March 2020
News for Alumni & Friends
Citizens Serving Communities to Shape Lives and Save Lives
Inside this Issue... A special message from the Commander, CAP Awards 95 cadet scholarships, Civil Air Patrol demonstrates sanitizing procedures for aircraft and vehicles, honoring a CAP WWII veteran, cadets launch rockets, mission support for the Tennessee tornado, alumni and friends highlight, final salute, CAP's report to Congress and more!
A Special Memo
General Smith
We’re all being bombarded by messaging from divergent sources. News broadcasts, friends, social media, everyone has an opinion, a factoid, or a perspective to share. The uncertainly of the rapidly evolving situation leads to great anxiety because we feel helpless and ill-equipped to fight an invisible foe.

The magnitude of anxiety being experienced across the United States, indeed worldwide, reminded me of something that Thomas Paine wrote in December 1776 during another period of uncertainly. Slightly modified, here is the opening line: “These are the times that try men's [and women’s] souls.”
Nearly all in-person cadet operations, worldwide, are on hold for the first time in our 77-year history. During this pause that extends at least until 11 May, the Cadet Program’s main goal for itself is to maintain cadets’ interest in CAP.

If you or your company is interested in offering a 30-minute virtual activity for our cadets, please contact us.
Our CAP Team Wants to Know How You Are Doing?
I am good! All stocked up and prepared for whatever the world has to throw at us
I am good. A bit nervous, but still healthy and safe.
I am nervous, but appreciate your asking.
It is a bit lonely at my house. It would be nice to hear from a friendly voice.
Other - will send the team an email.
Cyber Pride & Patriotism:
Having Way Too Much Fun!
Capt. Roy Vestal, CAP
Raleigh-Wake Composite Squadron, North Carolina
A few years ago, my son was looking for a community service program he could participate in. We discovered Civil Air Patrol (CAP), a volunteer organization focused on emergency services and aerospace education.

Inspired by his grandfather, who is a retired major in the United States Air Force, it was the perfect combination of leadership opportunities and community service for him.

Six months later, I joined CAP as well because he was having way too much fun without me!
Creating America's Future...Today!

95 Cadet Scholarships Worth $155,500 Awarded

Civil Air Patrol cadets from 34 wings have received 95 scholarships – 59 academic and 36 for flight – worth a total of $155,500 . Academic scholarships account for $116,500 of that amount and flight scholarships for $39,000. In addition, 20 cadets from 15 wings received recommendations for acceptance to the U.S. Air Force Preparatory School in Colorado Springs.

In 1979, the Air Force awarded me one of the two appointments that Civil Air Patrol has to the USAF Academy Prep School. My family couldn’t afford college at the time. There’s no way I could have gotten started without CAP! -Maj Ted Hartenstein, CAP Alumnus, PCR-WA-003
You CAN Make a Difference in the Future of a Cadet
Every cadet holds the key to creating the future for our country. Your donation WILL make a difference in the life of an individual cadet. We raise funds year-round for these scholarships. However, we are asking that you help fund this program today. When summer comes and cadets can look to school and flight time, your donation will be a gift.
CAP's Video Corner
 Video #1 - Be COVID-19 Careful
Civil Air Patrol Demonstrates Sanitizing Procedures for Aircraft and Vehicles
Video #2 - Honoring WWII Civil Air Patrol Veterans with the Congressional Gold Medal
Video #3 - Cadets Launching Rockets Before Social Distancing Became the Thing!
Saving Lives....

Tennessee Wing Photographs Nashville
Tornado Damage

The Tennessee Wing generated thousands of aerial images of damage in the wake of the deadly tornado that struck Nashville and surrounding mid-state communities two days earlier.

In all, the wing conducted nine flights – four devoted to aerial photography, four to relocate key personnel and one to observation – and also deployed a pair of ground teams.
Lt. Col. Rob Borsari, the wing’s director of operations, said the wing’s missions followed requests for aid from various agencies, as well as the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Even with COVID-19 - We Are Still Saving Lives
Oregon Unit Earns 3rd Trip to National STEM Competition Finals
The Oregon Wing’s Aurora Composite Squadron has again earned a national finalist berth at the Air Force Association’s national STEM competition, StellarXplorers.

This is the Aurora squadron’s fourth year as a contestant and third year in the 10-team finals. This year’s competition included 213 high school teams, with 13 representing Civil Air Patrol.
AE California Member Named NASA
"Solar System Ambassador"
Second Lt. Kailash Kalidoss, assistant aerospace education officer for the California Wing’s San Jose Senior Squadron 80, is NASA’s newest solar system ambassador.
Kalidoss is the second member of the squadron to receive the honor since 2017, joining 1st Lt. Tara Samuels, a fellow assistant aerospace education officer as well as the unit's activities officer, was named to the role.
“I’m tremendously honored to represent both Civil Air Patrol and NASA, who fuel my passion for learning and sharing... "
Alumni & Friends Spotlight
Lt. Col. Robert Kenneth Kelly, USAF (Ret)
Why did you join CAP?
I joined the New Orleans Cadet Squadron in June of 1949 as step one of my aim to be a pilot. I participated in 3 summer encampments (Barksdale AFB, Keesler AFB, and England AFB). Untold hours of "close order drill" engrossed my time for the next 3 year. Also, I spent every Friday night at Delgado College with the "CAP Aviation Study Manual."

Career Span:
In 1952, I enlisted in the USAF with the rank of airman 3rd class based on prior CAP training and retired as lieutenant colonel in 1976. Service and assignments included Photo Radar Interpreter, Photo Radar Intelligence Officer, 15th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron, 10th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, 544th Aerospace Reconnaissance Technical Wing, 67th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron, 548th Reconnaissance Group, Defense Intelligence School, Resource Management Directorate Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence. After retiring, I took a position as a system engineering specialist with Bunker Ramo Corporation and served in various positions involving the bidding, staffing and management of intelligence support systems to the National Military Intelligence Center.

What specific lessons or experiences from CAP has influenced your career or life?
Rewards were plenty: Participating in drill competitions at Billy Mitchell Field and Kirtland AFB and the International Air Cadet Exchange with the Canadian Cadet League; completing the navigation check ride and participating in Search and Rescue.

Anything else we didn’t ask that you would like to share?
I met my wife because of Civil Air Patrol and we are both active in the Louisiana wing alumni gathering every few years. 
Civil Air Patrol offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of the  Civil Air Patrol Volunteer  magazine.
Coming Soon!

We've had multiple requests in our office for FREE tools and resources to asist with estate planning.
Would you be interested in estate planning resources?
Yes, please. I am at home and this is on my mind.
Yes, please. I am also interested in a free webinar on the topic.
Maybe, I have not had time to think about this.
No, thank you for asking.
Alumni & Friends Opportunities!
Alumni Items Available for Purchase
Vanguard Industries is the exclusive provider of Civil Air Patrol Alumni and Friends merchandise. Every purchase goes to support the CAP Alumni Scholarship for Cadets. So buy a hat, pin, shirt, sticker, and more and support America's future!
Stock-Up and Support Cadet Scholarships
Shop Amazon Smile
Civil Air Patrol - Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Col John M. Knowles, CAP, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
Donna Bass Maraman, Development Coordinator
Rebecca Stoval, Development Database & Operations Administrator

(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?
Contact Kristina Jones, Chief of Philanthropy, at [email protected]