Over 25 Green Infrastructure Projects Installed this Fall Alone!
During the months of September through November, the Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) Water Resources Program has been working across the state implementing green infrastructure practices with our local partners.
Over $700,000 in grant funding, plus in-kind contributions, made it possible to implement 28 green infrastructure projects during the
2016 fall season.
From porous pavements to rain gardens, from rainwater harvesting systems to bioswales, these practices have been implemented through funding from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, Camden County Municipal Utility Authority, William Penn Foundation, and other grants leverage by our partners. To download or view the map above, please click here.
Whether we travel home for Thanksgiving or just go there in thought, this is the time of year when we think of our family, friends, and those who mean the very most to us. In this time of gratitude, we give thanks for you! Wishing you the simple joys of Thanksgiving!
From all of us at the Water Resources Program
Upcoming Events and Conferences
A 2016 Northeast Regional Urban Extension Conference
Last chance to register to
learn about exciting research and projects across disciplines that are helping to build more resilient, sustainable, and healthy urban communities!
The finalized conference agenda is now available and includes over 30 topics related to the following conference themes: Strengthen Communities, Protect the Environment, Enrich the Youth, and Feed our Future. Presenters from Cooperative Extension agencies, universities, community organizations, and state agencies will speak on topics ranging from green infrastructure to local food systems. Choose the workshops that are most relevant to your professional interests when you register! Plus, take advantage of the reception and networking opportunity in the evening on Day 1 to make new contacts and explore further opportunities for collaboration.
Register today at $225 per person. Student discount is available for $150. Registration includes breakfast and lunch for both days, and a light reception on Tuesday evening. Click here to register and learn more about this event hosted at the Rutgers University-Newark Paul Robeson Campus Center!
Jersey Water Works Conference
is a day-long event that will bring together more than 300 state and local decision-makers, practitioners, and stakeholders to amplify the importance of addressing New Jersey's infrastructure, explore innovative solutions, and celebrate the Jersey Water Works collaborative as an effective, comprehensive approach to achieving statewide impact.
The conference will feature:
RCE Water Resources Program | New Brunswick, NJ 08901 | M-F 8:30 - 4:30pm