Let's meet your 2022 Executive Committee
Richard Scinta - President
Richard joined the Orlando Skål Club in 2009 and became its president in 2014. He works for Wyndham Destinations, the world’s largest timeshare company, as Vice President of Club and Association Governance where he leads a team of people that assist their more than 220 Club and Homeowners Associations with their goals and statutory requirements. His goals as President include supporting US Clubs with their needs as well as the International team's goal to transform Skål into a more visible and relevant club.
Holly Powers- Skål International Councillor
Holly has been a member of Skal Boston since 1999 but attended Skal meetings since the mid-'80s. She served as an officer of Skal Boston's Executive Board and became only the third female Skal USA President in 2017. She established Skal SW Florida in 2017, the first new Skal club in the USA in 17 years, where she is an Honorary member. She now serves as the Skal International Councillor representing the USA. Holly is the President and Owner of Powers Travel and Event Management. Since moving full-time to Florida she volunteers weekly at a food bank which has been so important during the pandemic.
Art Allis - Vice President of Finance
Art is a proud life member of Skål having been extremely involved with Skål International Tucson. Professionally he was in both the Hotel and Restaurant business, at the corporate and the unit level. This is his second 2-year term as VP Finance after serving as an auditor for five years.
Alton Hagen - Vice President of Administration
While Alton attended his 1st Skål club meeting in Chicago in the mid-seventies, he didn't become a member until the early '90s after he founded his Destination Management Company in the Kansas City area. Alton is still the General Manager of that company, Agenda: USA, now with offices in Kansas City and Nashville. His primary goal for this year is to support the efforts of the Executive Committee of Skål USA.
Pam Davis - Vice President of PR and Communication
Pam has technically been a member of Skål Hawaii for the past decade, but she actually started going to Skål events as a little girl as both of her parents have been active Skål members. She runs two publishing companies, one of which publishes a monthly hospitality industry publication that assists Oahu hotels. Her goal is to keep the Skål name out there, finish the new website and continue to grow Skål's online presence to ensure the organization's messages are seen far and wide.
Karen Jobe Trevino - Vice President of Membership
Karen has been active in Skål for almost twenty years working at the club level but also with the national committee. She is the President and CEO of the North Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau where she shares her love of tourism. Karen's goals for Skål are to increase membership, save troubled clubs and make behind-the-scenes efforts more efficient.
Mark Irgang - Membership Director
Mark has been a Skål member since 2014 and has been in the Hospitality industry for over 35 years since graduating from the Cornell University School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration. Currently the opening GM of the new Marriott NY JFK Airport hotel, scheduled to open this summer, he is serving his 2nd term as Director of Membership and is also the President of The Long Island Hospitality Association. Mark also recently lost over 50 lbs., and has become a Certified Optavia Health Coach as he continues to make health and fitness a major focus and priority in his daily life.
Robert Lowell - Senior Auditor
Robert first joined Skål Boston in 1980 and transferred to the New Jersey Club in 1982. He has worked in the travel industry for his entire life, working with the airlines before opening a travel agency basically for his Maltese clients. He has held all the Board positions and was President three times. He plans to fully support the Executive Committees with all of their ideas of how Skål needs to refocus and move forward.
Steven Rodriguez - Junior Auditor
Steven has been a SKAL member of Tampa Bay since 2010 and was its 2021 President as the Club received global recognition as International Club of the Year 2020 placing 3rd overall. His company Florida Lifestyle Vacation Rentals manages condos on Florida's award-winning beaches. His mission is to assist SKAL USA with its fiduciary responsibilities related to finances and end-of-year accountability.
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Jim Dwyer, Tom Moulton, Morgan Maravich, and Jo Anne Ford for their dedicated work on the executive committee over the past few years. We are better off because of them. Skål!