Dear Parishioners,


Last Sunday, after reading the gospel I was ready to deliver the homily or rather the “money talk” and when looking at the many empty chairs I realized that it was a bad timing.

At noon that Sunday the 49rs were playing against Philadelphia team (we know the score) and I guess many parishioners prepared for that game in one way or another and missed coming to church.

Therefore, I’m going to repeat certain things from my homily since we officially start our ADA this Sunday.


As you very well know, every year our Appeal has a theme. And the theme for this year is “Supporting Our Mission Together”! That theme corresponds very well with what we are doing as a community and as disciples of Christ who try to live according to his teachings, especially when it comes to helping and sharing. Our Diocese asks for our financial help in the amount of $87,340.


That money will help the Diocese to sustain all the programs that we have. I don’t want to repeat the information that you can find on the brochure, so please, take some time to study it.


You probably have read in my ADA letter that for us to meet the goal, we would need a generous contribution of $600 per household. The experience of the last 2 years tells me that this “ideal goal” per family will not happen. For that reason, I’d like to ask those families who can afford more, to please, give more to the ADA. Last year we were on the brink of not meeting the goal for the first time in the history of the parish. I was impressed seeing some families stepping up the second time and trying to cover for the difference that we needed to meet the goal. Thank you all for your past and for your future support which we will really need. I’m very positive and hopeful that this year we also will meet our goal! Do you know why? Because I have received last week a letter from one of our parishioners that touched my heart.


Here is an excerpt:

I have lost my job few months ago and wasn’t able to find a new one. So far, no luck on a job for me, not even a nibble or interview. Simply speaking, while I am going through this, I need to reduce my gifts to St Anthony, and to consider reducing my ADA annual pledge.

Last year, I pledged and paid $550 to the ADA (please, keep in mind that that was the amount I have asked for last year), $55 a month for 10 months. I am now paying $200 per month to St Anthony, for a target of $2,400 a year ( I raised during the year). I am likely to reduce the annual from almost $3,000 to about $1,800 annually. That would mean $150 a month. I will return to the high levels for St Anthony while employed, but for now, I need to make some changes.”


I was literally touched by this letter and responded immediately to the parishioner telling him not to worry about donating at this time but rather taking care of his family. And there again I got a response that touched my heart for the second time! He wrote:

I appreciate your prayers and views. Supporting the church is still part of our plan. I would rather cut in all other areas, before giving up on the church. I will pray and decide on my plan. The parish and the diocese will both get some”.


How can one not be touched by such words? Since I came St. Anthony in 2020, I got to experience how generous people are in this parish. We all have our challenges of one sort or another but at the end of the day we all come together supporting our Mission. So, today ALL I want to ask of you is just this one: Take care of your families first and if you can, please, support your church to the best of your ability like the author of that letter does!


I truly believe there are plenty of you like him. And with that belief I’ll look forward to your financial supporting pledges of meeting our ADA goal in the next 9 weeks with one Chinese proverb in mind:Keep a green tree in your heart, and the singing bird will come”.



Fr. Tad

Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration TONIGHT at 6:30pm

2023 Annual Diocesan Appeal –

Supporting Our Mission Together


This is Pledge Weekend for the Annual Diocesan Appeal. Our Parish goal as always is 100% participation. Can you imagine the additional good works that can be accomplished with just a 10% increase in donors? In order to achieve this goal, each of us is asked to prayerfully open our hearts to the needs of our Diocese and make a gift as our individual circumstances allow. Please support this important Appeal not only as a member of our immediate parish family, but also as a member of our larger diocesan family of faith. If you would like to donate online, visit #TogetherinFaith #DSJADA22



 “All tithes of the land, whether in grain from the field or in the fruit from the trees, belong to the Lord, as sacred to Him.” Lev. 27:30



Safe Environment Training is mandatory for diocesan clergy, employees and active volunteers working with youth or vulnerable adults.  Safe Environment Training must be completed during the employee onboarding process or prior to volunteer participation. Training must be renewed every three (3) years thereafter for all clergy, employees and active volunteers. The VIRTUS® online training course – Protecting God’s Children – provides flexible accessibility and is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean languages. Volunteers and employees who serve in Homebound Ministries, bringing the Eucharist to the sick, or serve with vulnerable adults are required to take the combined training course – Protecting God’s Children & Vulnerable Adults – which incorporates the Protecting God’s Children training material.

Online training is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Korean languages. Please contact the Parish Office if you have any questions.


Virtus Online
Re-Certification Instructions


Last Friday-Sunday, 200 representatives from parishes, schools, and allied Catholic groups across the Diocese of San Jose met to prayerfully consider 98 proposals generated from your feedback in last fall's survey, as well as parish consultation sessions. These proposals spanned themes of faith formation, reinvigorating mass and worship, encountering and welcoming everyone, youth engagement, diocesan structure, and more. Ultimately 48 proposals were ranked as having highest priority to drive diocesan renewal. The Diocese will now take these recommendations and develop an eight-year plan. The final plan will be announced near Pentecost Sunday, with implementation to begin July 1, 2023.


Outreach Sponsored Meal and volunteered at Martha's Kitchen


Last Tuesday 14 members of Outreach volunteered at Martha's Kitchen. We divided into 3 group with one group making over 600 sandwiches, another group pealing lots of carrots and the 3rd group boxing food to be distributed to one of Martha's Partners in the Bay Area. Outreach also sponsored the meals which means we donated $900 from the Outreach Fund to help pay for the meal that night, about 425 meals were distributed.


Outreach would also like to thank the Parish for your support of the Outreach collections. Without your support we would not be able to sponsor these meals.




3 MORE WEEKS to Sign-up for a pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey!

Will YOU Go? Contact Fr. Tad for more information

Lent Virtual Pilgrimage:

Feb 20 - Apr 13, 2023

With Kathleen Nichols and the Magdala Team

* The virtual pilgrimage is free of charge

To participate, please register HERE

Click below for a preview trailer

The 2023 Mass Intention Book

The 2023 Mass book is available and weekend Masses are filling up quickly

A very special prayer practice that is offered at every Mass is a Mass Intention. Intentions are offered for many reasons, for the living and the dead. Masses can be offered for birthdays, anniversaries, illness, special intentions and answered prayers. Consider remembering a loved one this upcoming year. If you are looking for a specific date for the Mass, call soon to reserve your date so that it isn’t taken. Contact Carmen at the parish office ~ (408) 997-4800; email us at 

A donation of $10 is suggested. 

A Friendly Reminder...


As Catholic Christians, our funeral and memorial celebrations enable the Christian community to mourn, as well as to hope by focusing on the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ.

Please, first contact the Parish Office or Fr. Tad if you are planning a Funeral Mass or a Memorial Mass for a loved one at St. Anthony Church.

You will be provided with our necessary guidelines which are established to assist in effectively preparing the funeral rites with individuals and families.

Saturday Vigil Mass, Feb 4

"Little Church" Bertram Rd

4:00p.m. Mass

Sunday Mass, Feb 5

"Big Church" McKean Rd

8:30a.m. Mass 

10:30a.m. Mass 

Weekday Mass:

Tuesday - Friday


Visit the parish website for updates and other news
Visit our Website
Contact Us
St. Anthony Parish
20101 McKean Rd
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9410