Your Weekly E-Newsletter Thursday, September 2, 2021
This Week's Pondering ...
Pastor Ken Nelson, Senior Pastor
September 4-5, 2021
Printed copies of the weekend's readings are available at the entrances to the Sanctuary.
Monday Afternoon Movie - September 20 at 1:00 p.m.
We’re moving movie time from the morning to the afternoon, but keeping it on the third Monday of the month. We’ll begin our “season” on Monday, September 20 at 1:00 pm in the Media Room as we watch a lovely old film (if you call 1961 a long time ago), “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. Snacks and water will be available. Bring a friend!
Wikipedia reminds us: Breakfast at Tiffany's is a 1961 American romantic comedy film, adapted from Truman Capote's 1958 novella of the same name, and starring Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly, a naïve, eccentric café society girl who falls in love with a struggling writer (George Peppard). It also featured Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Balsam and Mickey Rooney in supporting roles.
Hepburn's portrayal of Holly Golightly is generally considered to be one of her most memorable and identifiable roles. She regarded it as one of her most challenging roles, since she was an introvert required to play an extrovert. You’ll want to sing along as she treats us to “Moon River” – so go ahead!
Worship Attendance - August 28-29, 2021
Dale Berger, 9/2
Lizzy Dudzik, 9/2
Kian Leonard, 9/2
Aaron Duch, 9/4
Jeanne Duch, 9/4
Grace Gunnlaugsson, 9/4
Emma Leonard, 9/4
Anna Baumgartner, 9/5
Elton Juno, 9/5
Sue Sadowsky, 9/7
Mary Wenzel, 9/7
Eloise Kurth, 9/9
Jane Taufner, 9/9
Ruth Young, 9/10
Carol Witzke, 9/11
Mark and Diane Knappe, 9/2 (32 years)
Nick and Alecia Huettl, 9/4 (16 years)
Mitch and Beth Foster, 9/7 (30 years)
Joe and Diane Grundman, 9/7 (47 years)
Dave and Carolyn Schuelke, 9/12 (29 years)
Andy and Angie Schatz, 9/23 (21 years)
John and Mary Lau, 9/27 (52 years)
Bob and Caryl Braatz, 9/30 (60 years)
Prayers of sympathy and God's peace to: the family of Calvary member Bill Jordan who passed away last night and the family of Rae Wardell (sister of Chet Elliott) who passed away on Thursday, August 26.
New prayer requests: Marion Youngquist, Nora Giuliani (granddaughter of Chuck & Norene Giuliani), Dale Hermann (son of Marilyn Hermann), Jill (friend of Lydia and Mark Trudell) and Janeen (cousin of Cindy Zilske)
Ongoing short-term prayer requests: Rhonda Rodriguez; Donna Schroeder; Megan Schatz; Mary Smith; Ginny Cox; Carl Hirth (husband of Gael Hirth); Christians in Afghanistan; Father Patrick Malone (Holy Cross Anglican Church); Delores Seel (mother of Keith Pierce); John Nielson (brother of Judy Kestly)
Serving in the Military: Dan Berger (serving in the U.S. Marines); Kevin Butler (son of Heidi Powers, serving in the U.S. Army); Ben DeYoung (son-in-law of George and Kay Sedivec, serving in the U.S. Air Force); Alex Olson (U.S. Air Force, grandchild of Ardath Olson); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen and Keith Pierce, serving in the U.S. Army); Karmen Thomas (friend of Tony and Krista Dentice serving in the U.S. Army); Nicole Wahlgren (serving in the U.S. Army National Guard); all military chaplains; and all veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
For All Men and Women Serving: Police Officers, Firefighters, Health Care workers and First Responders.
Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere bringing the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
Long-term prayer list: Calvary members: Don Heyen; Shirley Mahn; Nadine Schuelke; Marge Skarie; Donna Polizzi; and Janet Zastrow.
Non-members: Dennis (brother of Leah Morris); Nancy Myers (friend of Judy Sayas); Mark Sturms (cousin of Cindy Zilske); Paige Yeager (friend of Sallie Schulz's family); Shirl Gordon (friend of Cindy Rooks); Rose Luther (friend of Nicole Moritz); Judy Grospitz; Jan Janchan (friend of Jonni Roush); Monica Barchus (niece of Ernie Kretschmann); Michael Rossa (Lucy Dallman's son); Karen (friend of Lydia Trudell)
If you have any new prayer requests, please contact the church office at 262.786.4010 or via email to
Youth Director Kyle Jones gave a "back to school" blessing for the children at the August 29th Sunday morning service.
Pastor Ken's Weekly Bible Study
Wednesday, September 8
at 12:30pm
Pastor Ken's weekly Bible study resumes on September 8 at 12:30 p.m. from 12:30 -1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. He will lead discussion around the Scripture lessons that will be read in worship the following weekend. Please bring your Bibles - other materials will be provided.
Music Ministry -- Nicole Moritz
September 4/5 is the last time we’ll be singing “Now the Feast and Celebration” liturgy until Reformation. We’ll bring it back in a “festival edition,” with the help of our Celebration Ringers, just for that day.
In the meantime, beginning on Sunday, September 12, I’ll be introducing a brand-new liturgy. It’s written by Doug Norquist and is included in the ReClaim hymnal and service publication. We’ll have plenty of time to get used to it and enjoy it.
I’ve got one of my music teacher compatriots on board with me, David Melstrand, playing guitar, to make it extra-special, and I’ll be singing from the Clavinova to lead it.
If you’d like to follow the music, there will be printed bulletin-style scores in the pews for you to grab. If you are a visual learner, you will appreciate being able to see the contours of the melody.
When I was a newcomer to Lutheran worship (my background was non-denominational), I was stunned by the timeless relevance of the liturgy (which I instantly recognized as words plucked from the pages of Scripture) and fell in love with the more “formal” structure/architecture of the Divine Service. I was impressed by the way that singing those words every Sunday caused me to remember them and meditate on them during the week. Through the years, as I’ve gained more experiences with many churches and various settings of that liturgy, I appreciate even more being able to learn new musical iterations of these words that we use in our Divine Service, as music shapes the thoughts in new ways and gives new emphases to the familiar phrases.
I’ll look forward to your feedback on this particular setting and hope that it will gain a favored spot in our repository!
Weekly Men's Breakfast Wednesdays at 7 a.m.
Maxim's Restaurant
18025 W. Capitol Drive
The restaurant seating has been reconfigured in compliance with social distancing requirements.
All men are invited to attend!
Monthly Men's Gathering
Thursday, September 23,
6:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Come for fellowship, food and devotion time. Dinner will be provided. Invite a friend. Social distancing will be respected and practiced.
September Mission of the Month
Our September Mission of the Month is B.A.S.I.C.S. (Brothers And Sisters In Christ Serving). In addition to providing Bibles and Blankets in the Milwaukee area, Calvary will be supporting the Genesis Prison Ministry, which provides for discipleship inside the prison and help on the outside for re-entry.
B.A.S.I.C.S. is a Christian nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that works to strengthen churches and Christian outreach ministries throughout the metropolitan Milwaukee area. The group supports over 15 city ministries such as local partnerships, in-prison and re-entry ministries, community outreach events, recovery programs, youth activities and many others.
It is a well-established and highly regarded organization that’s been in existence for over 20 years. It seeks to strengthen the evangelical outreach and growth of local churches, as well as help alleviate poverty and other difficult social problems. By fostering cooperation and teamwork while also connecting with resources, B.A.S.I.C.S. makes each outreach effort more effective.
The Calvary mission of the month donations for September will be supporting two ministries under the B.A.S.I.C.S. umbrella. Bibles written at a third grade reading level, along with blankets to provide comfort and warmth, are distributed to individuals in impoverished areas throughout Milwaukee. The Genesis Prison Ministry offers mentoring and discipleship, as well as a comprehensive, transformational program that assists with housing, employment training, job placement, financial literacy and management to enhance family development.
To support this important Mission of the Month, you may include it in your weekly offering envelope or designate the donation as "Mission of the Month" in your online giving.
Fellowship Time Treats If you'd like to provide treats (donuts, bagels, etc.) for Sunday hospitality time following worship, there is a sheet on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. You may bring the treats (3-4 dozen) and drop them off in the kitchen, or simply add a “P” behind your name, pay $30 to the church office and the treats will be purchased for you. For the time being, we are asking that any donated food be something that can be easily cut and placed on individual plates for serving.
Sanctuary Flowers
We invite you to sign up for flowers to beautify our altar each weekend. The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Flowers are $35 and you may take them home following the 9:00 am worship on Sunday morning. If you'd prefer, you can leave the flowers at church to be enjoyed by the office staff.
Facing tough times? Need a Christian Friend?
Stephen Ministry is here to help. Free, just like God's love.
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this important ministry, please contact Scott or Peggy Langelin at 262.853.0018.
Can't make it to worship? We are live streaming the 9:00 a.m. service on Sunday mornings, and it's almost like you're with us in person.
You can access it at any time from the home page of our website (, or by using the link below. You'll also receive a link on Sunday mornings via email.
The right side of the Sanctuary (as you face the altar) is equipped with a hearing loop system which transmits an audio signal directly into a hearing aid via a magnetic field. This greatly reduces background noise, competing sounds, reverberation and other acoustic distortions that reduce clarity of sound.
Most hearing aids are equipped with a t-coil and connecting to this system is an easy switch on the hearing aid. If you need assistance during worship with this system, please reach out to an usher or any staff member.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The door that is closest to the office (NW corner) will be open during those hours.
Please check in with the office staff so we know you are in the building.
The office phone number is (262) 786-4010. Feel free to leave a message if you call after hours and we will contact you the next day.
Regular office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - noon 262.786.4010