Dear Parishioners,


There’s a lot to unpack in today’s readings. At the center is Jesus’ miraculous healing of a man born blind. He used tangible things (mud and spittle) in this miracle, just as we use tangible things (oil and water, for example) in the sacraments of the Church.


Today, however, let’s focus on the interaction between Jesus and the man born blind at the end of the Gospel, after the man has regained his sight.


Some of the Pharisees believed Jesus must have been a sinner because he performed this miracle on the sabbath. The great irony, of course, is that they themselves were blind to the Light of the World: Jesus, the Son of God. The Pharisees questioned both the man and his parents and determined that the man had indeed been born blind. The parents didn’t want to say how he gained his sight because they didn’t want to be expelled from the temple and they were afraid. The man, however, maintained that Jesus opened his eyes and that God listens to those who worship and obey him, so Jesus must be of God.

By the end of their heated discussion, the man born blind was driven out of the temple.


What does Jesus do when he hears of the man’s expulsion from the temple? Jesus goes to him. Jesus seeks him out and says, Do you believe in the Son of Man?The one speaking with you is he. And the man born blind worshipped him.


Friends, when any member of the body of Christ is hurt by another person, and especially by a member of the Church, Jesus seeks that member of his body. Jesus wants to find every lost or hurting sheep. If anyone has been hurt by a member of the Church or made to feel unwelcome or unloved, Jesus himself is seeking that person. Why? Because those types of behaviors are not of God. God is perfect. We humans are not. But Jesus knows our hearts, and he seeks out every single person, especially those most in need of healing.


And when he finds us, sitting with our wounds or working through them, he comes with compassion. He asks us, Do you believe in the Son of Man? May he find each of us able to proclaim, “Yes, Lord, I believe.”


Yes, Lord, we believe that you are the Son of God. Lord, we believe that you are truly present in the holy sacrament of the altar. Lord, we believe that you died and rose again, and that you can heal our every wound.

We believe, Lord. Help our disbelief. We long to see you, Lord. Heal our blindness.



Fr. Tad

Lenten Devotions

March 17 – 7 pm – Stations of the Cross led by Youth Ministry

March 24 – 7 pm Multimedia Reflection and Meditation of the Stations of the Cross led by Son Nguyen

March 31– 7 pm – Stations of the Cross led by Fr. Tad

April 2 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (Sunday AM Masses preceded by procession)

April 6 – 7 pm – Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper

April 7 – 7 pm - The 7 words of Jesus and Solemn Good Friday Service

April 8 – 8:30 pm - Easter Vigil - Service of Light, Word, Initiation & Eucharist. No 4pm Mass at the Little Church

April 9 – Easter Sunday: 9:30 am

followed by Annual Youth Ministry Easter Egg Hunt 

Our Parish Goal: $87,340

Our Parish Participation Goal: 203 households


Week 1: $10,300 - 11 households

Week 2: $31,380 - 50 households

Week 3: $44,805 - 68 households

Week 4: $57,678 - 89 households

Week 5: $61,428 - 96 households

Week 6: $77,303 - 123 households


Thanks to those who have already responded with a gift to the 2023 Annual Diocesan Appeal. There is still plenty of time to respond with a gift. Your gift is essential to sustaining the many ministries of the Diocese of San José. Gifts can be made through our parish office or online at


Men should regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” - 1 Corinthians 4:1


Most people in Turkana, Kenya raise livestock, and a few are farmers. But the hot and dry climate makes this work difficult—and climate change is making it even harder. Rebecca and Lotiang participated in a Catholic Relief Services program that installed a water well and taught them new farming techniques. They can support their family with their crops and are teaching others in their community what they learned. How can you use your skills and knowledge to help others? Visit to learn more.


Don't miss your chance to Sign-up for a pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey! Will YOU Go? Contact Fr. Tad for more information

The 2023 Mass Intention Book

The 2023 Mass book is available and weekend Masses are filling up quickly

A very special prayer practice that is offered at every Mass is a Mass Intention. Intentions are offered for many reasons, for the living and the dead. Masses can be offered for birthdays, anniversaries, illness, special intentions and answered prayers. Consider remembering a loved one this upcoming year. If you are looking for a specific date for the Mass, call soon to reserve your date so that it isn’t taken. Contact Carmen at the parish office ~ (408) 997-4800; email us at [email protected]

A donation of $10 is suggested. 

A Friendly Reminder...


As Catholic Christians, our funeral and memorial celebrations enable the Christian community to mourn, as well as to hope by focusing on the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ.

Please, first contact the Parish Office or Fr. Tad if you are planning a Funeral Mass or a Memorial Mass for a loved one at St. Anthony Church.

You will be provided with our necessary guidelines which are established to assist in effectively preparing the funeral rites with individuals and families.

Lent, A Time for Giving

The Lenten Season is a wonderful time to give the gift of life. The Pastoral Ministry of St. Anthony Parish will be hosting their annual Lenten blood drive on Saturday, March 25, 2023. The Stanford Blood Center will be taking donations in the Big Church parking lot from 8:30am until 12:15pm. Donating blood is one of the easiest ways to give back to your community. Whether you are a first time donor or a seasoned giver, please consider rolling up your sleeve this Lent. Did you know, the Stanford Blood Center is the primary source of blood here in the the Bay Area. In person sign-ups will be held after each mass on the weekend of March 4-5, 2023. 

Don’t want to wait, contact Corinne Jarrett ([email protected] or 408-892-3152) today to get on the schedule. You can also sign up on-line by visiting the Stanford Blood Center website. Thank you for continuing to support such a worthy cause.


The academic year begins September 2023. The ILM offers a 3-year course of study for lay leaders in the Church. Responding to their baptismal call, ILM graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, and others. Are you called to explore this opportunity for a great practical and theological formation, please contact your pastor for more information.

Saturday Vigil Mass, Mar 18

"Little Church" Bertram Rd

4:00p.m. Mass

Sunday Mass, Mar 19

"Big Church" McKean Rd

8:30a.m. Mass 

10:30a.m. Mass 

Weekday Mass:

Tuesday - Friday


Visit the parish website for updates and other news
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Contact Us
St. Anthony Parish
20101 McKean Rd
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-9410