If there is an aggressive alligator, 4 foot in length or longer, residents can report it to Florida Wildlife Control (FWC). The Nuisance Alligator Hotline number is 866-392-4286, or you can visit their website. When you report the nuisance alligator to the FWC, they will give you a reference number in which you, the resident, would need to call the Seven Oaks Clubhouse Manager, Theresa DiMaggio at 813-907-7987 ext. 4 or email [email protected] to give her the reference number. The manager will then call FWC, give them the reference number, and allow them on property to remove the alligator. In the interest of full disclosure, alligators are euthanized, and the trapper(s) keep the meat and hides. Neither the CDD nor Rizzetta initiate the removal of alligators: removals are based off of residents calling the FWC.