Dear Parishioners,


On this third Sunday of Easter, we continue to celebrate in a more pronounced way the power and meaning of the Resurrection. Luke and Peter, whose words we hear today, were witnesses to the Resurrection and had interactions with the risen Christ. They were among the first to grapple with what it all meant and to share its Good News. We are recipients of that Good News and come together in worship – to be glad and rejoice in it.


Just as we return to their texts today, Luke and Peter turned to the most sacred texts of their time to make meaning of the Resurrection. As we still do, they sang the ancient psalms of David: My heart has been glad and my tongue has exulted … because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld, nor will you suffer your holy one to see corruption. A thousand years after King David, this verse was sung anew by the disciples who witnessed the Resurrection. After their experience of Jesus and the first Easter, they found new meaning in these ancient lines about salvation.


Prior to Jesus, this psalm was sung in joyful anticipation of a king like David to restore his powerful throne. God’s people would triumph, saved from corruption and the netherworld, through this mighty and regal descendent. But when judges, prophets, and kings [like David] failed to turn his people from sin and its destruction, and bring them to repentance, God sent his only Son as priest, prophet, and king. He would reconcile us to the Father and would save our souls not through silver or gold but by his own precious blood.


It was difficult for the disciples to understand all the events surrounding Jesus. Cleopas and his companion were debating all that had happened as they walked to Emmaus. It was not until a traveling companion interpreted Scripture for them and broke bread with them that they saw Jesus and comprehended how he had fulfilled the Scriptures. 


Fulfillment in Christ was known by God before the foundation of the world, Peter tells us. Salvation through Christ’s sacrificial love poured forth was always the plan. The world was founded on it, the disciples witnessed it, and we are all redeemed by it. This is what we continue to celebrate this Easter season: God’s love and mercy from the foundation of the world through Christ, broken and shared for us. Let us be glad and rejoice!



Easter Blessings,

Fr. Tad






MAY 13 & 14, 2023


It’s that time again! After a two year hiatus, last year’s Bake Sale was a huge success, thanks to our busy SAS Group and your support!


We will have again have lots of homemade baked goods and other items for you to enjoy. As you know, this is the Seniors’ only fund-raising event – so please plan on taking home some delicious baked goods after the Saturday or Sunday Masses! As in years past, we welcome your support by also donating your favorite bakery item – labeled, wrapped and priced for a generous donation.


Proceeds from our bake sale have provided many items for our Church Community. 


As always, we thank YOU for your continued support!


The 2023 Mass Intention Book

The 2023 Mass book is available and weekend Masses are filling up quickly

A very special prayer practice that is offered at every Mass is a Mass Intention. Intentions are offered for many reasons, for the living and the dead. Masses can be offered for birthdays, anniversaries, illness, special intentions and answered prayers. Consider remembering a loved one this upcoming year. If you are looking for a specific date for the Mass, call soon to reserve your date so that it isn’t taken. Contact Carmen at the parish office ~ (408) 997-4800; email us at 

A donation of $10 is suggested. 

A Friendly Reminder...


As Catholic Christians, our funeral and memorial celebrations enable the Christian community to mourn, as well as to hope by focusing on the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ.

Please, first contact the Parish Office or Fr. Tad if you are planning a Funeral Mass or a Memorial Mass for a loved one at St. Anthony Church.

You will be provided with our necessary guidelines which are established to assist in effectively preparing the funeral rites with individuals and families.

Parish Breakfast

Sunday, April 30

The Knights of Columbus would like to thank St. Anthony Parish for your continued support by hosting a free breakfast on the patio in front of the church entrance after the 8:30 and 10:30a.m. Masses Next Sunday, April 30. Pancakes, Eggs and Sausage, along with hot and cold beverages, will be offered.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Save The Date

June 11, 2023

St. Anthony’s Parish Picnic

Our annual Parish Picnic will be on Sunday, Jun. 11th from 12pm - 4pm  See you at the picnic!



The academic year begins September 2023. The ILM offers a 3-year course of study for lay leaders in the Church. Responding to their baptismal call, ILM graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, and others. Are you called to explore this opportunity for a great practical and theological formation, please contact your pastor for more information.

Vigil Mass, Apr 22

"Little Church" McKean Rd


Mass, Apr 23

"Big Church" McKean Rd



Weekday Mass:

Tuesday - Friday


Visit the parish website for updates and other news
Visit our Website
Contact Us
St. Anthony Parish
20101 McKean Rd
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9410