May 2023 ——-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ——-Vol 1 Issue 3

Picture: MBA Costa Rica Study Abroad Students visiting Don Juan Coffee, Chocolate, and Sugar Cane tour in Monteverde, Costa Rica.


MBA and Hospitality Management Students traveled to Costa Rica on May 14, 2023 to learn about the culture and business of an international country. Read the excerpts below of to learn about the experiences of two students who embraced the opportunity to study abroad!

Reflections from Costa Rica

Sara Schulz, online MBA Student

Now that I have had a chance to sleep in my own bed, my mind is full of the things I learned while I was in Costa Rica. The experience was extraordinary and challenging in so many ways. The food was incredible, the people were inspiring, and waking up to the sounds of howler monkeys is like nothing I could have imagined. 

I also realized that I am no longer 22; so much of the uncertainty of those years is behind me and the time away brought my gratitude for my current stage of life into focus.

Finally, I have been meditating on the concept of pura vida; the indelible attitude that things will work out if you just do the right thing and keep a positive attitude. So many of the businesses that we visited were focused on creating a good life for their employees and creating sustainable, circular business models that protect the environment. What would it look like to focus on physical, mental, emotional, and relational health for my team at work, my family, and my community? Could that shift bring me closer to the Costa Rican vibe of peace and connection? Only the future knows. Pura Vida!

Livin’ La Pura Vida

Colby Guidry, online MBA Student

Costa Rica was an incredible adventure and learning experience! I continue to be inspired daily by the ‘Pura Vida’ mentality and lifestyle. We were able to see everything from mountains to large bodies of water to heavily populated man-made cities.

I knew that I was fully immersed in the culture when we were next to the volcano and suddenly a large colorful bug landed on my arm. I asked our tour guide, Rocio, what this bug was. She explained that it was a beetle and confirmed that it does not bite. I continued to let it crawl around on my arm as I watched it like a mesmerized child. This mindset is one of the biggest things I took home with me. By that, I mean the ability to make decisions without anxiety or fear, but rather a curiosity and a yearn to learn new things. After all, everything in nature serves a purpose. Our instinct might be to step on any ant we see. However, most of the ants we saw were wood-cutter ants that do not bite humans. This idea that everything serves a purpose is easily relatable to the Pura Vida saying, in that most problems are not worth harping on. Pura Vida, or pure life, basically means that to be alive is a beautiful thing and life itself should always be celebrated.

Check out this short Video from Undergraduate Hospitality Management Students traveling through cities Costa Rica!

Special thanks to our two Faculty members who accompanied students during Costa Rica Study Abroad.

Pictured left-Dr.Patricia Lanier, Management Department Head, MBA Professor for International Business.

Pictured right- Lisa K. Bowles, Sr. Instructor for Hospitality Management.

To support future students in their study abroad journey, please contact Camille Breaux, Senior Director of Development using the contact information found below! All gifts are greatly appreciated.


Phone: (337) 482-0933


May 2023 Commencement

On May 12, 2023, B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration awarded degrees to 360 graduates. Our undergraduate class contained 23 Cum Laude Graduates (GPA of not less than 3.5), 21 Magna Cum Laude Graduates (GPA of not less that 3.7), and 7 Cum Laude Graduates (GPA of not less than 3.9). We awarded 199 candidates with Master's Degrees in Accounting and Business Administration.

Graduates, you have worked hard over the last years to get to be where you are today.  You are part of our Moody Business Family and always will be.  Be proud of your accomplishments, the Moody College of Business, and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette!


Research Recognition Ceremony

UL Lafayette hosted the annual Research Recognition Ceremony honoring faculty research excellence. Our Faculty was awarded the following: Research Excellence Award- Dr. Ignatius Cahyanto, Rising Star Award- Dr. Kelly Green, Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor- Dr. Lucy Henke

Student selected as Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Scholar

We are pleased to celebrate Alyssa Childress as a PCAOB Scholar. Alyssa will be receiving a scholarship in the amount of $10,000 for the 2023-2024 academic year. Congratulations Alyssa!

Faculty Learning Community

Tammy Hall participated in the second Faculty Learning Community (FLC) cohort, The FLC will present their research and findings during the 2023 Faculty Learning Community Showcase Wednesday, May 3. Tammy was a member of the CUREs: Course-embedded Undergraduate Research Experiences Online community. Facilitated by Sherry Krayesky-Self, Student Center for Research, Creativity, and Scholarship.

Focus: Building Student Research Experiences (SREs)/Course-Embedded Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) into online courses. 

As part of the Faculty Learning Community, eight faculty members designed course-embedded undergraduate research experiences for online or hybrid courses. Each member has summarized their experience below by describing the course, CURE plan and goals, and their own faculty learning reflection in a ULL CURE's handbook. 

Tammy embedded a student research experience for MGMT 380-Leadership. It is anticipated that the newly developed course will run Fall 2023. The CURE's handbook serves as a guide for other faculty interested in developing research experiences in their courses. Click HERE to view the CURE Handbook.

Hospitality Law Field Trip to Pinchers and Festival International

Fred Davis' BLAW 412 class visited the Maurice location of Pinchers. Owner Kevin Colomb discussed all of the issues concerning establishing a restaurant location and maintaining exemplary service and quality of operation.

Students completed their semester by taking a field trip to the Thursday night session of Festival International. The students observed whether the festival was complying with applicable laws concerning security, food and alcohol service and general legal liabilities.

Fortune Education ranks UL Lafayette's online MBA program No. 54 in country

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette's B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration has once again been recognized for its MBA degree program online. The degree program is No. 54 on Fortune Education's Best Online MBA Programs in 2023 list. It's the third year in a row the program has been featured in the yearly rankings, which began in 2021.

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Dominating the Field: Louisiana's Julian Brock

LAFAYETTE - A leader in his own right, Julian Brock knows all too well what it means to work while you wait. "He's making a name for himself real quickly", says head coach Matt Deggs Brock was named the starting catcher for the Cajuns in 2022, where he made good on that decision.

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Faculty/ Staff of the Month

Sharon Stinson: Administrative Assistant

Department of Marketing

"A parent who had to stand at the scholarship reception raved about how nice and helpful Sharon was. Sharon went above and beyond for the family like she continues to do everyday for her coworkers, students, and the college as a whole."

- Anonymous

Do you have someone in mind that exceeds all expectations in the College of Business? Click the link to nominate them for next month's faculty/ staff person!


Student Feature

Adeline Miller

Management Major with minors in French and International Business

Adeline Miller, (fourth from right, violinist) was featured in Country Roads magazine as an emerging young women in Cajun Music.

Read more about Adeline and other young women in Cajun Music Below!

Country Roads Magazine


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Produced by: GraceAnn Carroll, BA

Marketing Manager- Office of the Dean

Moody Hall, Room 226