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From the desk of Mrs. Lestina

Good Afternoon St. Gabriel Families,

Happy New Year!! I hope that everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. It certainly was nice to slow down a bit and enjoy some good quality time with family and friends.  

It was also nice to see all the students return to school on Monday. It may have been a bit cold and some of the students looked a little sleepy, but it did not take long for everyone to slip back into the routine. We are halfway through the school year and we are anticipating a strong finish. Please continue to encourage your child to keep up with their schoolwork and always do their best!

Upcoming Spirit Group Activity:

January 10th is our next spirit group day. The groups will be learning about St. Francis of Assisi and his love for animals. The groups will then be working together to make bird feeders from pinecones. This activity involves peanut butter. If your child has an allergy or sensitivity to peanuts and you would prefer that they not participate in this particular activity, please notify the office and we will have an alternate plan for them.

Thank You.

Updated COVID Plan:

We have revised our COVID protocol in order to reflect the new recommendations from the CDC.  I have included the updates below. 

Please remember that we are focusing on in-person learning.  Virtual learning is only offered to students who are quarantined due to COVID.  Please notify the office if arrangements for virtual learning are necessary due to exposure.  We will help determine when it is safe for them to return to school using the guidelines provided to us by the CDC.  Please see our COVID protocol for more details.  We are doing our best to keep everyone safe but we cannot do it alone.  This is a group effort!!

Quarantine Guidelines For Students Who Test Positive For COVID: The following protocol has been revised according to the CDC updates that were released on December 23, 2021. The following guidelines have been taken directly from the CDC press release.

  • Given what we currently know about COVID-19 and the Omicron variant, CDC is shortening the recommended time for isolation for the public. 
  • People with COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days and if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), 
  • follow that by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting people they encounter. 

The change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to the onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after.

  • Additionally, CDC is updating the recommended quarantine period for anyone in the general public who is exposed to COVID-19
  • For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days. 
  • Alternatively, if a 5-day quarantine is not feasible, it is imperative that an exposed person wear a well-fitting mask at all times when around others for 10 days after exposure. 
  • Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following exposure but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure.  
  • For all those exposed, best practice would also include a test for SARS-CoV-2 at day 5 after exposure. If symptoms occur, individuals should immediately quarantine until a negative test confirms symptoms are not attributable to COVID-19.

If a student has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, the family will be contacted by the school office.  It will be up to parents to determine (based upon their child’s vaccination status, history of exposure to the virus, etc) whether or not they need to quarantine.  All students, in school, who were in close contact will be required to: 

  • Wear a mask in indoor spaces for 10 days after exposure. Monitor for symptoms for 14 days after their last close contact. 
  • Contact the school if your child develops symptoms or tests positive during this time.

Dress Code Transition:

Just a reminder, St. Gabriel Parish School will begin to implement the Mass Day Dress Code five days a week, as of the 2022-2023 school year.  It was nice to see some students in uniform this Monday morning.  While it is not required to follow the Mass Day dress code on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, we would like to give families this opportunity to ease their students into this new routine.  Please take advantage of this transition time if you are ready to do so.  Please refer to the dress code link for more detailed information regarding the dress code for the next school year.

2022-2023 Dress Code Policy

Weather: Closures and Recess

Winter is upon us!!  There is definitely a chill in the air this week.  I’d like to remind everyone of a couple of things to keep in mind during these cold months.  First, please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately every day for winter weather.  This includes a hat, mittens, snow pants, and boots.  We will be going outside any day that the temperature is above 10 degrees so the appropriate outerwear is necessary.   If the temperature (including the wind chill) dips below 10 degrees, we will be staying inside for recess.  Since weather can be unpredictable and may change significantly by the afternoon, it is a good habit to always be prepared to go outside.

Secondly, there may be a day this winter that requires us to close the school due to inclement weather.  When this occurs, we generally follow Hartford Area Schools since they provide our hot lunch.  To be sure, please check the school closings listed on WISN 12, TMJ 4, and/or FOX 6 News.  Unless we have an unusual amount of snow days, if St. Gabriel School needs to close due to weather, it will be a “snow day” and not a virtual day.  Families will be notified if we need to switch to virtual days in order to meet the required number of instructional minutes required by the Archdiocese and the state of Wisconsin.

Gym Floor:

Speaking of the weather, we need to remember how damaging salt can be on our gym floor.  For that reason, we are asking that students avoid wearing the shoes they wear outside to gym class.  They can either keep a pair of shoes for gym in their cubby/locker, wear boots to school during the winter, or just bring a separate pair (other than the ones worn to school that day) on gym days.  

With the help of the Athletic Association, we were able to purchase a new floor scrubber for the gym floor.  This purchase will dramatically decrease the time it takes to clean the floor and will help us keep it clean and safe for everyone that uses the gym.  A big thank you to Jeff Poff and the Athletic Association for their contribution to this purchase.  Also, we would like to thank Lanae Weyer and Amanda Schulteis for helping us make sure that the floor always looks beautiful and is safe for all of our students.

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After School Care:

After School Learning Program

We emailed the 2021 year-end ASLP statements for tax purposes on 1/5/2022. Please note that our Federal Tax ID number is available on that statement. As always, thank you for participating in this program. January ASLP sign-up is open until January 10. If you have not registered for your January dates, there is still time to do so. We also appreciate your monthly pre-payments for the ASLP. Thank You!

After School Care Sign Up

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Catholic Schools Week is 1/30 - 2/6

At the kick-off of Catholic Schools Week, we will be hosting our annual pancake breakfast/open house. This is the biggest in-person event we organize to welcome new families to our school and we need a few volunteers to make it a success.

Can you spare a couple of hours and help us either on January 29 or January 30?

Parents of Middle School students, we are in desperate need of student helpers during the breakfast on Sunday. There are two shifts lasting approximately two hours. Their time counts as service hours.

If your student(s) would like to participate in weekend Mass, this is a wonderful opportunity for them to do so. We have student lector (grade 2+ and alumni grade 9 &10) and server (grade 5+ and alumni grade 9 & 10) spots available. Our hope is to showcase how wonderful our students and families are at all the Masses that weekend!

Let's show our parish community our St. Gabriel Catholic School spirit!

Please CLICK HERE if you can help.


Do you know about St. Gabriel's New Family Referral Program? Help us spread the word about our school!!!

If you aren't aware, new families may indicate on their student's application that a current family has referred them to St. Gabriel. The current family will receive a $500 one-time tuition credit for that referral after the new family enrolls their student(s) AND the new student(s) begin the school year.

More information is available on the Admissions page of the school website. If you have any questions, please contact Celia Meyers at

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We have a NEW 2022 Auction Chair:

We are so thrilled to announce we have a 2022 Parish and School Auction Chair Person! Please join us in welcoming Connie Helm to the team! Connie is absolutely amazing!

We are very blessed—Thank you so much, Connie, for stepping up to lead this important fundraising event. Planning will be getting underway and volunteers are needed to support her. Please contact Connie or Dawn Jorgensen if you would like to learn more about the volunteer opportunities. Many hands make work light!

They can be reached at

Scrip Rebate Credits for Tuition:

We passed on a total of $422.67 in scrip rebate credits for tuition to 23 families. Thank you for participating in our fundraiser in December. These credits will appear on your tuition statement. For more information on how to participate in this fundraiser, please call or email Mrs. Fassbender. 

Catholic Financial Life Give Back Contest:

Don't forget tomorrow, Friday, January 7 is the last day to nominate a St. Gabriel School teacher for Catholic Financial Life's Give Back Contest. It's easy to nominate one of your favorite teachers, simply click HERE to begin. The top three teachers will receive a $500 cash prize AND each winner's school will also receive a $4,000 donation.

On the Calendar...

January 10th - Spirit Groups

January 28 - Early Release at 11:00 am

January 30th - Pancake Breakfast/Open House - Volunteers needed! Click here if you can help!

January 30th - February 5th - Catholic Schools Week

Wishing everyone a New Year filled with peace, health, and an abundance of blessings!

Kim Lestina



St. Gabriel Catholic Parish School

With God's help, we will do MIGHTY things!


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Sarah Lang, President

Melissa Dahl, Vice President

Leia Puestow, Secretary

Liz Poff, Treasurer

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To discover more ways to get involved CLICK HERE
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by Athletic Director, Jeff Poff

From the Hawks’ Nest:

Your St. Gabriel Hawks are in full swing of the basketball season. 

The 5/6th grade girls team, coached by Pam Wagner (St. Kilian) is off to a great start at 1-1, with a nail-biter victory over Holy Angels/St Frances Cabrini, just before the Christmas break. Their next game is Saturday, January 8th, at St. Joseph’s in Waukesha, at 11:15 am, against Waukesha Catholic. 

The 5/6th grade boys, coached by Eric Gitter, have had some great competition thus far and are still fighting for their first victory, but showing tremendous improvement with every practice and game. Their next game is Saturday, January 8th, at St. Mary’s Menomonee 

Falls, at 8:15 am, against St. Mary’s. 

The 7/8th grade boys, coached by Rob McDonald & Kevin Roell, are full of excitement and passion, and they’re fighting for their first victory yet too. Their next game is Saturday, January 8th, at St. Sebastian, at 10:15 am, against St. Sebastian. 

The 7/8th grade girls, coached by John Virnig and Keith Kohls, have shown tremendous dedication and improvement and lost a nail-biter of a game just before the Christmas break. Unfortunately, due to injuries and scheduling conflicts, this team played their final game before Christmas and closed their season sooner than anyone would have hoped. We wish these girls all the best in their future endeavors.

St. Gabriel’s will be hosting basketball games on Saturday, January 15th, from 8 am - 3 pm. Each Hawks team plays and we have the pleasure of hosting games for six other schools. This is an incredible opportunity to showcase our school and our beautiful facility. If you are available to help we are always searching for volunteers. Every volunteer position is paired with a veteran St. Gabriel parent and is provided with training, especially the scoreboard and scorebook. This is a great opportunity to meet other St. Gabriel families and see our Hawks in action! Please check out the link below to see how or where you can get involved. 



We will be utilizing Constant Contact for our weekly Gazette this school year. Please mark these emails as "safe" so you receive important updates and news from St. Gabriel Catholic Parish School.

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