Volume 10 | January

Ed and Rachel Goode Church Planters to Champaign

We're looking forward to a busy summer in Champaign! in June, July and August we'll be hosting teams from Hilltop Church in North Carolina, Great Bridge in Virginia and Living Hope in Illinois. We'll be doing some different community outreaches as well as volunteering with some local non-profits. Each evening we'll be running two separate VBS events, one in the neighborhood where our church meets, and one in a neighborhood where some of the church families live. Please pray for these events. Bridge Church has gained a good reputation in these communities, but we're desperate to see people come to know the Lord as a result of our investment here. In July we'll be travelling to the Nation Association in Raleigh, NC, where Ed will be leading a seminar on Biblical growth.

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Planting season

It's planting season in central Illinois. All the fields around us are covered with a layer of green, as the recently planted crops push their way through the dirt. In a few months each one of those shoots will be taller than me. What would you think of the farmer who got mad at his crop in May because it didn't look like it was supposed to in September? Recently we've been filled with a kind of holy (i hope!) impatience to see the Lord move in Champaign. We're seeing those first green shoots. Great D Group meetings and midweek Bible studies, lay leadership stepping up. People inviting their friends. In the last few months our average Sunday attendance has increased by almost one third. Please pray with me that we would continue to faithfully sow, and wait on the Lord of the harvest.

Can you plant with us?
We're so thankful for those of you who partner with us financially. We love serving the Lord in Champaign, and we couldn't be here without you. If you're not a financial partner yet, would you pray about becoming one? The need here is so urgent. If you'd like more information please click here, or give me a call on 252-916-2908. Thank you.