Life, the Universe, and Everything*
Musings from Linda / LUE-42 Enterprises
Issue #103, September 2019
Hello dear readers! Summer sure flew by, didn't it? My August was spent primarily on my new play at the
Edmonton Fringe, but I did manage to fit in a few other things like a trip to
Calgary for a football game (we lost) and beer tasting (I won). I attended breakfasts, lunches, suppers, house warmings, and happy hours. I reinvested my mom's last $50 on the
Canadian Derby and won most of it back (only have a top it up a few bucks, and then it's good to go for the next race). My workout routine took a beating and my healthy eating was set aside in favour of
festival food (i.e., green onion cakes, taco in a bag, corn dog, etc.).
I was blessed with visitors during the Fringe and with many friendly faces in my audience, performance after performance. I saw 14 plays in addition to my own and it was wonderful. I got to hang out with cool people and shoot the breeze. I got to sip late-night scotch (I am still getting the hang of this) with kind, creative beings. I even washed some windows! You might know that I would rather move than wash windows, but my friend Lynn showed me how it's done and actually make the chore "fun." I'm not saying I want to do it again, only that I can.
I also experienced plenty of drama (not the awesome, theatrical kind) but here I am at the end of the month, still in one piece and ready rise above it.
A friend sent me this (via UK
Women in Healthcare) and I really like it: "According to the Japanese, everyone has an
. An ikigai is essentially a reason to get up in the morning. A reason to enjoy life. Do you know what your ikigai is?"
I figured out what my ikagai is, but not what to do about it. Yet. Still, give it a try!
After hearing a really interesting interview on CBC, I read
Hell and Damnation: A Sinner's Guide to Eternal Torment by Marq De Villiers, who
"takes readers on a journey into the strange richness of the human imaginings of hell, deep into time and across many faiths, back into early Egypt and the 5,000-year-old Mesopotamian epic of Gilgamesh. This urbane, funny, and deeply researched guide ventures well beyond the Nine Circles of Dante's Hell and the many medieval Christian visions into the hellish descriptions in Islam, Buddhism, Jewish legend, Japanese traditions, and more." It is a dense but fascinating read. (I've always been interested in theology as an academic pursuit). The book is a combination of decades of academic research with a touch of Monty Python-esque humour thrown in. Not a breezy beach read but a worthwhile one if your mind travels where mine does.
I just saw this on Facebook and laughed:
"You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discover that it happened 100 years ago to Dostoevsky. This is a very great liberation for the suffering, struggling person, who always thinks that he is alone. This is why art is important.
James Baldwin
Question: Should a Second (or Third) Board Term Be Automatic?
ANSWER: Absolutely not.
I recently observed a board discussion on who was standing for another term on the board at the upcoming AGM. This is an appropriate conversation for a board -- put your cards on the table, let your wishes be known.
But it should also be followed up with a one-on-one meeting with the board Chair about whether a director's performance in the past year/term was satisfactory AND whether there is still a fit going forward. These are much harder conversations than "You in?" "Yup."
These conversations also presume that directors have been oriented to their role and the organization's strategic plan, and that some board/director evaluation has been done. I've said it before: the days of filling seats with warm bodies are over.
If the board doesn't do formal director evaluation on a routine basis, then each director should complete a self evaluation prior to standing for re-election. Questions should relate to understanding of the mission, awareness of conflict of interest rules, advocacy efforts on behalf of the organization, understanding the budget, awareness of trends impacting the organization, understanding of the organization's programs and services, personal preparation and engagement, and participation in activities beyond board meetings. Fundraising and personal contributions might also factor in, depending on the type of organization. There are several templates out there (search for board/director self-evaluation tools).
As for the needs of the organization and board, it may be that a new skill/expertise is needed at the table. Or, that personal circumstances have changed that limit a director's ability to engage fully. Or, even more difficult, that a director has become disruptive to the board. Have the conversation, don't restart the clock and wait for it to run out again!
If everything seems to be in order, then re-nominate the director and have them stand for re-election. It should never appear to the members that a director serving a second term is automatic -- members always have the choice.
Assuming your bylaws permit, how do you handle directors wanting to serve an additional term?
August is also Preparedness Month and Read a New Book Month.
Is the Universe is Trying to Tell You Something?
1. Passing Sights On Roads.
Be observant when you're traveling.
2. When A Streetlight Goes Out. W
ho or what were you thinking about?
3. Overheard Conversations. T
hey can be broadcasts of what you are meant to hear.
4. When Your Text Doesn't Send. It might be stopping you from making an error. You're getting a 2nd chance.
5. Familiarity. Pay attention to
déjà vu and triggered memories about people.
6. Music in Your Head. Is there a message in the lyrics? Does it conjure up where you heard it? Or with whom?
7. Animals.
If you keep seeing a particular animal (e.g. in your yard, on TV, or in images), research its behavior and traits.
8. Condition of Your House. E
ncountering challenges associated with your home may point to particular internal challenges you need to face.
9. Surprises. Things that come out of the blu
e are often exceptionally helpful signs, even if they seem irrational, out of place, or even shocking.
Shout Out
to s
ome people who made my life better in August:
Pat Bragg, Brian Edwards, Liz Garratt, Betty Grudnizki, JT Hay, Lynn MacAskill, Karen MacKenzie, Jeff Mawson, Kelly McClung, Jenny Narine, Scott Oberg, Patty O'Neil, Gerald Osborn, Ernie Paustian, Louise Reinich, Nykie Star, Janna Tominuk.
"We are born for cooperation, as are the feet, the hands, the eyelids, and the upper and lower jaws."
- Marcus Aurelius
Wish I'd Said That
"Good manners have much to do with the emotions.
To make them ring true, one must feel them,
not merely exhibit them." -
Amy Vanderbilt
"Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot." - Clarence Thomas
"The fortune you seek is in another cookie." - Anonymous
"Charity brings to life again those that are spiritually dead." -
Thomas Aquinas
I always love your monthly newsletters, this one was particularly enjoyable...LB
After reading the story about living funerals...I agree with the story author - society is changing its view on death, dying and funerals. DE
I...underlined this one: Listen to the other person, THEN develop your response. Also the...quote about grief being "love squaring up to its oldest enemy." Thank you again for an always enjoyable and educational read. MH
I made the list!...So thrilled! I always check. VA
How did I not make the list? I always check. BDE
Nooooo! Not a computer crash!! DV
In response to your sucky computer meltdown, I wrote back in 2017 and continue to stand by it: Gawd I love these. CM
An inexpensive bracelet I bought in Big Valley, AB.
My new play just finished its 8 show run at the Edmonton Intern'l
Fringe Theatre Festival. We sold out six of the shows, had a ton
of fun, and received
an amazing
SHOUT OUT to those who made my new play such a success:
David Cheoros, Francie Goodwin-Davies, James Hamilton, Janelle
Jorde, Andy Northrup, Kevin Tokarsky. Techs Tegan Herron & Matt
Pat Bragg,
Brian Edwards, Liz Garratt, Helena Hill, Louise Reinich,
Wanda S
tephens, Roxann Trouth, Terry Champion & Ruth Hope.
And of course
my sources of inspiration,
our audiences,
and the
Fringe volunteers. xoxo
Extra Shout Out to the friends who helped load out our set 15 minutes after the cast took its final bow: Kim, Stu, Chantelle, Mike, Elana, Jason, Sarah, James, Gerry, Dennis.
Finally, I send big love to Golden for all the gifts it gives me.
Hi there, September. Let's get back at it!
LUE-42 Enterprises
* with fond acknowledge to Douglas Adams and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy