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Greetings Cape Cod Wave Surfers,

Spring has arrived on Cape Cod and with that we embark on a fresh start and some new posts for you to read. We in the Cape Cod Wave corporate offices have an ongoing debate about whether there is really a spring on Cape Cod or whether spring is merely a Thursday in June that offers a clear transition from winter to summer. This year, with spring weather and blue skies predominating, we who are perpetual spring apologists, declare it is officially spring 2021! Now to the posts:

  • How Collectible is Gorey? Very. Edward Gorey fans get your checkbooks ready for an auction tomorrow offering a variety of fascinating ephemera related to the author/illustrator who lived for many years in Yarmouthport.

Patronize our Advertisers! You won't find a better bookstore on Cape Cod than Eight Cousins Bookstore in Falmouth. They recommend a book every week in Cape Cod Wave and you can check out a description of the book on our website and click over to their website to order your copy.

Many have already discovered this breakfast and lunch spot on Falmouth's Main Street: Pickle Jar Kitchen is where you go for hearty, healthy and unique menu choices.

Do you like hats? We have hats. You can buy a hat.Wear A Cape Cod Wave Hat Near Cape Cod Waves

Also, you can purchase our photography on a number of items from mugs to shirts to more - Shop Cape Cod Wave items

Finally, we hope you will consider supporting Cape Cod Wave Magazine and the work that we do. We have created a Donate Page.

So that's the newsletter... you know how this works. Cape Cod Wave Magazine is different and what really accentuates that is our longform journalism. Please check out these deep dives into important stories and profiles of fascinating people - Longform

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We always have more stories coming up, so don't forget to check in with us often. If you have a tip, write

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Most of all, come visit Cape Cod Wave and let us know what you think.

Laura & Brian