of science, which informs conservation decision making in Montana and beyond.

Thank you for supporting Montana Audubon and our important work - such as hunting elusive Glacier ghosts and thwarting scary environmental scenarios!

Read "Tracking Glacier's Ghosts" and more in our downloadable newsletter.
New Coalition Fighting for America's Wildlife
Not so scary is the tale of the newly formed Montana Coalition for Recovering America's Wildlife, initiated by Montana Audubon!

This growing group of diverse businesses and organizations recognizes the value of healthy wildlife populations in Montana and is working to support fish and wildlife conservation, outdoor recreation and conservation education.

Their first order of business - Pushing for passage of Recovering America's Wildlife Act (RAWA) in the U.S. Senate, which would authorize approximately $27 million per year for Montana fish and wildlife conservation. Look for more information soon.
Autumn at the Center
Fall colors have been putting on an amazing show at the Montana Audubon Center this month! A bonus - warmer than normal temperatures have enabled visitors and volunteers to take full advantage of the site and embrace fall in the outdoors. A special observation was a late season monarch emergence, especially given the butterfly’s low numbers due to the early milkweed bloom. Because milkweed was dying during this special emergence, the monarch used a blanket flower to create its chrysalis! 

Luckily, we have restored a diverse array of native plants on site! Each fall, volunteers collect milkweed and other native flower seeds for dispersal to other locations on the grounds. This endeavor ensures that optimal food sources are present for native pollinators, mammals and birds. 

These efforts also provide excellent opportunities for learning and exploration. During October, Fledglings Preschoolers noticed the slower movements of insects sheltering under a log. Homeschool Science students have been learning about water and discovering the ways that it changes. ANTS (Audubon Naturalists in The Schools) students have been noting changes in the landscape. Each engagement is a unique opportunity, thanks to the amazing landscape at the Center.

As fall progresses, we are embracing the season with preparations for our annual Holiday Wreath Making workshop and our 2nd Annual Holiday Market. Autumn is a great time to check the pulse of our natural world and prepare for the colder months ahead, when new explorations will surely ensue. 

22nd Annual
June 9-11, 2023
Heritage Inn, Great Falls

More information to come!