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Our Town Novato is a weekly update of news you may have missed throughout the week.
Resources and information for Novato businesses and workers impacted by COVID-19 is available at novato.org/COVID19biz.
County Seeks to Expand Access to Housing in Novato through Homekey Program
On Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 9am, the Marin County Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting to discuss acquiring Novato’s Inn Marin Hotel located at 250 Entrada Drive, Novato (APN 160-161-21) to potentially house local unsheltered residents through the State’s Homekey Program.
The City requested the County present this item at the Novato City Council meeting on October 27 at 6pm to make our community aware of this project and allow an additional opportunity for the community to share their input to County staff.
Information on how to participate and provide public comment at this virtual meeting is included with the agenda packet at novato.org/watchmeetings.
Marin County COVID-19 Update as of October 22, 2020
Marin County Public Health continues to monitor and report confirmed COVID-19 cases countywide on their dedicated coronavirus website at marinhss.org/coronavirus. Here you will find accurate, up-to-date information with a focus on how it is impacting our local communities.
Here are some data points, as of October 22, 2020, that may be of interest to you:
Marin Confirmed Cases: 4,806
Marin Cases Recovered: 4,572
Marin Deaths: 100
Tests Completed in Marin: 91,592
Marin Hospitalizations (cumulative): 169
Marin Hospitalizations (currently): 5
What is Novato's Measure Q?
On November 3, 2020 Novato voters will be asked to consider Measure Q, an increase to Novato's existing local hotel tax.
Measure Q is not a property tax or a tax on Novato residents who are not hotel or lodging guests.
If enacted, Measure Q would continue to protect essential services and priorities that the community has said are important, including:
- Keeping public areas safe, clean and healthy;
- Ensuring the City is prepared for any future natural disaster or health emergency;
- Supporting local businesses and residents through the COVID-19 recovery;
- Providing disaster and health crisis response; and
- Maintaining 9-1-1 emergency response and capacity in any emergency.
Marin Inches Closer Tier 3 COVID-19 Status
With its improving COVID-19 figures, Marin County is in a position to further reopen local business industries no sooner than Tuesday, October 27, if local COVID-19 incidence remains steady or continues to decrease.
Marin County COVID-19 Information Hotline
Marin County Health & Human Services (HHS) is available to answer your questions at the HHS COVID-19 Information Line. Please call 415.473.719, Monday-Friday between 9:30am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm.
NUSD Virtual Town Hall on 10/26
Novato Unified School District Superintendent Kris Cosca is hosting a Virtual Town Hall on Monday, October 26, at 5pm on Facebook to address common thoughts and questions about returning to a hybrid learning model.
Marin County Community Conversation on A Safer Return to School: Watch Now
On October 22, Marin Public Health and Marin Office of Education hosted community conversation to discuss new resources for parents, teachers and students to find answers about school reopening under COVID-19 conditions.
Novato Police: Teen Driver Safety Week October 18 -24
Novato Police Department is encouraging parents to discuss the importance of safe driving habits with their teens as newly licensed drivers.
This week, and every week, we want parents to get involved with their teen’s new responsibilities as a driver and help them understand the rules of the road.
Play It Safe Novato!
When visiting our outdoor playgrounds, please take note of new signage explaining the guidelines for safe & healthy play during the pandemic. Thank you for keeping our playgrounds safe for all to enjoy!
¡Actúe con precaución!
Cuando visite nuestros patios de recreo al aire libre, tome nota de la nueva señalización que explica las pautas para un juego seguro y saludable durante la pandemia. ¡Gracias por mantener seguros nuestros patios de recreo para que todos disfruten!
Timely Alternatives for Safe & Fun Holidays / Advertencia De Salud Pública
Celebrating Halloween & Dia de los Muertos safely during COVID-19 offers many ways to be creative in our traditions!
With Halloween just around the corner, Marin HHS has released safe celebration guidelines, urging residents to plan at-home and virtual festivities. Marin HHS strongly discourages customary activities like door-to-door trick-or-treating or large multi-household parties, which can be high-risk for COVID-19 transmission.
As an alternative, trick or treat yourself at the Marin Center Halloween Fair Food Drive-Thru Spooktacular. From October 23 to November 1, the Spooktacular will be open from 4pm to 9pm on weekdays and 11am to 9pm on weekends. Don your costumes and prepare to be spooked with family-friendly haunted surprises and activities all while staying inside your car!
#ShopLocalNovato for Halloween
Parks & Recreation Virtual Magic Show - Halloween Edition
Please join Novato Parks & Recreation for our next FREE virtual event experience on October 26 at 6pm.
Magician Mike Della Penna is back to dazzle you and your family virtually with a performance you won't forget!
This show is geared for school aged children, but will leave the whole family smiling. Pre-registration is required and space is limited.
Join us for Margaret Todd Senior Center's first Free Drive-Through Adult and Senior Resource Fair
Friday, October 30th, 10-11:30am!
Tour the Margaret Todd Center parking lot, at 1560 Hill Road, filled with decorated vehicles before receiving a goodie bag with useful Novato resources, hand sanitizer, and some sweet treats too!
COVID masks required and costumes encouraged!
Not sure when to get your flu shot? The best time is now! Myth: you can’t get the flu and COVID-19 at the same time. Truth: It’s likely that you can get both viruses at the same time. Help prevent one virus from making you very sick this winter. The pandemic makes it more important than ever to get your flu shot.
To mitigate the risks of COVID-19, the flu vaccine is available in new ways, including no appointment drive-thru and during normal doctor visits. Get a flu shot at a location near you. Find locations near you at marinflu.org.
Our Top Stories from Previous Editions
Stay Healthy Novato
The best way to reduce the risk of becoming infected with respiratory virus, whether the flu or coronavirus, is to practice good hygiene:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Wear a face covering when out in public spaces.
- Maintain 6 feet distance from those outside of your own household.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or crook of your elbow (not your hands). If you use a tissue, throw it away and wash your hands afterwards.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Get your flu shot.