CARES in Farmington Hills | |

March-April 2023

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A Note from the Executive Director ...For most of us spring means new hope and energy as we look forward to more sunny days and warmer weather. But, for many in the comunities we serve, times are getting a little tougher. Our Food Pantry is registering more families everyday. We'll be talking with each of our partner communities about how we can maintain CARES service and assure that our families continue to receive the food they need. .....Todd Lipa

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Become a CARE(S) GIVER!

We'll come right to YOU!

There are so many ways to help those in need in our communities. We will bring the CARES minivan right to your grocery store or business, church, synagogue or mosque. Your group fills the van with non-perishable items and personal hygiene products (We've got a list for you) and we'll drive it back to CARES. It's easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Email Marcia at: [email protected]
  2. Set a date to Fill the Van
  3. Let your group know when/where  to bring their donations

What could be easier?

Be a Helper to your neighbors in need! It feels great!

How about these numbers?

33,042 lbs of food--- That's how much food CARES distributed in February, 2023!

531---The number of households served by CARES just in February, 2023!

83--- The number of new households signing up for food assistance in the first two months of the year!

9---The total number of days the Food Pantry is open each month for guests who need food assistance. That means we are very busy with guest appointments!

8---Communities served by CARES: Farmington-Farmington Hills-Livonia-Northville-Novi-Redford-Southfield and West Bloomfield

Have you become a CARES Giver to those in need in your city?

To donate go to or tap the donate button in this newsletter TODAY!

Doing More Together...

CARES Partner, City of Southfield

Mayor Kenson Siver and the City of Southfield are proud of the partnership with CARES Food Pantry. "Cares has been and continues to be an integral part of our community," he says. In fact, there were 2,261 individual visits by Southfield residents to the CARES Food Pantry in 2022. Service to residents of Southfield is 20% of total food distribution from the Food Pantry.

Mayor Siver recognizes the need for assistance is growing. "An increasing numbers of citizens are seeking help from our emergency fund, electricity and gas subsidies and food assistance. We are reliant on CARES to help meet some of those emergency needs for food," reports Siver.

CARES Food Pantry offers a unique experience. Guests are invited to walk through the modern grocery aisles and select their own food based on personal needs and preferences. Non-perishable goods are on offer, along with fresh produce, meats, milk, eggs and some personal hygiene items. Each guest has a shopping list specifying the amounts a guest is entitled to based on family household size.

Pizza/Salad Luncheon at CARES- Meet and Greet Your Neighbors

Join us Friday, March 24th as The Neighborhood of The Gathering Church hosts a community lunch. We are hosting lunch while the Farmington Hills Police engages the community with a crime prevention discussion. Come out and enjoy this "Lunch and Learn" event. Be sure to invite a friend or a neighbor. **Please note: Lunch is limited to the first 150 people** Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

Sign Up here for March 24th luncheon

Sandy and Sherry invite you to make your shopping dollars count at CARES Market!

CARES Market relies on long time volunteers Sandy Brozovich, left, 1 1/2 years and Sherry Orrell, right, 2 1/2 years. Fresh produce is among the many offerings.

Sherry Orrell, retired restaurant owner/manager says she finds volunteering at CARES rewarding because her work is helping others in her own community. "I've had a good life. I have time now to do something else and it feels good to pay it forwad."

For Sandy Brozovich, a retired Army veteran of 20 years and former travel industry employee, it's very similar. Sandy says, "My grandkids are out of state, so I have time to give back to this community. I really love working at CARES!"

Both volunteers remind us that every dollar of profit earned at the Market goes to support the Food Pantry! Remember to use the coupon below.

Sharon Brandal, CARES Market Manager counts on volunteers like Sherry and Sandy who keep the market stock up to date and the shelves in order. "We couldn't manage without them!" she says.

CARES Market is open Mon and Fri from 10 am-4 pm and T,W,Th from

10 am-6 pm. Everyone is welcome!

Kevin Ostach, CARES volunteer is always ready to help!

Kevin Ostach is CARES...

Wherever you look at CARES, Kevin Ostach has probably had a hand in it! Whether in maintenance, cleaning, hauling, or promoting CARES mission. Always smiling, Kevin has volunteered daily since 2017, Along with his other duties he also helps with the logistics for special events.

Kevin's dedication to CARES comes from his desire to positively impact others. "I want to help people, to try and make their life better by providing food," Kevin says. "I like seeing people happy. Every time I walk in here it makes me feel good."

Even when he's not at CARES Kevin is sharing information and talking about CARES. He's a role model to his nieces and nephews who see his caring attitude and want to help out at CARES too.

Kevin looks forward to whatever changes and expansion of services comes next!

Save These Dates:

March 25 - Food Drive for CARES at Kroger Novi sponsored by VT Seva Detroit

April 6 - Volunteer Appreciation Celebration at CARES


April 30 - Kite Day – Sponsored by the Gathering Church


May 8-21 - All About Children (ABC) – Food drive held at Farmington Hills and Livonia Busch’s Markets

For more information on any of these events call:

Kitty Ostach at 248-882-7800


August 2nd at Shiawassee Park - Meet you at the river!

Come join the fun!

Coming soon-Be on the lookout for information on our Website & Fb page for:

  • Kids Day in the Park
  • Tailgate "Quack, Quack" Dinner
  • Corporate Duck Race
  • Race Time with the little rubber ducks

Are You Looking For a" Quacking" Good Time?


  • Join the Duck Race Committee
  • Be a Corporate Sponsor
  • Buy a "Decoy Duck" for the Corporate Race
  • Have your organization make $$ selling duck tickets too.
  • Support CARES and purchase your duck(s) ticket

Email:[email protected] or call the DUCK HOTLINE at 248-765-7396 to get involved in one of the most popular community events.

Are you thinking about becoming a Volunteer in your community? CARES might be just your thing...

It's an easy way to meet new friends and feel good about helping our community become an even better place.

There are volunteer openings in both the CARES Market and Food Pantry.

Visit and fill out form under volunteer tab on home page.

How about becoming a Personal Shopper/Home Delivery Angel? We have a limited number of guests who are not able to get to CARES for shopping. Would YOU spend an hour or two ONCE PER MONTH, to shop and deliver groceries to a neighbor in need? Call CARES at 248-474-8231 to find out more. Ask for Nancy or Cheryl to contact you.

No time to volunteer? Donations are ALWAYS welcome!

Your generous donation is needed to help us reach our goal of $208,000 to keep CARES open and helping to feed over 1500 individuals--500+ families for another year. There are so many ways to donate. Visit or click on the button below.

Click to Donate

CARES serves over 1500 individuals/500+ families per month in Farmington, Farmington Hills, Livonia, Redford, Novi, Northville, Southfield and West Bloomfield--and the need is growing!

Your generous donations can be the difference between a child going to bed hungry or a healthy meal. Please remember to donate this month and every month if your budget allows. It could be your neighbor that you are helping to feed!

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