April 2019 Newsletter
Thank you!
$44,000 Raised at the Annual Gala!
On Monday, March 18, 2019, approximately 150 donors and supporters of the Chelsea Education Foundation gathered for the annual Fundraising Gala.
The elegant event took place at The Common Grill. Proceeds are used for educational programs and initiatives which are beyond the resources of the Chelsea School District.

The fundraising gala featured live performances by the  Chelsea High School Symphony Orchestra  and  Company C,  a live auction emceed by Gary Mach, and dinner created by award-winning Chef Craig Common. The event was coordinated by CEF volunteers and board members.

Board President Lynn Fox opened the evening with an invocation and thanked the many supporters and sponsors of the gala. She said, “Right now, we partially fund 29 school programs through grants. Our goal is to one day fully fund all of these programs, and that is why we are here tonight.”

The Chelsea Education Foundation’s annual Fundraising Gala raised more than $44,000 for the 2019/2020 grant programs. Twenty-two businesses and individuals provided sponsorships for the night including Chelsea Community Foundation, Edward Jones, Stieper & Brust Orthodontics, Clark Construction Company, Stephen Zoran, Susan Whitelaw and Larry Ledebur, and Thompson’s Pizza. 

“This is our 29th year serving the Chelsea community. What I was most moved by were the stories our supporters, donors, award recipients, and scholars told me throughout the night,” said Fox.

“Seeing the impact of our grants and scholarships and the quality of educational experiences provided,” she said.

Chelsea Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3. Organized in 1990, the mission of CEF is to enhance the Chelsea School District’s educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the district and by providing scholarships to district graduates. Since its inception over 44,000 students have received benefits from the foundation,  500 grant programs have been funded ranging from art installations to robotics programs, and  over 800 scholarships  have been awarded to students with outstanding achievement.
CEF Scholarship
Applications are accepted April 1-April 30. 
Applications for all scholarships can be accessed online through the Chelsea School District's Haiku Learning Portal or at  https://forms.gle/JFbkrS1n7vJyD48MA .  
Thank You on Twitter
Over 300 students use the CHS weight room on a daily basis! This year, a CEF Grant helped purchase training bars andequipment for 9th grade and Advanced Fitness classes. Thanks to this CHS program, students will gain knowledge and confidence in the weight room, developing healthy lifetime habits.
Chelsea Education Foundation's Mission
Join Us!

The Chelsea Education Foundation board meets the third Monday each month at WSEC 100 building .
Chelsea Education Foundation's mission is to enhance the Chelsea School District's educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the District and by providing scholarships to District graduates.