News Highlights August 7, 2020
Our Town Novato newsletter is a weekly update of news that you may have missed throughout the week.
City of Novato COVID-19 updates and information is available at novato.org/coronavirus.
Resources and information for Novato businesses & workers impacted by COVID-19 is available at novato.org/COVID19biz.
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Mask Up, Marin!
Covering your nose and mouth with a face covering can be a fashionable and easy way to protect others from the spread of COVID-19. #MaskUpMarin
¡Póngase Máscara Marin!
Cubrirse la nariz y la boca con una cubierta facial es una manera moderna y fácil de proteger a los demás de la propagación de COVID-19.
Marin County COVID-19 Update as of August 6, 2020
Marin County Public Health continues to monitor and report confirmed COVID-19 cases countywide on their dedicated coronavirus website at marinhss.org/coronavirus. Here you will find accurate, up-to-date information with a focus on how it is impacting our local communities.
Here are some data points, as of August 6, 2020, that may be of interest to you:
Marin Confirmed Cases: 3,031 Marin Cases Recovered: 2,655 Marin Deaths: 55 Tests Completed in Marin: 53,904 Marin Hospitalizations (cumulative): 107 Marin Hospitalizations (currently): 21
Video Update: What Will it Take to Get Off the State's Watch List?
What does being on the California Department of Public Health's county monitoring list mean for Marin?
On July 31, Marin's Public Health Officer, Dr. Matt Willis provided some clarity on the data that determines our fate and what we can do as a community to work toward getting off the state's watch list.
State Outlines Criteria for Waivers Allowing Classroom Instruction & Guidance for Youth Sports
On August 3, the California Department of Public Health release detailed criteria for public, private, independent and parochial schools to apply for a waiver of the State's distance learning mandate.
The waiver, if approved by the local Public Health Officer, will enable schools serving students from transitional kindergarten through sixth grade to provide in-person instruction assuming certain criteria have been met.
Marin Schools Together: Weekly Video Series
The Marin County Office of Education and the Canal Alliance have begun a weekly series of short videos, in English and Spanish, about the start-up of schools in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hate Incident Online Reporting Now Available
We hope you don't ever have to report a hate incident or crime, but if you do the Novato Police Department is here for you.
Hate incidents, actions or activities that are hateful in intent but not necessarily criminal in nature, often precede more significant situations. The Novato Police Department is dedicated to thoroughly investigating all hate related incidents and crimes in a concerted effort to increase the safety of our community.
Wildfire season is upon us, and now is the perfect time to plan and be ready for wildfires.
- Register to receive emergency notifications through Nixle and Alert Marin.
- Plan escape routes.
- Check smoke detectors.
- Prepare an emergency supply kit.
- Create defensible space around your home.
Census 2020:
Deadline September 30
If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to submit your confidential census questionnaire online at my2020census.gov or by phone at 1.844.330.2020 before the deadline on September 30, 2020.
Every response counts and the data will be used to allocate the next 10 years of federal funding for Novato's schools, libraries, services for families, children and older adults, disaster response and more.
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Voter Registration:
Make Sure Your Registration is Up-to-Date
Have you recently moved? Changed your name? Or, have a desire to change your political party affiliation? These are a few reasons to update your voter registration. This year, every registered California voter will be sent a vote-by-mail ballot. Make sure your voter registration is up-to-date before the November elections!
We're #NovatoProud of Stephanie Koehler, who brings the Novato community together through times of joy and times of challenge.
Executive Director for the Downtown Novato Business Association since 2016, Koehler launched the community-wide block party that hosted ~3,000 Novato residents, Rock the Block, and has helped local businesses navigate socially distanced space through the COVID-19 pandemic. Koehler, who volunteers on many committees for the Marin Recovers efforts, also helped launch the Novato Small Business Relief Fund.
Do you know a Novatan that deserves to be recognized for their community service? Or a business or individual that makes you proud to call Novato home? Nominate them today!
Our Top Stories from Previous Editions
Stay Healthy Novato
The best way to reduce the risk of becoming infected with a respiratory virus, whether the flu or coronavirus, is to practice good hygiene:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Wear a face covering when out in public spaces.
- Maintain 6 feet distance from those outside of your own household.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or crook of your elbow (not your hands). If you use a tissue, throw it away and wash your hands afterward.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces